Prabhupada Never Travelled On The Jaladuta We Have Been Shown!!!

The picture of the Jaladuta we have all been shown and always accepted as the ship on which Prabhupada travelled from India to the U.S.A. with his spiritual revolution is in fact not the ship he actually travelled on!

That famous picture is actually a picture of the Jaladuta 2 which was sold by the Scindia Steam Navigation Company in 1958 and then scrapped in 1963, two years before Prabhupada set sail in 1965.


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Prabhupada actually travelled on Jaladuta 3 which was a much larger ship at 9,177 tons, nearly double the weight of it’s predecessor and was marked on the front with the Swastika.

Pictures of Jaladuta 3 in Vancouver, Canada from 1960 and 1961 with details of the weight and the year built can be found on this link:

In the following diary  given to Prabhupada by the Scindia Steam Navingation Company [see article in link above] for his journey in 1965, we see a list of the fleet of ships they had with the Jaladuta listed as been built in 1959 [the year Prabhupada took sannyasa – the renounced order] and weighing 9,177 tons. This is the same ship pictured in Vancouver, Canada.

Conclusion: It would not have been difficult for anyone to get a picture of Jaladuta 3 from the Scindia Steam Navigation Company or take a picture personally of the ship at ports in India, America or Canada. I really believe the Jews controlling ISKCON did not want that picture to be seen.


Author: Mukunda dasa

I desire to fully surrender my life and soul to Srila Prabhupada. Then I can become instrumental in assisting him with his mission of delivering all the conditioned souls to the shelter of Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai and Sri Sri Radha Krishna.

59 Replies to “Prabhupada Never Travelled On The Jaladuta We Have Been Shown!!!

  1. This video gave me Chills.
    I think Srila Prabhupada and Adolf Hitler tired to resurrect Aryan civilization.
    But how did you manage to find out this intricate truth, you must be special devotee.
    I mean I was told Srila Prabhupada came to Boston by Jaladutta, I was shown the false image of Jaladutta 2 which was scrapped in 1963 before the year Srila Prabhupada commenced his divine journey, but I and many other did not care to research into it, from where did you get the thought of researching it and to find the real Jaladutta which had SWASTIKA symbol on it. Did someone said you to do this or just by chance you ran into this. Please answer.

    1. Hitler preserved the field for Prabhupada. he was an empoweed incarnation. Prabhupada will resurrect Aryan culture in full for 10,000 years. Now we just wait for the Parasurama like incarnation to bring about a catastrophic destruction of world jewry. Keep well Manoj prabhu. Hare Krishna.

      Please watch the begining of this video for some nice pictures of the real Jaladuta:

      1. “Now we just wait for the Parasurama like incarnation to bring about a catastrophic destruction of world jewry. ”
        Okay actually recently Mojtaba Zolnour the chairman of the Iranian parliament’s national security commission said “”If the US attacks us, only half an hour will remain of Israel’s lifespan,”,
        is this what you are predicting??

        Why there is some wired cartoon appearing in between in this documentary during the protest for civil rights.
        did Adolf Hitler really predict coming of Srila Prabhupada, what is the source of Adolf Hitler’s quotation “I must do the preparatory work” ?

        Also you didn’t answer my question
        ” from where did you get the thought of researching it and to find the real Jaladutta which had SWASTIKA symbol on it. Did someone said you to do this or just by chance you ran into this. Please answer.”

        1. My next video will reveal this. It is from Prabhupada. Hitler spoke this to Hans Grimm in a letter from 1928 if i remember correctly. The Swakita on the Jaladuta was revealed by the Lord during the course of my service of exposing those who are against Prabhupada’s Krishna consciouness movement.

    2. Yeah that’s a good question
      How you decided to look and verify the image of Jadadutta , it happened just like that by your instinct or you sensed something fishy in (((their))) narrative.

      Hitler indeed preserved the Aryan Race. Even in final testimony he wrote this

      ” I further left no doubt that this time we would not permit millions of European children of Aryan descent to die of hunger, nor millions of grown-up men to suffer death, nor hundreds of thousands of women and children to be burned and bombed to death in their cities, without the truly guilty party having to atone for its guilt, even if through more humane means.” – Adolf Hitler The POLITICAL TESTAMENT

      Adolf Hitler said this in his table talk

      If I can accept a divine Commandment, it’s this one: “Thou, shalt preserve the species.”

  2. There is one point that you get wrong in this video, you said “the JEWS in USSR Bolsheivek regime killed Russian, Ukrainian people, because they were Christians” , sorry sir you are totally wrong, (((They))) killed these people not because (((they))) were Christians, (((they))) killed them because they were genetically PURE ARYANS, do you think (((they))) would have spared them, if they would have followed some other religion, such as Pagan, Buddhist, Muslim etc, No even if they would followed someother religion other than Christianity (((they))) would have been targeted them.
    ofcourse I am fully aware of the fact that Churches were destroyed in USSR, the reason behind it is (((they))) don’t want any authority other than (((themselves))), I mean (((they))) want to be the god, so anything that posses a threat would be destroyed.
    If Ukrainians had been following Muslim, then (((They))) would have destroyed Mosque.
    If Ukrainians had been following Paganism, then (((they))) would have destroyed deities.

    So Ukrainian just happened to follow Christianity hence the church was destroyed,
    also the important point is it was because Ukrainians, Russians were Aryans hence they cared so much about Religion, and the religion just happened to be Christianity.
    So the Aryans are important not the religion itself. It is quite difficult to get it but just try to understand.

    Another Example the Chinese were not Christians why were the Chinese people massacred in Communist revolution under MAO funded by JEWS? Of course you can answer Chinese are not Aryans either, true but you should note the fact that Mongol Empire was a huge empire, during its peak period Mongols overran India, Europe etc. So without having Aryan Kshatriya blood no one can do that, So mongols are Aryan kshatriya , may not be as pure as European Kshatriya but still Mongols blood would small amount of Aryan Genome in them, so Chinese are the descendants of Mongols, hence Chinese are also Aryans partial(Chinese blood would least minute quantities of Halpotype (Aryan) ).

    So the point I am expecting you to understand is (((their))) main target is on Aryan race, not on religion, but Aryan people by default are usually religious, hence whatever is held scared by the Aryan people will also come under attack, Aryans and religion is deeply intertwined.

    1. great! your point of view is same as mine, Mr martin

      Infact you will be delighted and surprised to hear that Adolf Hitler gave this commandment
      “If I can accept a divine Commandment, it’s this one: “Thou, shalt preserve the species.”

      So the Preservation of the Aryan Species is much important.


        Did God will the Jews to rule mankind? Jewry
        says, yes. The truth says, no!


        Frequently, white Christians are told, “Jews
        are God’s chosen, ” or, “Jesus was a Jew. ” It is
        the ruse of telling a big enough psycho-political
        lie so often that people will come to believe it.
        The result is that Traditional Americans, if ac-
        cepting of this propaganda, are reluctant to ever
        criticize Jews of evil doing. . . even when justified.
        To do so might anger God (“who chose the Jews”).
        Also, having taken Christ as their Savior, Tra-
        ditional Americans do not like to question His
        (reputed) people, the Jews. These lies have aided
        Jewish strategists greatly, as have other mis-
        truths, such as “six million Jews being slain by
        Germany in World War II. ”

        As to the religious distortions, in only the
        greatest stretching of facts could modern Jewry be
        called “Israel” or genetically-derived “Hebrews. ”
        Despite many Jewish-indoctrinated “Christian”
        ministers and priests labeling all major Biblical
        figures (Abraham, Jacob, Judah, Moses, David,
        Jesus, etc. ) as being “Jews, ” such is definitely
        not the case! There were no Jews until after the
        arrival of Judah, one of the 12 sons and Tribes of
        Jacob (Israel). Though Judah himself was no Jew,
        some of his offspring, from a union with a non-
        Israelite Canaanite, did become such. It is also
        true that Judah’s uncle, Esau, married two non-
        Israelite Canaanite s (a Satanic race) and produced
        offspring that were Jewish, although Esau himself
        was not a Jew either.

        Well before Jesus’ appearance on earth, the
        Tribe and House of Judah (still remaining in Ju-
        daea) had defiled its seed by racial admixture with
        non-Israelites. By the time of the 606 B.C. cap-
        tivity of Judah into Babylon, interracial mixing
        was considerable, altering the Hebraic seed of


        Judah greatly. During the 70 year captivity, there
        was more “mixing” by the House of Judah. Thus,
        few were the descendants of Judah in Palestine
        whose blood line was still entirely Hebraic. Jesus’
        earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, were of the
        few there whose lineage was pure. With God’s
        manifest despleasure over the racial debasement
        of the Hebrew people (Ezra 9 and 10, Nehemiah
        13: 23-29), we can be assured of this.

        Besides additional pollution of Judah’s seed
        during the Babylon Captivity, another sin was
        committed by the mongrelized remnant of Judah,
        or “Jews:” the ancient Hebrew faith was revised.

        A New Religion

        An undocumented quote of the late and most-
        powerful U. S. rabbi, Stephen S. Wise, says:
        “The return from Babylon (about 536 B.C. ), and
        the adoption of the Babylon Talmud marks the end
        of Hebrewism, and the beginning of Judaism.”

        THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD (The Soncino
        Press, 1935) states: “Its (Talmud) birth place,
        Babylonia, was an autonomous Jewish centre for
        a longer period than any other land; namely, from
        soon after 586 before the Christian era to the year
        1040 after the Christian era….” And, the au-
        thors of the Talmud – a combination of books which
        add to and distort the Old Testament – were a
        body of men known as Pharisees.

        “Henceforth, Jewish life was regulated by
        the teachings of the Pharisees; the whole history
        of Judaism was reconstructed from the Pharisaic
        point of view, a new aspect was given to the San-
        hedrin of the past. A new chain of tradition sup-
        planted the older priestly tradition. Pharisaism


        shaped the character of Judaism and the life and
        thought of the Jews for all the future. ” (THE
        JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, Funk and Wagnalls,
        1906. ) Jakob J. Petuchowski, in his HEIRS OF
        THE PHARISEES (Basic Books, Inc., 1970),
        points out that all contemporary Jews are es-
        sentially “heirs of the Pharisees. ” The dynamics
        of the Pharisaic -Rabbinic tradition accounts for
        Judaism’s survival, he says.

        Thus, as these sources establish, and others,
        as highly-noted Rabbi Louis Finkelstein in his
        definitive THE PHARISEES, etc. (Jewish Pub-
        lication Society, 1966) – a drastic change took
        place in the Hebrew religion at the advent of Ju-
        dah’s offspring. The change was led by men,
        Pharisees, whom Christ and the Bible soundly
        condemned repeatedly (St. Matthew 23: 13-33,
        etc. ). This change created a religion of its own,
        with only a semblance to the old “Law. ” Racially
        and religiously, the House of Judah (in the area
        of Palestine) became a different one after the
        Babylon Captivity from what had preceded it.

        Jesus Appears

        With the coming of the Messiah (Christ), who
        was rejected by the Jews, commenced what was
        to be a long struggle between good and evil, be-
        tween “light and darkness, ” between Christian
        and Jew, a struggle lasting to this day.

        Though Jews in Christ’s time, as now, called
        themselves “Israel, ” they were not and are not.
        Rather, they were those “who say they are Jews
        (sons of Judah) and are not but are the synagogue
        of Satan” (Revelation 2: 9, etc.); and, further, as
        Jesus said in St. John (8: 44-48), “are of (their)


        father the devil. ” They give on the surface a
        hypocritical appearance of “whited sepulchres, ”
        but on the inside are “dead men’s bones and of
        all uncleanne ss ” (St. Matthew 23: 27). Indeed,
        this is Jewry. Regardless of much ear-shattering
        announcements of its “charity” and “humanitarian-
        ism, ” it is, in truth, the embodiment of all that
        is evil!

        Never, in the Holy Testament, did Christ call
        Himself “Jewish. ” Only in two or three vague
        Biblical instances could the reader construe Him
        to be Jewish. One such instance was the placing
        of the inscription on His cross by the Romans;
        popularly, we are told it said, “Jesus the Naz-
        arene, the King of the Jews” (Iesus Nazarenus
        Rex Iudeorum). A proper Latin translation would
        better be, “Jesus, the Nazarene, leader of the
        Judeans. ” And, whereas “Judeans” could mean
        “Jews, ” who resided in Judaea, it carried the
        greater geographical connotation, for all people
        who lived there. When Jesus condemned the Jews
        in St. John, etc. , He referred to the mongrelized
        remnant of Judah, which had radicalized the He-
        brew faith.

        It is blasphemous to call Christ a “Jew. ”
        No group was a greater foe of Christ, and no
        group is a greater foe of Traditional America,
        than Jewry. Jesus came, as Messiah, to fulfill
        Biblical prophecy; His spiritual antecedents were
        Hebraic and Davidic. . . not Jewish.

        Jesus came to the “sheep of Israel” (Matthew
        10: 6) and stated, in St. John (10: 26-27), that
        Jews were “not of my sheep. ” Indeed, far from
        Jews being “God’s chosen, ” they were anything
        but that. Matthew 21: 43 declared of the Jews,
        “The Kingdom of God shall be taken from you. ”


        John the Baptist condemned them in Matthew 3: 7
        with, “O children of vipers! who hath warned you
        to flee from the wrath to come?” The only selec-
        tiveness of the Jews was by Satan; they stole (in
        accordance with their nature) the concept of a
        “chosen people” from the “lost sheep” of Israel.
        Much evidence exists that white Christians of
        today are Israel rather than the “gentiles” we
        are thought to be.

        As something “from the horse’s mouth” on the
        absurdity of Jews being “Israel” and Palestinian
        in origin, the Jewish scholar Nathan M. Pollock
        theorizes that “6 out of 1 0 Israelis and 9 out of
        10 Jews in the Western Hemisphere are not real
        Jews” (SAN DIEGO UNION, August 28, 1966).
        Of course, even these modest percentages are
        exaggerated. Few Jews anywhere can trace their
        ancestry to ancient Palestine, and much less to
        the Tribe or House of Judah! Added to this is the
        conclusion by two Jewish researchers, Dr. Leo
        Sachs and Dr, M. Bat Miriam, in THE NATIONAL
        POST (August 10, 1956). They said Jews are not
        a pure group and possibly never were. Or, as
        the much-defamed Houston Stewart Chamberlain
        said, “…the Jewish race is altogether bastard-
        ized, and its existence is a crime against the holy
        laws of life” (THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE NINE-
        TEENTH CENTURY, Dodd, 1912).

        1. “Jesus was a Jew”
          Both his parents were Jews because they were observing the Torah.
          Luke 2:39 – So when they had done everything according to the Torah of the Lord, they returned to the Galilee, to their own city of Nazareth

          His parents observed the Passover :
          Luke 2:41 – His parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover.

          All of his disciples were Jews, he was a Jew, they even called him a Rabbi :
          John 4:31 – In the meantime His talmidim (“students, disciples”) urged Him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.”

          John 3:1-2 – This man came to Yeshua (“Jesus”) by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.”

          John 6:25 – And when they found Him on the other side of the lake, they said to Him, “Rabbi, when did You come here?”

          John 4:9 – Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?”…

          He didn’t come to destroy the Law (Torah) or End it :
          Matthew 5:17 – Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.

          He went to synagogues :
          Luke 4:16 – So he came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.

          Luke 21:37 – And in the daytime He was teaching in the Temple, but at night He went out and stayed on the mountain called Olivet.

          He wore the Jewish tassle (The Hebrew noun tzitzit is the name for specially knotted ritual fringes, or tassels, worn in antiquity by Israelites and today by observant Jews and Samaritans) :
          Matthew 14:36 – (They) begged Him that they might only touch the tassle of His garment. And as many as touched it were made perfectly well.

          He observed the Passover (The Jewish people celebrate Passover as a commemoration of their liberation by God from slavery in Egypt and their freedom as a nation under the leadership of Moses) :
          John 2:13 – Now the Jewish Passover was at hand, and Yeshua (“Jesus”) went up to Jerusalem.

          He observed the Succot (in traditional Ashkenazi pronunciation Sukkos or Succos, literally Feast of Booths, is commonly translated to English as Feast of Tabernacles, sometimes also as Feast of the Ingathering) and taught in the temple again :
          John 7:2,10,14 – Now the Jewish Feast of Succot (“Tabernacles”) was at hand. But when His
          brothers had gone up, then He also went up to the Feast… Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught.

          He observed the Hanukah (a Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire. Hanukkah is observed for eight nights and days, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar, which may occur at any time from late November to late December in the Gregorian calendar. It is also known as the Festival of Lights and the Feast of Dedication) :
          John 10:22,23 – Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem and it was winter, and Yeshua (“Jesus”) walked in the temple…

          The conclusion is Jesus was a jew , he tried to speak something good in spiritual terms, which did not please the other priest as a result they were envious of him, there is nothing called Fake JEWS or Real JEWs. There are just JEWS who are completely responsible for Crucifixion of Christ.

          1. MY FEELINGS AS A CHRISTIAN POINTS ME TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR AS A FIGHTER. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. IN BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN AND AS A MAN I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. …Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. …
            – Adolf Hitler, speech on April 12, 1922

          2. Prabhupada & Hitler The Jesus Christ Connection


            I am obliged to your good daughter for awarding me a good degree as SWAMI JESUS which is actually a great honour for me. Some time the Lord speaks through innocent child and I take this honour as sent by Lord Jesus through an innocent child free from all formalities of the current society. LORD JESUS PREACHED THE MESSAGE OF GOD AND I HAVE TAKEN UP THE SAME MISSION, AND IT WOULD BE A GOOD LUCK FOR ME IF I CAN FOLLOW THE FOOT PRINTS OF LORD JESUS WHO PREACHED THE MESSAGE OF GOD IN SPITE OF ALL PERSECUTION. Lord Jesus is a living example how one has to suffer in this material world simply for the matter of preaching the message of God.

            [Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Sally. New York, 19 November, 1965]

            I AM VERY GLAD TO LEARN THAT LORD JESUS CHRIST HAS APPROVED OUR ACTIVITIES. PERHAPS YOU HAVE MARKED IT IN MY PREACHING WORK THAT I LOVE LORD JESUS CHRIST AS GOOD AS KRISHNA; because He rendered the greatest service to Krishna according to time circumstances and society in which He appreared. Similarly Hajrat Mohammed and Lord Buddha also rendered greatest service to the human society according to circumstances. So work with more enthusiasm and we are sure to be successful in our great mission.

            [Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Kirtanananda San Francisco 7 April, 1967]

            MY FEELINGS AS A CHRISTIAN POINTS ME TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR AS A FIGHTER. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. IN BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN AND AS A MAN I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross.

            AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE NO DUTY TO ALLOW MYSELF TO BE CHEATED, BUT I HAVE THE DUTY TO BE A FIGHTER FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE…. And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. FOR AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE ALSO A DUTY TO MY OWN PEOPLE…. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, THEN I BELIEVE I WOULD BE NO CHRISTIAN, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.

            Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

            [Note, “brood of vipers” appears in Matt. 3:7 & 12:34. John 2:15 depicts Jesus driving out the money changers (adders) from the temple. The word “adders” also appears in Psalms 140:3]

          3. Hitler’s Christianity


            Hitler’s table talk and other extraneous sources


            by Jim Walker

            Originated: 18 Aug. 2000
            Additions made: 3 July. 2009
            Red quotes= Hitler quotes
            Green quotes= General quotes

            Throughout the web pages on Hitler’s Christianity, I have relied mainly on first-hand quotes from the infamous man himself: Hitler’s book ‘Mein Kampf,’ his speeches recorded by camera, radio, proclamations, and letters personally written and signed by Hitler. I did not rely on hearsay accounts because those who admired or hated him had reason to embellish their own beliefs onto him. The best way to evaluate a person involves examining the words and actions of the person directly rather than indirectly from editors and hearsay accounts.

            However, whenever addressing the history of Hitler, it would not deem fair to exclude mention of alleged sayings of Hitler, from apocryphal sources such as the “Secret Conversations with Hitler,” “Hitler – Memoirs of a Confidant,” Albert Speer’s memoirs or “Hitler’s Table Talk” (also referred to as “Private Conversations”). Mostly from the latter do opponents against Hitler’s Christianity usually refer. For Hitler’s Table Talk is the only source where one can find Hitler, allegedly, denouncing religion to such a degree.

            Hitler’s Table Talk

            Those who deny Hitler as a Christian will invariably find the recorded table talk conversations of Hitler from 1941 to 1944 as incontrovertible evidence that he could not have been a Christian. The source usually comes from the English translation (from a French translation) edition by Norman Cameron and R. H. Stevens, with an introduction by H.R. Trevor-Roper.

            The table-talk has Hitler saying such things such as: “I shall never come to terms with the Christian lie. . .”, “Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity”.

            The problem with these anti-Christian quotes is that the German text of the table-talk does not include them, they were made up by François Genoud, the translator of the French version, the very version that English translations rely on! (More on this below).

            Even if you believed the table-talk included the anti-Christian quotes, nowhere in the talk does Hitler speak against Jesus or his own brand of Christianity. On the contrary, the table-talk has Hitler speaking admirably about Jesus. Hitler did, of course criticize organized religion in a political sense (as do many Christians today), but never in a religious sense. But the problems with using Hitler’s table talk conversations as evidence for Hitler’s apostasy are manyfold:

            1) The reliability of the source (hearsay and editing by the anti-Catholic, Bormann)

            2) The reliability of multiple translations, from German to French to English.

            3) The bias of the translators (especially Genoud).

            4) The table-talk reflects thoughts that do not occur in Hitler’s other private or public conversations.

            5) Nowhere does Hitler denounce Jesus or his own brand of Christianity.

            6) The “anti-Christian” portions of Table-Talk does not concur with Hitler’s actions for “positive” Christianity.

            Hitler Myths


            Originated: 29 May 2005
            Additions: 29 Sep. 2010

            The following provides a brief explanation for some of the most common misconceptions about Adolf Hitler. Unfortunately in today’s ‘Faith-based’ culture, rarely do people look closely at the reasons or evidence of Hitler’s belief, many times confusing the beliefs of other prominent Nazis for Hitler’s views.

            Myth 1: Hitler was not a Christian

            Myth 2: Hitler pretended his Christianity only for political purposes

            Myth 3: Hitler got his ideas of Aryan superiority and Jewish hatred from Darwinian evolution

            Myth 4: Hitler followed Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy

            Myth 1: Hitler was not a Christian

            The entire section on Hitler’s Christianity provides ample evidence for his brand of Christianity. The evidence itself destroys any opinions or beliefs about Hitler’s alleged apostasy.

            The evidence shows that:

            Hitler was born and baptized into Catholicism

            His Jewish antisemitism came from his Christian background.

            His early personal notes shows his interest in religion and Biblical views.

            He believed that the Bible represented the history of mankind.

            His Nazi party platform (their version of a constitution) included a section on Positive Christianity, and he never removed it.

            He confessed his Christianity.

            He tried to establish a united Reich German Church.

            Hitler allowed the destruction of Jewish synagogues and temples, but not Christian churches.

            He encouraged Nazis to worship in Christian churches.

            He spoke of his Christian beliefs in his speeches and proclamations.

            His contemporaries, friends, Protestant ministers and Catholics priests, including the Vatican, thought of Hitler as a Christian.

            The Catholic Church never excommunicated Hitler. He died a Catholic.

            To ignore the evidence of Hitler’s Christianity demonstrates how power of belief can obscure the facts.

    2. Hitler’s Christianity

      Hitler’s table talk and other extraneous sources

      by Jim Walker

      Originated: 18 Aug. 2000
      Additions made: 3 July. 2009
      Red quotes= Hitler quotes
      Green quotes= General quotes

      Throughout the web pages on Hitler’s Christianity, I have relied mainly on first-hand quotes from the infamous man himself: Hitler’s book ‘Mein Kampf,’ his speeches recorded by camera, radio, proclamations, and letters personally written and signed by Hitler. I did not rely on hearsay accounts because those who admired or hated him had reason to embellish their own beliefs onto him. The best way to evaluate a person involves examining the words and actions of the person directly rather than indirectly from editors and hearsay accounts.

      However, whenever addressing the history of Hitler, it would not deem fair to exclude mention of alleged sayings of Hitler, from apocryphal sources such as the “Secret Conversations with Hitler,” “Hitler – Memoirs of a Confidant,” Albert Speer’s memoirs or “Hitler’s Table Talk” (also referred to as “Private Conversations”). Mostly from the latter do opponents against Hitler’s Christianity usually refer. For Hitler’s Table Talk is the only source where one can find Hitler, allegedly, denouncing religion to such a degree.

      Hitler’s Table Talk

      Those who deny Hitler as a Christian will invariably find the recorded table talk conversations of Hitler from 1941 to 1944 as incontrovertible evidence that he could not have been a Christian. The source usually comes from the English translation (from a French translation) edition by Norman Cameron and R. H. Stevens, with an introduction by H.R. Trevor-Roper.

      The table-talk has Hitler saying such things such as: “I shall never come to terms with the Christian lie. . .”, “Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity”.

      The problem with these anti-Christian quotes is that the German text of the table-talk does not include them, they were made up by François Genoud, the translator of the French version, the very version that English translations rely on! (More on this below).

      Even if you believed the table-talk included the anti-Christian quotes, nowhere in the talk does Hitler speak against Jesus or his own brand of Christianity. On the contrary, the table-talk has Hitler speaking admirably about Jesus. Hitler did, of course criticize organized religion in a political sense (as do many Christians today), but never in a religious sense. But the problems with using Hitler’s table talk conversations as evidence for Hitler’s apostasy are manyfold:

      1) The reliability of the source (hearsay and editing by the anti-Catholic, Bormann)

      2) The reliability of multiple translations, from German to French to English.

      3) The bias of the translators (especially Genoud).

      4) The table-talk reflects thoughts that do not occur in Hitler’s other private or public conversations.

      5) Nowhere does Hitler denounce Jesus or his own brand of Christianity.

      6) The “anti-Christian” portions of Table-Talk does not concur with Hitler’s actions for “positive” Christianity.

      Hitler Myths

      Originated: 29 May 2005
      Additions: 29 Sep. 2010

      The following provides a brief explanation for some of the most common misconceptions about Adolf Hitler. Unfortunately in today’s ‘Faith-based’ culture, rarely do people look closely at the reasons or evidence of Hitler’s belief, many times confusing the beliefs of other prominent Nazis for Hitler’s views.

      Myth 1: Hitler was not a Christian

      Myth 2: Hitler pretended his Christianity only for political purposes

      Myth 3: Hitler got his ideas of Aryan superiority and Jewish hatred from Darwinian evolution

      Myth 4: Hitler followed Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy

      Myth 1: Hitler was not a Christian

      The entire section on Hitler’s Christianity provides ample evidence for his brand of Christianity. The evidence itself destroys any opinions or beliefs about Hitler’s alleged apostasy.

      The evidence shows that:

      Hitler was born and baptized into Catholicism

      His Jewish antisemitism came from his Christian background.

      His early personal notes shows his interest in religion and Biblical views.

      He believed that the Bible represented the history of mankind.

      His Nazi party platform (their version of a constitution) included a section on Positive Christianity, and he never removed it.

      He confessed his Christianity.

      He tried to establish a united Reich German Church.

      Hitler allowed the destruction of Jewish synagogues and temples, but not Christian churches.

      He encouraged Nazis to worship in Christian churches.

      He spoke of his Christian beliefs in his speeches and proclamations.

      His contemporaries, friends, Protestant ministers and Catholics priests, including the Vatican, thought of Hitler as a Christian.

      The Catholic Church never excommunicated Hitler. He died a Catholic.

      To ignore the evidence of Hitler’s Christianity demonstrates how power of belief can obscure the facts.

    The answer is BIG NO
    Proof – “the Jews say that they are the only selected people of God. But what kind of God is this who selects some people and condemns others?” – Swami AC Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada

    But this material which you have posted is totally false, first of all it is totally blasphemy to think of Jesus as jew, or not jew, or any other material designation, Lord Jesus Christ is transcendental to all the material modes, So even If Lord Jesus Christ appeared in Jewish family(which he did
    ) , he is not of anything material, but the author of this article does not even realize that.
    These kind of false articles is propagated by the people who believe in made up theory of Anglo Saxon Isralite/ British Isralite. They are totally bogus, so is this article.

    This article tries to portray Abraham, Issac as some noble wise person, the truth is totally opposite.
    Adolf Hitler explains this.
    “However, this intimate family life did not prevent Grandfather Abraham from pimping off his own wife to the Pharaoh of Egypt in order to be able to do business. (Laughter) As was the grandfather, so was the father and so were the sons who never neglected their business. ” -National Socialist German Workers Party Public meeting in the Great Hall of the Hofbräuhaus Friday 15 August 1920 ,Adolf Hitler

    1. MY FEELINGS AS A CHRISTIAN POINTS ME TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR AS A FIGHTER. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. IN BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN AND AS A MAN I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. …Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. …
      – Adolf Hitler, speech on April 12, 1922

    2. Prabhupada & Hitler The Jesus Christ Connection

      I am obliged to your good daughter for awarding me a good degree as SWAMI JESUS which is actually a great honour for me. Some time the Lord speaks through innocent child and I take this honour as sent by Lord Jesus through an innocent child free from all formalities of the current society. LORD JESUS PREACHED THE MESSAGE OF GOD AND I HAVE TAKEN UP THE SAME MISSION, AND IT WOULD BE A GOOD LUCK FOR ME IF I CAN FOLLOW THE FOOT PRINTS OF LORD JESUS WHO PREACHED THE MESSAGE OF GOD IN SPITE OF ALL PERSECUTION. Lord Jesus is a living example how one has to suffer in this material world simply for the matter of preaching the message of God.

      [Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Sally. New York, 19 November, 1965]

      I AM VERY GLAD TO LEARN THAT LORD JESUS CHRIST HAS APPROVED OUR ACTIVITIES. PERHAPS YOU HAVE MARKED IT IN MY PREACHING WORK THAT I LOVE LORD JESUS CHRIST AS GOOD AS KRISHNA; because He rendered the greatest service to Krishna according to time circumstances and society in which He appreared. Similarly Hajrat Mohammed and Lord Buddha also rendered greatest service to the human society according to circumstances. So work with more enthusiasm and we are sure to be successful in our great mission.

      [Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Kirtanananda San Francisco 7 April, 1967]

      MY FEELINGS AS A CHRISTIAN POINTS ME TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR AS A FIGHTER. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. IN BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN AND AS A MAN I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross.

      AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE NO DUTY TO ALLOW MYSELF TO BE CHEATED, BUT I HAVE THE DUTY TO BE A FIGHTER FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE…. And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. FOR AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE ALSO A DUTY TO MY OWN PEOPLE…. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, THEN I BELIEVE I WOULD BE NO CHRISTIAN, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.

      Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

      [Note, “brood of vipers” appears in Matt. 3:7 & 12:34. John 2:15 depicts Jesus driving out the money changers (adders) from the temple. The word “adders” also appears in Psalms 140:3]

    3. Hitler’s Christianity

      Hitler’s table talk and other extraneous sources

      by Jim Walker

      Originated: 18 Aug. 2000
      Additions made: 3 July. 2009
      Red quotes= Hitler quotes
      Green quotes= General quotes

      Throughout the web pages on Hitler’s Christianity, I have relied mainly on first-hand quotes from the infamous man himself: Hitler’s book ‘Mein Kampf,’ his speeches recorded by camera, radio, proclamations, and letters personally written and signed by Hitler. I did not rely on hearsay accounts because those who admired or hated him had reason to embellish their own beliefs onto him. The best way to evaluate a person involves examining the words and actions of the person directly rather than indirectly from editors and hearsay accounts.

      However, whenever addressing the history of Hitler, it would not deem fair to exclude mention of alleged sayings of Hitler, from apocryphal sources such as the “Secret Conversations with Hitler,” “Hitler – Memoirs of a Confidant,” Albert Speer’s memoirs or “Hitler’s Table Talk” (also referred to as “Private Conversations”). Mostly from the latter do opponents against Hitler’s Christianity usually refer. For Hitler’s Table Talk is the only source where one can find Hitler, allegedly, denouncing religion to such a degree.

      Hitler’s Table Talk

      Those who deny Hitler as a Christian will invariably find the recorded table talk conversations of Hitler from 1941 to 1944 as incontrovertible evidence that he could not have been a Christian. The source usually comes from the English translation (from a French translation) edition by Norman Cameron and R. H. Stevens, with an introduction by H.R. Trevor-Roper.

      The table-talk has Hitler saying such things such as: “I shall never come to terms with the Christian lie. . .”, “Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity”.

      The problem with these anti-Christian quotes is that the German text of the table-talk does not include them, they were made up by François Genoud, the translator of the French version, the very version that English translations rely on! (More on this below).

      Even if you believed the table-talk included the anti-Christian quotes, nowhere in the talk does Hitler speak against Jesus or his own brand of Christianity. On the contrary, the table-talk has Hitler speaking admirably about Jesus. Hitler did, of course criticize organized religion in a political sense (as do many Christians today), but never in a religious sense. But the problems with using Hitler’s table talk conversations as evidence for Hitler’s apostasy are manyfold:

      1) The reliability of the source (hearsay and editing by the anti-Catholic, Bormann)

      2) The reliability of multiple translations, from German to French to English.

      3) The bias of the translators (especially Genoud).

      4) The table-talk reflects thoughts that do not occur in Hitler’s other private or public conversations.

      5) Nowhere does Hitler denounce Jesus or his own brand of Christianity.

      6) The “anti-Christian” portions of Table-Talk does not concur with Hitler’s actions for “positive” Christianity.

      Hitler Myths

      Originated: 29 May 2005
      Additions: 29 Sep. 2010

      The following provides a brief explanation for some of the most common misconceptions about Adolf Hitler. Unfortunately in today’s ‘Faith-based’ culture, rarely do people look closely at the reasons or evidence of Hitler’s belief, many times confusing the beliefs of other prominent Nazis for Hitler’s views.

      Myth 1: Hitler was not a Christian

      Myth 2: Hitler pretended his Christianity only for political purposes

      Myth 3: Hitler got his ideas of Aryan superiority and Jewish hatred from Darwinian evolution

      Myth 4: Hitler followed Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy

      Myth 1: Hitler was not a Christian

      The entire section on Hitler’s Christianity provides ample evidence for his brand of Christianity. The evidence itself destroys any opinions or beliefs about Hitler’s alleged apostasy.

      The evidence shows that:

      Hitler was born and baptized into Catholicism

      His Jewish antisemitism came from his Christian background.

      His early personal notes shows his interest in religion and Biblical views.

      He believed that the Bible represented the history of mankind.

      His Nazi party platform (their version of a constitution) included a section on Positive Christianity, and he never removed it.

      He confessed his Christianity.

      He tried to establish a united Reich German Church.

      Hitler allowed the destruction of Jewish synagogues and temples, but not Christian churches.

      He encouraged Nazis to worship in Christian churches.

      He spoke of his Christian beliefs in his speeches and proclamations.

      His contemporaries, friends, Protestant ministers and Catholics priests, including the Vatican, thought of Hitler as a Christian.

      The Catholic Church never excommunicated Hitler. He died a Catholic.

      To ignore the evidence of Hitler’s Christianity demonstrates how power of belief can obscure the facts.

  4. Abraham was kicked out of Indus valley, along with his wife Sarah(who was his step sister, yep he married his step sister, he was a incest),went into Egypt, he requested to his wife to lie to the Egyptians that She was his sister, as Egyptians would kill him and take her away from him, if they found it was his wife as she was beautiful, she obliged to this request and did that accordingly, now the Pharaoh –> The King of Egypt, found her to be beautiful and married her, Yeah Abraham did not protest against this, —> he pimped out his wife, but Pharaoh thinking that Abraham was the brother of his wife gave him a important position in the government, and he started to accumulate wealth, in the meanwhile Pharaoh impregnated her, and later Pharaoh found out the truth, Pharaoh being disgusted asked them to get out of his province.
    Pharaoh was not able to impose any punishment on Abraham as He was the only caretaker left for the Child(Pharaoh’s Child) in Sarah’s womb , by the way that Child is Issac
    Now you might think this stops here, BIG NO
    Abraham taught the same disgusting tricks to his sons, Issac did the same exact tricks and deceits, this is how they started to roll on.
    This is way they infiltrated all Royal families, and by breeding with them, they make sure their progeny obtains the Intelligence.

    Thanks To Adolf Hitler that I came to know about this
    “One should only look at their sunny family life. However, this intimate family life did not prevent Grandfather Abraham from pimping off his own wife to the Pharaoh of Egypt in order to be able to do business. (Laughter) As was the grandfather, so was the father and so were the sons who never neglected their business. ” – Adolf Hitler Public meeting in the Great Hall of the Hofbräuhaus Friday 15 August 1920
    “For him there is no spiritual sensitivity, and just as his forefather Abraham was selling his wife, he finds nothing special about the fact that today he sells girls, and through the centuries we find him everywhere, in North America as in Germany, Austria-Hungary and all over the East, as the merchant of the human commodity and it can not be denied away; even the greatest Jew defender cannot deny that all of these girl-dealers are Hebrews. This subject is atrocious. According to Germanic sentiment there would be only one punishment for this: death. For people that play fast and loose, regarding as a business, as a commodity, what for millions of others means greatest happiness or greatest misfortune. For them love is nothing more than business in which they make money. They are always ready to tear apart the happiness of any marriage, if only 30 pieces of silver can be made. (Stormy bravo! and applause) -Adolf Hitler Public meeting in the Great Hall of the Hofbräuhaus Friday 15 August 1920

    1. MY FEELINGS AS A CHRISTIAN POINTS ME TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR AS A FIGHTER. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. IN BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN AND AS A MAN I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. …Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. …
      – Adolf Hitler, speech on April 12, 1922

    2. Prabhupada & Hitler The Jesus Christ Connection

      I am obliged to your good daughter for awarding me a good degree as SWAMI JESUS which is actually a great honour for me. Some time the Lord speaks through innocent child and I take this honour as sent by Lord Jesus through an innocent child free from all formalities of the current society. LORD JESUS PREACHED THE MESSAGE OF GOD AND I HAVE TAKEN UP THE SAME MISSION, AND IT WOULD BE A GOOD LUCK FOR ME IF I CAN FOLLOW THE FOOT PRINTS OF LORD JESUS WHO PREACHED THE MESSAGE OF GOD IN SPITE OF ALL PERSECUTION. Lord Jesus is a living example how one has to suffer in this material world simply for the matter of preaching the message of God.

      [Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Sally. New York, 19 November, 1965]

      I AM VERY GLAD TO LEARN THAT LORD JESUS CHRIST HAS APPROVED OUR ACTIVITIES. PERHAPS YOU HAVE MARKED IT IN MY PREACHING WORK THAT I LOVE LORD JESUS CHRIST AS GOOD AS KRISHNA; because He rendered the greatest service to Krishna according to time circumstances and society in which He appreared. Similarly Hajrat Mohammed and Lord Buddha also rendered greatest service to the human society according to circumstances. So work with more enthusiasm and we are sure to be successful in our great mission.

      [Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Kirtanananda San Francisco 7 April, 1967]

      MY FEELINGS AS A CHRISTIAN POINTS ME TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR AS A FIGHTER. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. IN BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN AND AS A MAN I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross.

      AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE NO DUTY TO ALLOW MYSELF TO BE CHEATED, BUT I HAVE THE DUTY TO BE A FIGHTER FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE…. And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. FOR AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE ALSO A DUTY TO MY OWN PEOPLE…. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, THEN I BELIEVE I WOULD BE NO CHRISTIAN, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.

      Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

      [Note, “brood of vipers” appears in Matt. 3:7 & 12:34. John 2:15 depicts Jesus driving out the money changers (adders) from the temple. The word “adders” also appears in Psalms 140:3]

    3. Hitler’s Christianity

      Hitler’s table talk and other extraneous sources

      by Jim Walker

      Originated: 18 Aug. 2000
      Additions made: 3 July. 2009
      Red quotes= Hitler quotes
      Green quotes= General quotes

      Throughout the web pages on Hitler’s Christianity, I have relied mainly on first-hand quotes from the infamous man himself: Hitler’s book ‘Mein Kampf,’ his speeches recorded by camera, radio, proclamations, and letters personally written and signed by Hitler. I did not rely on hearsay accounts because those who admired or hated him had reason to embellish their own beliefs onto him. The best way to evaluate a person involves examining the words and actions of the person directly rather than indirectly from editors and hearsay accounts.

      However, whenever addressing the history of Hitler, it would not deem fair to exclude mention of alleged sayings of Hitler, from apocryphal sources such as the “Secret Conversations with Hitler,” “Hitler – Memoirs of a Confidant,” Albert Speer’s memoirs or “Hitler’s Table Talk” (also referred to as “Private Conversations”). Mostly from the latter do opponents against Hitler’s Christianity usually refer. For Hitler’s Table Talk is the only source where one can find Hitler, allegedly, denouncing religion to such a degree.

      Hitler’s Table Talk

      Those who deny Hitler as a Christian will invariably find the recorded table talk conversations of Hitler from 1941 to 1944 as incontrovertible evidence that he could not have been a Christian. The source usually comes from the English translation (from a French translation) edition by Norman Cameron and R. H. Stevens, with an introduction by H.R. Trevor-Roper.

      The table-talk has Hitler saying such things such as: “I shall never come to terms with the Christian lie. . .”, “Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity”.

      The problem with these anti-Christian quotes is that the German text of the table-talk does not include them, they were made up by François Genoud, the translator of the French version, the very version that English translations rely on! (More on this below).

      Even if you believed the table-talk included the anti-Christian quotes, nowhere in the talk does Hitler speak against Jesus or his own brand of Christianity. On the contrary, the table-talk has Hitler speaking admirably about Jesus. Hitler did, of course criticize organized religion in a political sense (as do many Christians today), but never in a religious sense. But the problems with using Hitler’s table talk conversations as evidence for Hitler’s apostasy are manyfold:

      1) The reliability of the source (hearsay and editing by the anti-Catholic, Bormann)

      2) The reliability of multiple translations, from German to French to English.

      3) The bias of the translators (especially Genoud).

      4) The table-talk reflects thoughts that do not occur in Hitler’s other private or public conversations.

      5) Nowhere does Hitler denounce Jesus or his own brand of Christianity.

      6) The “anti-Christian” portions of Table-Talk does not concur with Hitler’s actions for “positive” Christianity.

      Hitler Myths

      Originated: 29 May 2005
      Additions: 29 Sep. 2010

      The following provides a brief explanation for some of the most common misconceptions about Adolf Hitler. Unfortunately in today’s ‘Faith-based’ culture, rarely do people look closely at the reasons or evidence of Hitler’s belief, many times confusing the beliefs of other prominent Nazis for Hitler’s views.

      Myth 1: Hitler was not a Christian

      Myth 2: Hitler pretended his Christianity only for political purposes

      Myth 3: Hitler got his ideas of Aryan superiority and Jewish hatred from Darwinian evolution

      Myth 4: Hitler followed Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy

      Myth 1: Hitler was not a Christian

      The entire section on Hitler’s Christianity provides ample evidence for his brand of Christianity. The evidence itself destroys any opinions or beliefs about Hitler’s alleged apostasy.

      The evidence shows that:

      Hitler was born and baptized into Catholicism

      His Jewish antisemitism came from his Christian background.

      His early personal notes shows his interest in religion and Biblical views.

      He believed that the Bible represented the history of mankind.

      His Nazi party platform (their version of a constitution) included a section on Positive Christianity, and he never removed it.

      He confessed his Christianity.

      He tried to establish a united Reich German Church.

      Hitler allowed the destruction of Jewish synagogues and temples, but not Christian churches.

      He encouraged Nazis to worship in Christian churches.

      He spoke of his Christian beliefs in his speeches and proclamations.

      His contemporaries, friends, Protestant ministers and Catholics priests, including the Vatican, thought of Hitler as a Christian.

      The Catholic Church never excommunicated Hitler. He died a Catholic.

      To ignore the evidence of Hitler’s Christianity demonstrates how power of belief can obscure the facts.

      1. Adolf Hitler quotes regarding Christianity in his Table talk are authentic.
        All we should do is just test and verify whatever he said about Christianity is true or not, If he is making baseless claims then it can be concluded as fake, forged, but all the claims which he is making about Christiaintiy are compeletely factual.
        You can do the research for yourself, but I will take out one of his quotes from Table talk and prove to you that, it is Authentic.
        “Then with the advent of Christianity, came the barbarians” – Adolf Hitler , Table Talk

        So this statement is completely supported by thousands of factual evidences.
        Murder of Hypatia
        Burning of Library Alexandria

        and there many such documented incidents to prove that Adolf Hitler’s claim was completey right,
        So you do this same procedure for each statement regarding Christianity made by Adolf Hitler in his Table talk, you will realize it to be authentic.

        1. “All we should do is just test and verify whatever he said about Christianity is true or not, If he is making baseless claims then it can be concluded as fake, forged, but all the claims which he is making about Christiaintiy are compeletely factual.”

          Yes That’s the best way to verify.
          Mukunda dasa, We recently had a discussion where you brought this Transcendental quotes from Srila Prabhupada
          Prabhupada: Yes. That must be, therefore the scriptures must be transcendental. Nonsense scripture, and people become nonsense. So except Vedic literature, all nonsense scripture. They are not scripture. Manufactured. This Bible was manufactured by the saint, this saint, that, according to their imagination. It was not spoken by Lord Jesus Christ. What was spoken by Jesus Christ, that they ignore: “Thou shalt not kill.” They kill. Nobody is following Christian principle; neither Bible is perfect. But that, if we say, we will be shot. (laughter)

          Morning Walk
          At Cheviot Hills Golf Course

          May 13, 1973, Los Angeles

          So Adolf Hitler says
          ” The decisive falsification of Jesus’s doctrine was the work of St. Paul. He gave himself to this work with subtlety and for purposes of personal exploitation. ”

          Whatever Swami Srila Prabhupada says, Adolf Hitler says the same too.
          So great minds think alike, so therefore Adolf Hitler claims regarding Christianity are not baseless.

          1. Nowhere does Hitler denounce Jesus or his Christianity

            A damaging blow to any apologist argument against Hitler’s Christianity comes from the fact that nowhere in any known source does Hitler denounce his Christianity or Jesus.

            If one is to use the Table-Talk as evidence against Hitler’s Christianity, then where does it appear? Nowhere in Trevor-Roper’s introduction does he argue that Hitler was not a Christian.

            Nowhere in the conversations of Table-Talk, does Hitler denounce his Christianity or Jesus.

            On the contrary, Hitler’s (or Bormann’s editing) aims to show that the Church form of religion produces lies, and that the original Christian religion was an incarnation of Bolshevism, from a falsification from St. Paul. But whenever he mentions Christ, Hitler has nothing but admiration:

            Originally, Christianity was merely an incarnation of Bolshevism the destroyer. Nevertheless, the Galilean, who later was called Christ, intended something quite different. He must be regarded as a popular leader who too up His position against Jewry. Galilee was a colony where the Romans had probably installed Gallic legionaries, and it’s certain that Jesus was not a Jew. The Jews, by the way, regarded Him as the son of a whore– of a whore and a Roman soldier.

            The decisive falsification of Jesus’s doctrine was the work of St. Paul. He gave himself to this work with subtlety and for purposes of personal exploitation. For the Galiean’s object was to liberate His country from Jewish oppression. He set Himself against Jewish capitalism, and that’s why the Jews liquidated Him.
            -Hitler [Table-Talk, p. 76]
            Christ was an Aryan, and St. Paul used his doctrine to mobilise the criminal underworld and thus organise a proto-Bolsevism.
            -Hitler [Table-Talk, p. 143]

            As tortured as Hitler’s logic is, He never condemns Jesus. On the contrary, he sees Jesus as an Aryan, a liberator against Jewish oppression! If Hitler did not see himself as a Christian, then why doesn’t he condemn Jesus? Why doesn’t he accuse Christ as being a Jew? Why does he see Christ as a liberator?

            Biographer John Toland explains Hitler’s reason for exterminating the Jews:

            Still a member in good standing of the Church of Rome despite detestation of its hierarchy, ‘I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so,’ he carried within him its teaching that the Jew was the killer of God. The extermination, therefore, could be done without a twinge of conscience since he was merely acting as the avenging hand of God– so long as it was done impersonally, without cruelty.[Toland, p. 703]

            Moreover, there are no known documents, speeches, or proclamations by Hitler where he even comes close to denouncing his belief in Christianity, or Jesus.

            The Protestant and Catholic Churches in Hitler’s time never accused Hitler of apostasy. Hitler’s Christianity in Germany was never questioned until years after WWII and then only by Western Christians who are embarrassed to have him as a member of their faith-system.

            The reasoning by the apologists in regards to the Table-Talk seems to be that because Hitler spoke against organized religion, then he must therefore be anti-Christian. But even if we take this simplistic approach and assume the Table-Talk as the actual thoughts and beliefs of Hitler, it fails for the simple reason that dismissing a religion of one’s own faith does not exclude or excuse one from a personal belief as a Christian. A Christian is simply a person who believes in God and Jesus in some form or manner. Christianity, the body of believing people, simply does not require organized religion at all.

            There are many examples of prominent Christians who denounced religions who opposed their own personal beliefs. Indeed, the Protestant reformer, Martin Luther who was once a Catholic monk, denounced the Catholic hierarchy as the work of the anti-Christ and establised by the Devil [Against the Papacy established by the Devil (1545)]. Yet I have yet to see a Lutheran accuse Luther as being a non-Christian. The history of Christianity is filled with examples of people of differing Christian faiths denouncing each other. I have personally conversed with many Christians who have denounced all forms of religious organizations, yet they have a strong belief in God and Jesus Christ.

            Indeed, even the Table-Talk has Hitler saying:

            Luther had the merit of rising against the Pope and the organisation of the Church. It was the first of the great revolutions. And thanks to his translation of the Bible, Luther replaced our dialects by the great German language! -Table-Talk [p. 9]

            If simply speaking against a Christian religion were enough to oust one from Christianity, then some of the most influential Christians would have to reside with Hitler.

            The papacy is truly the real power and tyranny of the Antichrist…. As beautiful as it was to keep a state of virginity, in the early days of Christianity, so abominable has it now become, when it is used as a means of eliciting Christ’s help and grace. -Martin Luther (Luther’s Confession, March 1528)

            We maintain that the government of the Church was converted into a species of foul and insufferable tyranny. -John Calvin (The Necessity of Reforming the Church, 1544)

            If we used the same logic of the apologists against Hitler, then we should remove Luther, Calvin, and many other prominent so-called-Christians from membership of Christianity.

          2. Hitler, the Christian

            Throughout his’s life, Hitler showed a remarkable tendency toward conservative faith in God, and saw himself as a reformer and a savior of the German people, and he acted according to his beliefs. He called himself a Christian and spoke in admirable terms about Jesus. At no time did Hitler denounce his own Christianity, and in fact, appealed to Christ as a fighter, just as he saw himself as a fighter. He was baptized, he took the sacraments and received Communion. Was he a devout church goer? No. Did he appeal to prayerful priests? No. But appeals to physical places or the Church hierarchy are not what constitutes Christianity. Christianity does not exist “out there’. It only exists in the minds of certain people who profess a belief in God and Christ. That’s why we can only appeal to the direct words from an individual to determine their belief, and Hitler expressed his belief with brutal honesty.

            Those who vie against Hitler’s Christianity conveniently dismiss his own direct words where he made appeals to God, Christ, and ‘positive’ Christianity. They fail to distinguish Hitler’s Christianity as a belief-system versus “corrupt” organized Christianity. It was the latter that Hitler questioned, not his own personal beliefs. Even more revealing: why do Christians rely on indirect accounts, and only on those which seem to put Hitler in an anti-Christian mode?

            For examples of Hitler’s own views on religion and God, see: Hitler’s speeches & Hitler’s religious beliefs and fanaticism.

            His arguments toward the Christian religion regarded his strong reformation views of the Church as he saw it, regardless of how some Christians today dislike it. Indeed, he saw himself as a reformer similar to that of the alleged Jesus and Martin Luther, the Protestant reformer who also had strong words to say against the Catholic orthodoxy. Reformations always upsets the temper of the traditional believer.

            Anti-religious views by themselves simply cannot be used as an argument against one’s personal beliefs as a Christian, and gives one of the many reasons why Hitler’s Table-Talk, even if valid, cannot serve as evidence against Hitler’s Christianity but, ironically, actually supports his personal beliefs as a Christian.

            For a comparison of Hitler to God, Jesus, and other Christians, click here.

          3. MY FEELINGS AS A CHRISTIAN POINTS ME TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR AS A FIGHTER. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. IN BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN AND AS A MAN I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross.

            AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE NO DUTY TO ALLOW MYSELF TO BE CHEATED, BUT I HAVE THE DUTY TO BE A FIGHTER FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE…. And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. FOR AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE ALSO A DUTY TO MY OWN PEOPLE…. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, THEN I BELIEVE I WOULD BE NO CHRISTIAN, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.

            Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

            [Note, “brood of vipers” appears in Matt. 3:7 & 12:34. John 2:15 depicts Jesus driving out the money changers (adders) from the temple. The word “adders” also appears in Psalms 140:3]

        2. MY FEELINGS AS A CHRISTIAN POINTS ME TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR AS A FIGHTER. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. IN BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN AND AS A MAN I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross.

          AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE NO DUTY TO ALLOW MYSELF TO BE CHEATED, BUT I HAVE THE DUTY TO BE A FIGHTER FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE…. And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. FOR AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE ALSO A DUTY TO MY OWN PEOPLE…. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, THEN I BELIEVE I WOULD BE NO CHRISTIAN, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.

          Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

          [Note, “brood of vipers” appears in Matt. 3:7 & 12:34. John 2:15 depicts Jesus driving out the money changers (adders) from the temple. The word “adders” also appears in Psalms 140:3]

  5. “His Jewish antisemitism came from his Christian background.”

    No Adolf Hitler’s antisemitism does not stem from Christian background, it stems from defeat of Germany in WW1, Treaty of versaillies, later decadance in social life orchestrated by JEWS etc , So no Christianity is involed here.

    “He believed that the Bible represented the history of mankind.”
    No Adolf Hitler though bible was Jewish writing.
    Quotes from his speech
    “excuse me if I now take a book called The Bible. I am not claiming that all its contents are necessarily true, as we know that Jewry was very liberal in writing it.” – Adolf Hitler National Socialist German Workers Party Public meeting in the Great Hall of the Hofbräuhaus Friday 15 August 1920

    1. MY FEELINGS AS A CHRISTIAN POINTS ME TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR AS A FIGHTER. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. IN BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN AND AS A MAN I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross.

      AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE NO DUTY TO ALLOW MYSELF TO BE CHEATED, BUT I HAVE THE DUTY TO BE A FIGHTER FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE…. And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. FOR AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE ALSO A DUTY TO MY OWN PEOPLE…. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, THEN I BELIEVE I WOULD BE NO CHRISTIAN, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.

      Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

      [Note, “brood of vipers” appears in Matt. 3:7 & 12:34. John 2:15 depicts Jesus driving out the money changers (adders) from the temple. The word “adders” also appears in Psalms 140:3]

      1. The Anti-Christianity Program

        (The Jew) is not satisfied with de -Chris –


        tianising, he Judaises; he destroys the
        Catholic or Protestant faith, he provokes
        indifference, but he imposes his idea of
        the world, of morals, and of life upon
        those whose faith he ruins; he works at
        his age-old task. . .the annihilation of the
        religion of Christ.

        Bernard Lazare, ANTI-SEMITISM, 1894.

        We have only to regard the present-day Chris –
        masses to appreciate that Christ is being taken out
        of Christmas. More and more, ever so gradually,
        this wonderful religious celebration is being turned
        into what the Jews made of the white Russians’
        Christmas after the 1917 Jewish conquest. In
        Russia, a Santa Claus (“Father Frost”) was re-
        tained, a pagan tree permitted, presents still were
        given, a holiday atmosphere allowed, BUT Christ
        was removed. In America, we are having more
        Jewish “carols” in place of traditional Christian
        ones, one of the latest being “Rocking Around the
        Christmas Tree!” Commercialization commences
        a few days earlier each year, seemingly, and the
        Jewish alcohol industry encourages increasing

        Christ definitely is under attack. So long as
        Christ traditionally remains in the hearts of white
        Christians, Jewish world control will be difficult.
        The Jews of Christ’s days on earth crucified Him,
        and those of today continue the same in spirit.

        Writer Hugh J. Schonfield, Jew, is a “rec-
        ognized authority” on Christianity. Though it
        would never do for a Christian white to openly
        comment negatively upon Judaism, Jews such as
        Schonfield can blaspheme Christianity with im-
        punity. In his THE PASSOVER PLOT (Random
        House, 1966), Schonfield says Christ was not


        Divine, that His birth was not miraculous, that,
        in short, Jesus was just a “good” (but deluded?)
        man. Schonfield – much publicized by the Jewish
        communications system – went on to “show” in his
        later book THE POLITICS OF GOD (Regnery,
        1971) how “the fragmented world of religion”
        can be brought together. He suggests “…bring-
        ing together once again (!) the essential faith of
        Jews and Christians.” To even suggest such a
        thing is repugnant to all informed Christians. In
        2 Corinthians 6: 14, we are admonished, “Be ye
        not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for
        what fellowship hath righteousness and unright-
        eousness? and what communion hath light with
        darkness ? ”

        The Jewish TALMUD has had horrible things
        to say about Jesus and the Virgin Mary (He being
        called illegitimate and she a harlot)! In the wake
        of this has come other Jews such as Hugh William
        Montefiore. He supposedly “converted” to Chris-
        tianity and became a canon in the British Anglican
        church. This ruse has given more weight to his
        actions than were he openly a Jew. Montefiore
        (or Montefiore -Sebag, which is his proper Jew
        name) was quoted in NEWSWEEK magazine (Au-
        gust 7, 1967) to the effect that Christ was a homo-
        sexual. ” This was so, he said, because Christ
        never married and preferred the company of men!

        Christians and Jews are not compatible –
        which is quite opposite to the propaganda that
        Jews would have us believe. The Bible, as men-
        tioned, plainly commands against association or
        union with Jews – “anti-Christs” that they are!
        (l John 2: 22). Christianity and Judaism have
        nothing in common – contrary to what the Jewish-
        run National Council of Christians and Jews tells


        us. This particular group, by the way, was ex-
        posed by one of the last courageous U. S. Con-
        gressmen. The N. C. C. J. “…is a national
        organization, instigated by the International Jews
        in the U. S. , having for its purpose the uniting
        of Catholics, Protestants and Jews, in protection
        movements that are now being organized through-
        out the U. S. in support of the Jewish plan; what-
        ever that may be” (Louis T. McFadden, Congres-
        sional Record, June 15, 1934, page 11787).

        Even Jewry admits within its own journals
        that Christians and Jews have no commonness.
        In ISSUES, a Jewish publication, for Winter, 1969,
        Dr. Albert M. Gessman said, “A Judeo-Christian
        heritage or tradition in the proper sense of that
        hyphenated word does not exist; it has no foun-
        dation in historical fact.”

        Indeed, in their arrogance, further abusing
        the hospitality of white Christian America, Jewry
        even proclaims Christianity is on its way out!
        The American Jewish Committee’s COMMENTARY
        magazine for May, 1956, states that Christianity
        is only “an intermediary step between paganism
        and the ultimate acceptance of Jewish monothe-
        ism. ” Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld sees a trend to
        the “secularizing” of religious belief as leading
        to a Judaizing of the Christian theological stance
        RADICAL THEOLOGY, World Publishing Co.,

        Yearly, it seems that Christianity is under
        greater attack. The aged (1633-to-present) “Pas-
        sion Play” at Oberammergau, Germany, was
        assailed at its decade (1970) presentation. Jewry
        demanded that the exposing, condemning remarks
        by Jesus (as taken from the New Testament) be


        deleted. Ray Mahooney, ABC News, on May 18,
        1970, stated that the present version of the play
        (with condemnation of Jews) may be the last one,
        due to “pressure. ”

        Most “Christian” ministers no longer teach
        condemnation of Jewry, thus softening up white
        Christians’ defenses against their mortal foe.
        Instead, Traditional Americans hear messages
        of “brotherhood” – the Jewish version of brother-
        hood. ” These ungodly ministers have thoroughly
        been indoctrinated in their schooling by Jewish

        The American Jewish Committee does not
        hide the fact that it has successfully penetrated
        into Christian schools with its “messages,” as
        shown by, for example, the A. J. C. ‘s BUDGET
        REPORTS for 1953 and 1954. Such indoctrina-
        tional bodies as the Jewish Chautauqua Society
        send rabbis into colleges and seminaries for in-
        stilling “messages. ” By contrast, of course,
        Christian ministers (who ARE Christian) are not
        permitted in Jewish schools.

        The latest Jewish viciousness pawned off on
        Christians was glowingly described by Jewish
        TIME magazine (June 21, 1971). To degrade
        Christ, a vulgar “Jesus Revolution” has been
        energetically launched. One of the successful
        features of this blasphemy is the much-acclaimed
        stage drama GODSPEL, The Jew Stephen Nathan
        “stars” in it. The damning symbol of the “rev-
        olution” is pictured on page 61 of the TIME issue:
        a communist clenched -fist salute, with the fore-
        finger pointing skyward !

        If Christian belief in a hereafter can be de-
        stroyed and replaced with the Jew philosophy that
        you only have one life, and should make the most


        of it; then Jewry can tempt, with materialism
        and vice, weak men to yield to whatever Jewry
        desires. It is related in St. Matthew 23: 15 that
        Christ said to the Jews: “Woe unto you, scribes
        and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea
        and land to make one proselyte, and when he is
        made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell
        than yourselves. ” How true this must be for all
        the ministers, businessmen, teachers and poli-
        ticians who have played the Jewish “brotherhood”
        game and have sold out their white race, Chris-
        tianity, and their nation!

      2. MY FEELINGS AS A CHRISTIAN POINTS ME TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR AS A FIGHTER. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. IN BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN AND AS A MAN I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross.

        AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE NO DUTY TO ALLOW MYSELF TO BE CHEATED, BUT I HAVE THE DUTY TO BE A FIGHTER FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE…. And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. FOR AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE ALSO A DUTY TO MY OWN PEOPLE…. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, THEN I BELIEVE I WOULD BE NO CHRISTIAN, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.

        Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

        [Note, “brood of vipers” appears in Matt. 3:7 & 12:34. John 2:15 depicts Jesus driving out the money changers (adders) from the temple. The word “adders” also appears in Psalms 140:3]

    1. The Anti-Christianity Program

      (The Jew) is not satisfied with de -Chris –


      tianising, he Judaises; he destroys the
      Catholic or Protestant faith, he provokes
      indifference, but he imposes his idea of
      the world, of morals, and of life upon
      those whose faith he ruins; he works at
      his age-old task. . .the annihilation of the
      religion of Christ.

      Bernard Lazare, ANTI-SEMITISM, 1894.

      We have only to regard the present-day Chris –
      masses to appreciate that Christ is being taken out
      of Christmas. More and more, ever so gradually,
      this wonderful religious celebration is being turned
      into what the Jews made of the white Russians’
      Christmas after the 1917 Jewish conquest. In
      Russia, a Santa Claus (“Father Frost”) was re-
      tained, a pagan tree permitted, presents still were
      given, a holiday atmosphere allowed, BUT Christ
      was removed. In America, we are having more
      Jewish “carols” in place of traditional Christian
      ones, one of the latest being “Rocking Around the
      Christmas Tree!” Commercialization commences
      a few days earlier each year, seemingly, and the
      Jewish alcohol industry encourages increasing

      Christ definitely is under attack. So long as
      Christ traditionally remains in the hearts of white
      Christians, Jewish world control will be difficult.
      The Jews of Christ’s days on earth crucified Him,
      and those of today continue the same in spirit.

      Writer Hugh J. Schonfield, Jew, is a “rec-
      ognized authority” on Christianity. Though it
      would never do for a Christian white to openly
      comment negatively upon Judaism, Jews such as
      Schonfield can blaspheme Christianity with im-
      punity. In his THE PASSOVER PLOT (Random
      House, 1966), Schonfield says Christ was not


      Divine, that His birth was not miraculous, that,
      in short, Jesus was just a “good” (but deluded?)
      man. Schonfield – much publicized by the Jewish
      communications system – went on to “show” in his
      later book THE POLITICS OF GOD (Regnery,
      1971) how “the fragmented world of religion”
      can be brought together. He suggests “…bring-
      ing together once again (!) the essential faith of
      Jews and Christians.” To even suggest such a
      thing is repugnant to all informed Christians. In
      2 Corinthians 6: 14, we are admonished, “Be ye
      not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for
      what fellowship hath righteousness and unright-
      eousness? and what communion hath light with
      darkness ? ”

      The Jewish TALMUD has had horrible things
      to say about Jesus and the Virgin Mary (He being
      called illegitimate and she a harlot)! In the wake
      of this has come other Jews such as Hugh William
      Montefiore. He supposedly “converted” to Chris-
      tianity and became a canon in the British Anglican
      church. This ruse has given more weight to his
      actions than were he openly a Jew. Montefiore
      (or Montefiore -Sebag, which is his proper Jew
      name) was quoted in NEWSWEEK magazine (Au-
      gust 7, 1967) to the effect that Christ was a homo-
      sexual. ” This was so, he said, because Christ
      never married and preferred the company of men!

      Christians and Jews are not compatible –
      which is quite opposite to the propaganda that
      Jews would have us believe. The Bible, as men-
      tioned, plainly commands against association or
      union with Jews – “anti-Christs” that they are!
      (l John 2: 22). Christianity and Judaism have
      nothing in common – contrary to what the Jewish-
      run National Council of Christians and Jews tells


      us. This particular group, by the way, was ex-
      posed by one of the last courageous U. S. Con-
      gressmen. The N. C. C. J. “…is a national
      organization, instigated by the International Jews
      in the U. S. , having for its purpose the uniting
      of Catholics, Protestants and Jews, in protection
      movements that are now being organized through-
      out the U. S. in support of the Jewish plan; what-
      ever that may be” (Louis T. McFadden, Congres-
      sional Record, June 15, 1934, page 11787).

      Even Jewry admits within its own journals
      that Christians and Jews have no commonness.
      In ISSUES, a Jewish publication, for Winter, 1969,
      Dr. Albert M. Gessman said, “A Judeo-Christian
      heritage or tradition in the proper sense of that
      hyphenated word does not exist; it has no foun-
      dation in historical fact.”

      Indeed, in their arrogance, further abusing
      the hospitality of white Christian America, Jewry
      even proclaims Christianity is on its way out!
      The American Jewish Committee’s COMMENTARY
      magazine for May, 1956, states that Christianity
      is only “an intermediary step between paganism
      and the ultimate acceptance of Jewish monothe-
      ism. ” Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld sees a trend to
      the “secularizing” of religious belief as leading
      to a Judaizing of the Christian theological stance
      RADICAL THEOLOGY, World Publishing Co.,

      Yearly, it seems that Christianity is under
      greater attack. The aged (1633-to-present) “Pas-
      sion Play” at Oberammergau, Germany, was
      assailed at its decade (1970) presentation. Jewry
      demanded that the exposing, condemning remarks
      by Jesus (as taken from the New Testament) be


      deleted. Ray Mahooney, ABC News, on May 18,
      1970, stated that the present version of the play
      (with condemnation of Jews) may be the last one,
      due to “pressure. ”

      Most “Christian” ministers no longer teach
      condemnation of Jewry, thus softening up white
      Christians’ defenses against their mortal foe.
      Instead, Traditional Americans hear messages
      of “brotherhood” – the Jewish version of brother-
      hood. ” These ungodly ministers have thoroughly
      been indoctrinated in their schooling by Jewish

      The American Jewish Committee does not
      hide the fact that it has successfully penetrated
      into Christian schools with its “messages,” as
      shown by, for example, the A. J. C. ‘s BUDGET
      REPORTS for 1953 and 1954. Such indoctrina-
      tional bodies as the Jewish Chautauqua Society
      send rabbis into colleges and seminaries for in-
      stilling “messages. ” By contrast, of course,
      Christian ministers (who ARE Christian) are not
      permitted in Jewish schools.

      The latest Jewish viciousness pawned off on
      Christians was glowingly described by Jewish
      TIME magazine (June 21, 1971). To degrade
      Christ, a vulgar “Jesus Revolution” has been
      energetically launched. One of the successful
      features of this blasphemy is the much-acclaimed
      stage drama GODSPEL, The Jew Stephen Nathan
      “stars” in it. The damning symbol of the “rev-
      olution” is pictured on page 61 of the TIME issue:
      a communist clenched -fist salute, with the fore-
      finger pointing skyward !

      If Christian belief in a hereafter can be de-
      stroyed and replaced with the Jew philosophy that
      you only have one life, and should make the most


      of it; then Jewry can tempt, with materialism
      and vice, weak men to yield to whatever Jewry
      desires. It is related in St. Matthew 23: 15 that
      Christ said to the Jews: “Woe unto you, scribes
      and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea
      and land to make one proselyte, and when he is
      made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell
      than yourselves. ” How true this must be for all
      the ministers, businessmen, teachers and poli-
      ticians who have played the Jewish “brotherhood”
      game and have sold out their white race, Chris-
      tianity, and their nation!

    2. MY FEELINGS AS A CHRISTIAN POINTS ME TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR AS A FIGHTER. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. IN BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN AND AS A MAN I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross.

      AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE NO DUTY TO ALLOW MYSELF TO BE CHEATED, BUT I HAVE THE DUTY TO BE A FIGHTER FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE…. And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. FOR AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE ALSO A DUTY TO MY OWN PEOPLE…. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, THEN I BELIEVE I WOULD BE NO CHRISTIAN, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.

      Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

      [Note, “brood of vipers” appears in Matt. 3:7 & 12:34. John 2:15 depicts Jesus driving out the money changers (adders) from the temple. The word “adders” also appears in Psalms 140:3]

  6. No Adolf Hitler doesn’t disavow Jesus.
    Adolf Hitler himself was divine empowered personality so how can he not see a big devotee like Lord Jesus Christ. So Adolf Hitler no where denounces Jesus.
    I was just saying that all his statements regarding Christianity in Table talk is completely authentic not fabricated, that’s was the point I was trying to make.
    The Whole Table talk was authentic, I am very confident, as in his table talk he supports vegetarianism, speaks about racial purity and lot others. So it is trust-able source.
    Also we should just fact check the claims Adolf Hitler made in his table talk to be true or not, and when we do that we find all the statements which he makes about Christianity is found to be true, and documented evidence exist.
    So it is not question of whether he disavows or not, It is a question of whether his statements are true or not, The answer is it is true.
    I already showed you in this Example.
    Prabhupada: Yes. That must be, therefore the scriptures must be transcendental. Nonsense scripture, and people become nonsense. So except Vedic literature, all nonsense scripture. They are not scripture. Manufactured. This Bible was manufactured by the saint, this saint, that, according to their imagination. It was not spoken by Lord Jesus Christ. What was spoken by Jesus Christ, that they ignore: “Thou shalt not kill.” They kill. Nobody is following Christian principle; neither Bible is perfect. But that, if we say, we will be shot. (laughter)

    Morning Walk
    At Cheviot Hills Golf Course

    May 13, 1973, Los Angeles

    So Adolf Hitler says
    ” The decisive falsification of Jesus’s doctrine was the work of St. Paul. He gave himself to this work with subtlety and for purposes of personal exploitation. ”

    So regarding Falsification of Bible Swami Srila Prabhupada and Adolf Hitler are on the same page.

    so if we fact check each and every single statement Fuhrer made we can see it is authentic not fabricated.
    Also Mr. Franke gave another example of how his statements are factually true

    “Then with the advent of Christianity, came the barbarians” – Adolf Hitler , Table Talk

    So this statement is completely supported by thousands of factual evidences.
    Murder of Hypatia
    Burning of Library Alexandria

    and there many such documented incidents to prove that Adolf Hitler’s claim was completey right,”

    1. The Anti-Christianity Program

      (The Jew) is not satisfied with de -Chris –


      tianising, he Judaises; he destroys the
      Catholic or Protestant faith, he provokes
      indifference, but he imposes his idea of
      the world, of morals, and of life upon
      those whose faith he ruins; he works at
      his age-old task. . .the annihilation of the
      religion of Christ.

      Bernard Lazare, ANTI-SEMITISM, 1894.

      We have only to regard the present-day Chris –
      masses to appreciate that Christ is being taken out
      of Christmas. More and more, ever so gradually,
      this wonderful religious celebration is being turned
      into what the Jews made of the white Russians’
      Christmas after the 1917 Jewish conquest. In
      Russia, a Santa Claus (“Father Frost”) was re-
      tained, a pagan tree permitted, presents still were
      given, a holiday atmosphere allowed, BUT Christ
      was removed. In America, we are having more
      Jewish “carols” in place of traditional Christian
      ones, one of the latest being “Rocking Around the
      Christmas Tree!” Commercialization commences
      a few days earlier each year, seemingly, and the
      Jewish alcohol industry encourages increasing

      Christ definitely is under attack. So long as
      Christ traditionally remains in the hearts of white
      Christians, Jewish world control will be difficult.
      The Jews of Christ’s days on earth crucified Him,
      and those of today continue the same in spirit.

      Writer Hugh J. Schonfield, Jew, is a “rec-
      ognized authority” on Christianity. Though it
      would never do for a Christian white to openly
      comment negatively upon Judaism, Jews such as
      Schonfield can blaspheme Christianity with im-
      punity. In his THE PASSOVER PLOT (Random
      House, 1966), Schonfield says Christ was not


      Divine, that His birth was not miraculous, that,
      in short, Jesus was just a “good” (but deluded?)
      man. Schonfield – much publicized by the Jewish
      communications system – went on to “show” in his
      later book THE POLITICS OF GOD (Regnery,
      1971) how “the fragmented world of religion”
      can be brought together. He suggests “…bring-
      ing together once again (!) the essential faith of
      Jews and Christians.” To even suggest such a
      thing is repugnant to all informed Christians. In
      2 Corinthians 6: 14, we are admonished, “Be ye
      not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for
      what fellowship hath righteousness and unright-
      eousness? and what communion hath light with
      darkness ? ”

      The Jewish TALMUD has had horrible things
      to say about Jesus and the Virgin Mary (He being
      called illegitimate and she a harlot)! In the wake
      of this has come other Jews such as Hugh William
      Montefiore. He supposedly “converted” to Chris-
      tianity and became a canon in the British Anglican
      church. This ruse has given more weight to his
      actions than were he openly a Jew. Montefiore
      (or Montefiore -Sebag, which is his proper Jew
      name) was quoted in NEWSWEEK magazine (Au-
      gust 7, 1967) to the effect that Christ was a homo-
      sexual. ” This was so, he said, because Christ
      never married and preferred the company of men!

      Christians and Jews are not compatible –
      which is quite opposite to the propaganda that
      Jews would have us believe. The Bible, as men-
      tioned, plainly commands against association or
      union with Jews – “anti-Christs” that they are!
      (l John 2: 22). Christianity and Judaism have
      nothing in common – contrary to what the Jewish-
      run National Council of Christians and Jews tells


      us. This particular group, by the way, was ex-
      posed by one of the last courageous U. S. Con-
      gressmen. The N. C. C. J. “…is a national
      organization, instigated by the International Jews
      in the U. S. , having for its purpose the uniting
      of Catholics, Protestants and Jews, in protection
      movements that are now being organized through-
      out the U. S. in support of the Jewish plan; what-
      ever that may be” (Louis T. McFadden, Congres-
      sional Record, June 15, 1934, page 11787).

      Even Jewry admits within its own journals
      that Christians and Jews have no commonness.
      In ISSUES, a Jewish publication, for Winter, 1969,
      Dr. Albert M. Gessman said, “A Judeo-Christian
      heritage or tradition in the proper sense of that
      hyphenated word does not exist; it has no foun-
      dation in historical fact.”

      Indeed, in their arrogance, further abusing
      the hospitality of white Christian America, Jewry
      even proclaims Christianity is on its way out!
      The American Jewish Committee’s COMMENTARY
      magazine for May, 1956, states that Christianity
      is only “an intermediary step between paganism
      and the ultimate acceptance of Jewish monothe-
      ism. ” Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld sees a trend to
      the “secularizing” of religious belief as leading
      to a Judaizing of the Christian theological stance
      RADICAL THEOLOGY, World Publishing Co.,

      Yearly, it seems that Christianity is under
      greater attack. The aged (1633-to-present) “Pas-
      sion Play” at Oberammergau, Germany, was
      assailed at its decade (1970) presentation. Jewry
      demanded that the exposing, condemning remarks
      by Jesus (as taken from the New Testament) be


      deleted. Ray Mahooney, ABC News, on May 18,
      1970, stated that the present version of the play
      (with condemnation of Jews) may be the last one,
      due to “pressure. ”

      Most “Christian” ministers no longer teach
      condemnation of Jewry, thus softening up white
      Christians’ defenses against their mortal foe.
      Instead, Traditional Americans hear messages
      of “brotherhood” – the Jewish version of brother-
      hood. ” These ungodly ministers have thoroughly
      been indoctrinated in their schooling by Jewish

      The American Jewish Committee does not
      hide the fact that it has successfully penetrated
      into Christian schools with its “messages,” as
      shown by, for example, the A. J. C. ‘s BUDGET
      REPORTS for 1953 and 1954. Such indoctrina-
      tional bodies as the Jewish Chautauqua Society
      send rabbis into colleges and seminaries for in-
      stilling “messages. ” By contrast, of course,
      Christian ministers (who ARE Christian) are not
      permitted in Jewish schools.

      The latest Jewish viciousness pawned off on
      Christians was glowingly described by Jewish
      TIME magazine (June 21, 1971). To degrade
      Christ, a vulgar “Jesus Revolution” has been
      energetically launched. One of the successful
      features of this blasphemy is the much-acclaimed
      stage drama GODSPEL, The Jew Stephen Nathan
      “stars” in it. The damning symbol of the “rev-
      olution” is pictured on page 61 of the TIME issue:
      a communist clenched -fist salute, with the fore-
      finger pointing skyward !

      If Christian belief in a hereafter can be de-
      stroyed and replaced with the Jew philosophy that
      you only have one life, and should make the most


      of it; then Jewry can tempt, with materialism
      and vice, weak men to yield to whatever Jewry
      desires. It is related in St. Matthew 23: 15 that
      Christ said to the Jews: “Woe unto you, scribes
      and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea
      and land to make one proselyte, and when he is
      made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell
      than yourselves. ” How true this must be for all
      the ministers, businessmen, teachers and poli-
      ticians who have played the Jewish “brotherhood”
      game and have sold out their white race, Chris-
      tianity, and their nation!

    2. MY FEELINGS AS A CHRISTIAN POINTS ME TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR AS A FIGHTER. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. IN BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN AND AS A MAN I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross.

      AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE NO DUTY TO ALLOW MYSELF TO BE CHEATED, BUT I HAVE THE DUTY TO BE A FIGHTER FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE…. And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. FOR AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE ALSO A DUTY TO MY OWN PEOPLE…. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, THEN I BELIEVE I WOULD BE NO CHRISTIAN, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.

      Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

      [Note, “brood of vipers” appears in Matt. 3:7 & 12:34. John 2:15 depicts Jesus driving out the money changers (adders) from the temple. The word “adders” also appears in Psalms 140:3]

  7. “Nowhere does Hitler denounce Jesus or his Christianity”
    This is partially true and partially false
    Nowhere does Hitler denounce Jesus ->>> True, no argument can be presented against this.
    Nowhere does Hitler denounce Christianity >>>> Partially False

    Now Adolf Hitler believes the Early Christianity was Incarnation of Bolshevism, so we can deduce that Adolf Hitler denounces Early day Christianity.

    But Adolf Hitler says this
    “It was only later, under the influence of the Germanic spirit, that Christianity gradually lost its openly Bolshevistic character. It became, to a certain degree, tolerable. To-day, when Christianity is tottering, the Jew restores to pride of place Christianity in its Bolshevistic form.”

    According to this statement , I think he was okay with Christianity in his era, during his time period.

    1. “But Adolf Hitler says this
      “It was only later, under the influence of the Germanic spirit, that Christianity gradually lost its openly Bolshevistic character. It became, to a certain degree, tolerable. To-day, when Christianity is tottering, the Jew restores to pride of place Christianity in its Bolshevistic form.””

      What Adolf Hitler meant by that
      The answer is here

      1. The Anti-Christianity Program

        (The Jew) is not satisfied with de -Chris –


        tianising, he Judaises; he destroys the
        Catholic or Protestant faith, he provokes
        indifference, but he imposes his idea of
        the world, of morals, and of life upon
        those whose faith he ruins; he works at
        his age-old task. . .the annihilation of the
        religion of Christ.

        Bernard Lazare, ANTI-SEMITISM, 1894.

        We have only to regard the present-day Chris –
        masses to appreciate that Christ is being taken out
        of Christmas. More and more, ever so gradually,
        this wonderful religious celebration is being turned
        into what the Jews made of the white Russians’
        Christmas after the 1917 Jewish conquest. In
        Russia, a Santa Claus (“Father Frost”) was re-
        tained, a pagan tree permitted, presents still were
        given, a holiday atmosphere allowed, BUT Christ
        was removed. In America, we are having more
        Jewish “carols” in place of traditional Christian
        ones, one of the latest being “Rocking Around the
        Christmas Tree!” Commercialization commences
        a few days earlier each year, seemingly, and the
        Jewish alcohol industry encourages increasing

        Christ definitely is under attack. So long as
        Christ traditionally remains in the hearts of white
        Christians, Jewish world control will be difficult.
        The Jews of Christ’s days on earth crucified Him,
        and those of today continue the same in spirit.

        Writer Hugh J. Schonfield, Jew, is a “rec-
        ognized authority” on Christianity. Though it
        would never do for a Christian white to openly
        comment negatively upon Judaism, Jews such as
        Schonfield can blaspheme Christianity with im-
        punity. In his THE PASSOVER PLOT (Random
        House, 1966), Schonfield says Christ was not


        Divine, that His birth was not miraculous, that,
        in short, Jesus was just a “good” (but deluded?)
        man. Schonfield – much publicized by the Jewish
        communications system – went on to “show” in his
        later book THE POLITICS OF GOD (Regnery,
        1971) how “the fragmented world of religion”
        can be brought together. He suggests “…bring-
        ing together once again (!) the essential faith of
        Jews and Christians.” To even suggest such a
        thing is repugnant to all informed Christians. In
        2 Corinthians 6: 14, we are admonished, “Be ye
        not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for
        what fellowship hath righteousness and unright-
        eousness? and what communion hath light with
        darkness ? ”

        The Jewish TALMUD has had horrible things
        to say about Jesus and the Virgin Mary (He being
        called illegitimate and she a harlot)! In the wake
        of this has come other Jews such as Hugh William
        Montefiore. He supposedly “converted” to Chris-
        tianity and became a canon in the British Anglican
        church. This ruse has given more weight to his
        actions than were he openly a Jew. Montefiore
        (or Montefiore -Sebag, which is his proper Jew
        name) was quoted in NEWSWEEK magazine (Au-
        gust 7, 1967) to the effect that Christ was a homo-
        sexual. ” This was so, he said, because Christ
        never married and preferred the company of men!

        Christians and Jews are not compatible –
        which is quite opposite to the propaganda that
        Jews would have us believe. The Bible, as men-
        tioned, plainly commands against association or
        union with Jews – “anti-Christs” that they are!
        (l John 2: 22). Christianity and Judaism have
        nothing in common – contrary to what the Jewish-
        run National Council of Christians and Jews tells


        us. This particular group, by the way, was ex-
        posed by one of the last courageous U. S. Con-
        gressmen. The N. C. C. J. “…is a national
        organization, instigated by the International Jews
        in the U. S. , having for its purpose the uniting
        of Catholics, Protestants and Jews, in protection
        movements that are now being organized through-
        out the U. S. in support of the Jewish plan; what-
        ever that may be” (Louis T. McFadden, Congres-
        sional Record, June 15, 1934, page 11787).

        Even Jewry admits within its own journals
        that Christians and Jews have no commonness.
        In ISSUES, a Jewish publication, for Winter, 1969,
        Dr. Albert M. Gessman said, “A Judeo-Christian
        heritage or tradition in the proper sense of that
        hyphenated word does not exist; it has no foun-
        dation in historical fact.”

        Indeed, in their arrogance, further abusing
        the hospitality of white Christian America, Jewry
        even proclaims Christianity is on its way out!
        The American Jewish Committee’s COMMENTARY
        magazine for May, 1956, states that Christianity
        is only “an intermediary step between paganism
        and the ultimate acceptance of Jewish monothe-
        ism. ” Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld sees a trend to
        the “secularizing” of religious belief as leading
        to a Judaizing of the Christian theological stance
        RADICAL THEOLOGY, World Publishing Co.,

        Yearly, it seems that Christianity is under
        greater attack. The aged (1633-to-present) “Pas-
        sion Play” at Oberammergau, Germany, was
        assailed at its decade (1970) presentation. Jewry
        demanded that the exposing, condemning remarks
        by Jesus (as taken from the New Testament) be


        deleted. Ray Mahooney, ABC News, on May 18,
        1970, stated that the present version of the play
        (with condemnation of Jews) may be the last one,
        due to “pressure. ”

        Most “Christian” ministers no longer teach
        condemnation of Jewry, thus softening up white
        Christians’ defenses against their mortal foe.
        Instead, Traditional Americans hear messages
        of “brotherhood” – the Jewish version of brother-
        hood. ” These ungodly ministers have thoroughly
        been indoctrinated in their schooling by Jewish

        The American Jewish Committee does not
        hide the fact that it has successfully penetrated
        into Christian schools with its “messages,” as
        shown by, for example, the A. J. C. ‘s BUDGET
        REPORTS for 1953 and 1954. Such indoctrina-
        tional bodies as the Jewish Chautauqua Society
        send rabbis into colleges and seminaries for in-
        stilling “messages. ” By contrast, of course,
        Christian ministers (who ARE Christian) are not
        permitted in Jewish schools.

        The latest Jewish viciousness pawned off on
        Christians was glowingly described by Jewish
        TIME magazine (June 21, 1971). To degrade
        Christ, a vulgar “Jesus Revolution” has been
        energetically launched. One of the successful
        features of this blasphemy is the much-acclaimed
        stage drama GODSPEL, The Jew Stephen Nathan
        “stars” in it. The damning symbol of the “rev-
        olution” is pictured on page 61 of the TIME issue:
        a communist clenched -fist salute, with the fore-
        finger pointing skyward !

        If Christian belief in a hereafter can be de-
        stroyed and replaced with the Jew philosophy that
        you only have one life, and should make the most


        of it; then Jewry can tempt, with materialism
        and vice, weak men to yield to whatever Jewry
        desires. It is related in St. Matthew 23: 15 that
        Christ said to the Jews: “Woe unto you, scribes
        and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea
        and land to make one proselyte, and when he is
        made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell
        than yourselves. ” How true this must be for all
        the ministers, businessmen, teachers and poli-
        ticians who have played the Jewish “brotherhood”
        game and have sold out their white race, Chris-
        tianity, and their nation!

      2. MY FEELINGS AS A CHRISTIAN POINTS ME TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR AS A FIGHTER. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. IN BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN AND AS A MAN I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross.

        AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE NO DUTY TO ALLOW MYSELF TO BE CHEATED, BUT I HAVE THE DUTY TO BE A FIGHTER FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE…. And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. FOR AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE ALSO A DUTY TO MY OWN PEOPLE…. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, THEN I BELIEVE I WOULD BE NO CHRISTIAN, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.

        Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

        [Note, “brood of vipers” appears in Matt. 3:7 & 12:34. John 2:15 depicts Jesus driving out the money changers (adders) from the temple. The word “adders” also appears in Psalms 140:3]

    2. MY FEELINGS AS A CHRISTIAN POINTS ME TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR AS A FIGHTER. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. IN BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN AND AS A MAN I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross.

      AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE NO DUTY TO ALLOW MYSELF TO BE CHEATED, BUT I HAVE THE DUTY TO BE A FIGHTER FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE…. And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. FOR AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE ALSO A DUTY TO MY OWN PEOPLE…. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, THEN I BELIEVE I WOULD BE NO CHRISTIAN, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.

      Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

      [Note, “brood of vipers” appears in Matt. 3:7 & 12:34. John 2:15 depicts Jesus driving out the money changers (adders) from the temple. The word “adders” also appears in Psalms 140:3]

      1. Please do fact check for each minute details and information mentioned in this video and articles, and realize the truth for yourself. I am not asking anyone to submit to my opinion, just look at all the materials which I have given, and do fact check for the information given in the video, Then decide for yourself.
        If you find any of the information in this videos and Articles as not true, please prove that.–yqrBO2YYxc

  8. The main center point in this discussion was “whether Adolf Hitler’s table talk is authentic or not”
    So I think I proved it to be authentic by picking out a quote and presenting the evidence supporting the quote.
    And Mr Linus Pauling also proved that, but he did with India saint’s corroborating quotes, so I am not quite satisfied with his presentation.

    Again to test whether the claims made by Adolf Hitler towards Christianity to be true or not, just take the Quotes and see if you can find evidence supporting the quote, if we apply this processes, it is easy to find every single quotes of Adolf Hitler towards Christianity is absolutely true, there documented factual evidence to prove his claims are true.

    So the final truth is Adolf Hitler was aware about a lot of things, and he spoke truth about Christianity.
    Also Mr Jim Siddler has give good evidence to prove Adolf Hitler quotes, I would recommend people can go through it, I am quite sure the evidence presented in those videos and articles are completely true and documented.

  9. What the intelligent Europeans invented before coming of Christianity
    Truss roof
    Spiral staircase
    Archimedes’ screw
    Dam, Arch
    hydraulic semaphore system
    Reverse overshot water-wheel
    The list goes on
    Now let us see what the Christians invented to torture European people to force them to convert
    Water Torture: Interrogatorio mejorado del agua or toca
    The Rack
    The Catherine Wheel, or the Breaking Wheel,
    The Hairshirt
    Torture Chamber
    Branks or Scold’s bridle or Gossip’s Bridle
    and many others

    1. great post , you left some more
      the Heretics Fork, the Pear, the Branks, the Wheel, the Breast Ripper, Hanging
      Cages, the Garotte, the Head Crusher, the Iron Maiden, the Strappado, the Boots, the Judas Cradle, the Guillotine
      and of course – the classic Burning at the stake, which even had its “biblical justification”.

  10. One final blow to the myth NSDAP was based on (((Christianity)))
    Mit brennender Sorge

    Adolf Hitler has nothing to do with (((Christianity))), also calling his table talks as forged is foolish, as the opinions he expressed regarding (((Christianity))) in his table talks is completely consistent with the diaries of Henrich Himmler, Jospeh Gobbles, MArtin Borman etc
    Martin Borman, Jospeh Gobbles were loyal to Adolf Hitler till the end.
    “Although a number of these men, including Martin Bormann, Dr Goebbels and others together with their wives have joined me of their own free will” – Adolf Hitler ,My political testament.
    Even Adolf Hitler mentions these loyal souls in this last political testament,
    but no where there is any mention of (((Christianity))) in the last testament.

    1. Hiter has nothing to do with fake Jewish Christianity but he has everything to do with Jesus Christ and real Christianity that is what you guys seem to find hard to accept!

      Hitler was a true disciple of Jesus Christ!!!!

      MY FEELINGS AS A CHRISTIAN POINTS ME TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR AS A FIGHTER. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. IN BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN AND AS A MAN I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross.

      AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE NO DUTY TO ALLOW MYSELF TO BE CHEATED, BUT I HAVE THE DUTY TO BE A FIGHTER FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE…. And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. FOR AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE ALSO A DUTY TO MY OWN PEOPLE…. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, THEN I BELIEVE I WOULD BE NO CHRISTIAN, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.

      Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922

      [Note, “brood of vipers” appears in Matt. 3:7 & 12:34. John 2:15 depicts Jesus driving out the money changers (adders) from the temple. The word “adders” also appears in Psalms 140:3]

      1. Okay somewhat reasonable, anyway you were far better at responding than many fanatic Christians, who flip out.

        But explain what you mean by “real Christianity ” , when you and another fellow(Linus Pauling) after a huge debate came to the conclusion that the Bible written by different jews like Paul etc were nonsense.
        Also that guy(Linus Pauling) and yourself pointed out the jews also started to manipulated your Hindu books too written by your Indian sage.

        1. That was revealed in the quote by Prabhupada it starts with stopping kiling innocent animals as Hitler did.

          Prabhupada: Yes. That must be, therefore the scriptures must be transcendental. Nonsense scripture, and people become nonsense. So except Vedic literature, all nonsense scripture. They are not scripture. Manufactured. This Bible was manufactured by the saint, this saint, that, according to their imagination. It was not spoken by Lord Jesus Christ. WHAT WAS SPOKEN BY JESUS CHRIST, THAT THEY IGNORE: “THOU SHALT NOT KILL.” THEY KILL. NOBODY IS FOLLOWING CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLE; neither Bible is perfect. But that, if we say, we will be shot. (laughter)
          Morning Walk
          At Cheviot Hills Golf Course

          May 13, 1973, Los Angeles

          According to these transcripts dated 11 November 1941, Hitler said, “One may regret living at a period when it’s impossible to form an idea of the shape the world of the future will assume. But there’s one thing I can predict to eaters of meat: the world of the future will be vegetarian.”

          On 12 January 1942, he said, “The only thing of which I shall be incapable is to share the sheiks’ mutton with them. I’m a vegetarian, and they must spare me from their meat.”

          In a diary entry dated 26 April 1942, Joseph Goebbels described Hitler as a committed vegetarian, writing,

          “An extended chapter of our talk was devoted by the Führer to the vegetarian question. He believes more than ever that meat-eating is harmful to humanity. Of course he knows that during the war we cannot completely upset our food system. After the war, however, he intends to tackle this problem also. Maybe he is right. Certainly the arguments that he adduces in favor of his standpoint are very compelling.”

            I suggest you to make this also in BOLD
            “neither Bible is perfect”
            from the quotes you attached of the Hindu Saint.
            Also Adolf Hitler too came to same conclusion that bible is not perfect same as Indian sage.
            But how come an Indian Hindu saint was knowing that Adolf Hitler did nothing wrong, he must really wise to realize, People in Western countries still believe the (((false))) narrative, how come some one from India was able to get it right, that too in 70’s.
            This Indian Sage must be a real deal.
            I strongly suspect your Indian Sage must must have some connection with Subash Chandra Bose or his family members who was also supporter of Adolf Hitler, otherwise a normal person would fall easily to (((their))) lies.

            So because Adolf Hitler’s opinion is same as your Hindu Sage, so I think he must be real wise person.
            Did he say anything about others leaders WW2 leaders such as stalin, Chruchill etc??
            Did he support the Allied power or criticize them???
            I was quite happy to see a video of yours where he recognizes us as Aryan Stock, which we are indeed.
            so many of his opinion are same as Adolf Hitler.

            And again you quoted the vegetarian quotes from Table talk, which is consistent with Joseph gobbles diary. So Adolf Hitler christian views in Table Talk was also consistent with Josspeh Gobbels m Martin Borman, Henrich Himmler dairies.
            Gobbless and Borman were along with Adolf Hitler till the end.

  11. How Adolf Hitler treated animals
    “In the garden of the Reich Chancellory there were a number of very tame squirrels, and whenever he went out into the garden they would come running up to jump on his shoulders. They wanted nuts, of course, and when Hitler went into the garden, he always took some with him”
    – Baur’s memoirs Ich flog Mächtige der Erde (I Flew with the World’s Powerful)

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