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I was first blessed with Prabhupada’s association in 1988.
Even though I wasn’t raised a Christian, I always remember appreciating Jesus Christ through my school years, especially during Bible based assemblies and Church visits.
When I was 20 years old and living alone in my flat, one day I picked up an old Bible from my book shelf and looked at the section of Jesus preaching his Sermon on the Mount. I read parts and remember thinking: “I would love to have been a real disciple of Jesus”. The Lord in the heart noted my desire and shortly thereafter, He sent to me the Jesus Christ of our times, namely Srila Prabhupada.
I accepted Srila Prabhupada in my heart the moment I saw his face on the book I received from a friend. I could immediately feel that here was a personality that I could fully trust. He didn’t want anything from me but was simply coming to help me, to give me a message of profound truth.
My feelings were confirmed when I started to read Prabhupada’s books. Here was a Divine Messenger from the Lord conveying the highest spiritual knowledge in a most easy-to-understand fashion. I was totally captivated!
I gradually developed my relationship with Prabhupada through hearing his lectures, chanting kirtans with him and reading his books. In a short period of time, I was chanting 16 rounds and I was determined to surrender and become a full time devotee in his ISKCON movement.
After giving away most of my belongings and selling my home, I went to live in a small temple in Birmingham. I was very disappointed to hear from the ISKCON leadership that Prabhupada was no longer available as the guru, but had instructed that all future devotees coming to his movement accept his advanced disciples as initiating spiritual masters and be guided by one of them.
I served for nearly four years in ISKCON mainly doing full time book distribution and also cooking. I approached various gurus but they could never compare to Prabhupada who had won my heart by his purity. In fact he saved me from surrendering to one of those rogues and nondevotees posing as a pure devotee by the following words he spoke to me:
“This is the first condition. First of all find out such person whom, upon whom you have full faith that whatever he will say, you will accept. That is guru.”
(Prabhupada Lecture, Bhagavad-gita 13.1-2 Miami, February 26, 1975)
I never had full faith in any of these men, thus I couldn’t surrendered to them. Eventually by my prayers, Krishna sent me a real disciple of Prabhupada who helped me understand that rotten smell that lingered in ISKCON, that thing that just didn’t seem right. After preaching the truth about Prabhupada being the only diksa guru for ISKCON, I was quickly banned from the movement.
Thus I returned to my former position of taking direct shelter of Prabhupada as I had done before my ISKCON experience. I was like a withered flower that was blessed and drenched from the heavens by the mercy of the rain clouds. I regained my intelligence and enthusiasm. I regained my very life!
I was now very determined that I would never be deceived again. I made it my mission that I would hear every lecture and conversation Prabhupada ever gave. I would read all his books. No rascal would push his concoctions past me ever again!
During this period, around 1993, I read The Guru Business by Sulocana prabhu. This book had a powerful effect on me. “Here was a true disciple of Prabhupada who gave his life to expose the deceivers and re-establish Prabhupada’s true mission” I thought. I was deeply impressed by his example and powerful message.
The most powerful instruction I received from Sulocana prabhu was the following:
“He left us his own autobiography, as it is.” (Sulocana dasa, Guru Business Preface – A Rude Awakening)
These words were implanted in my heart by Prabhupada’s perfect disciple, and eventually manifested in November of 2001, as the wonderful autobiography of His Divine Grace called “Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta As It Is”.
So from 1993 as I was hearing Prabhupada constantly, I was collecting all the beautiful words from his lotus mouth about his life, character and qualities. These formed the basis of the book. I also printed The Guru Business as a photocopy booklet.
Along with this I decided that I should also compile a book of Prabhupada’s quotes about the importance of hearing from the pure devotee. From my own experience I was seeing that hearing from Prabhupada was giving me back my life which was gradually fading away in the ISKCON cult. I knew that if others would take to this process then the original mission of Prabhupada could be revived. I named the book “All Of Us Should Hear Prabhupada”. It was printed in late 1993.
“We must admit that we have realized definitely that the divine message from his holy lips is the congenial thing for suffering humanity. All of us should hear him patiently. If we listen to the transcendental sound without unnecessary opposition, he will surely have mercy upon us. The Acarya’s Message is to take us back to our original home, back to God. Let me repeat, therefore, that we should hear him patiently, follow him in the measure of our conviction, and bow down at his lotus feet for releasing us from our present causeless unwillingness for serving the Absolute and all souls.”
(Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa Puja offering, 1936)
Shortly after this I managed to open a small preaching temple in the UK where Prabhupada was worshiped as the initiating guru. The temple was based on the principle that Prabhupada’s vibration remained playing 24 hours a day in the building and he would give the morning and evening classes. Devotees would also experience the bliss of chanting in kirtan with Prabhupada leading the chanting.
In 2005 I was one of the first people to put Prabhupada’s videos on YouTube. Prabhupada gave me the good preaching intelligence to tag the Illuminati in the titles of the videos. This had an amazing effect and one of the videos had around 1.2 million views and a few others half a million views. Later my channel was hacked and all videos deleted. Still many people became devotees from associating directly with Prabhupada during that period.
As you may already know, in November 1977 at Krishna Balarama Mandir, Vrindavan, Srila Prabhupada repeatedly requested to be released from his room in which he was locked by Ravana disciples. His Divine Grace desired that his real disciples and sincere servants break free from the influence of these Ravana disciples and thwart their sinister plan to poison him, by taking him from the room for Bullock Cart Tirthasthana.
During the Kartik months of 2007 and 2008, which was the 30th anniversary of Prabhupada’s disappearance, I went to Vrindavan with my family and a few friends and we executed Prabhupada’s REAL FINAL ORDER by taking him on Bullock Cart Parikrama in Vrndavana. Prabhupada led the LOUD chanting and it was SIMPLY ECSTATIC!!!
We were all instrumental in releasing this brahmastra of Prabhupada’s Love of Godhead from Vrindavan Dhama at Kartik, penetrating the universal shell and cracking the hearts of the demons!!! The strength of the modern day Kamsa demons [International Jewry] who are trying to rule the world without God was curbed down or curtailed by this sacrifice of LOUD PRABHUPADA SANKIRTANA!!! (See Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1.4)
I was always aware of the favourable things Prabhupada said about Hitler. In 2015 after watching “Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story NEVER Told”, I started to understand more deeply the essential service Hitler did to protect the west from the Godless Jewish Bolsheviks, thus allowing the message of Prabhupada to be imparted there to begin an Aryan resurrection.
It was then very clear to me that those people who were awakened to the Jewish problem are the best recipients for the spiritual truths that Prabhupada is giving. This is a big topic that I will cover in my next book called “THE FIGHT FOR MOTHER EARTH – Communism Against Krishna Consciousness For The Soul Of Man”. This has been the focus of my preaching work in this last period. Bringing all those Jew pilled souls to the lotus feet of Prabhupada. Or as Hitler called him: “The One, The Man to Come, The New Messiah”.
Recently with the publication of his book called “Killing For Krishna”, Henry Doktorski, the deranged follower of Keith Ham (aka Kirtanananda), has viciously attacked Prabhupada’s perfect disciple Sulocana prabhu.
This attack by Doktorski has been the catalyst for me to get Sulocana’s Guru Business professionally published for the first time. I had previously printed it twice before as a photocopy booklet after reading it in 1993, and later around 1998, but the illusory energy of the Lord was always checking my desire to print it as a beautiful book befitting its glorious stature. Now I am truly proud and honoured to have been given the service of getting The Guru Business into print, at long last!!!
If anyone actually reads this printing of Sulocana’s Guru Business, that in and of itself, will destroy the slanderous mental speculations presented by Henry Doktorski in his book “Killing For Krishna”. Still as a follower of Sulocana, I cannot sit idly and allow this deranged rogue and nondevotee to blaspheme Prabhupada’s perfect disciple. As silence means acceptance!!! THUS I HAVE DEFENDED THE HONOR OF SULOCANA PRABHU AND EXPOSED THE BLASPHEMER HENRY DOKTORSKI WITH MY BOOK KILLING FOR KEITH.
In this year of 2023, I have been blessed to complete a new book about Srila Prabhupada. The main purpose for compiling this book is to establish in the devotee community of the whole world, worship of Srila Prabhupada and the Jaladuta Incarnations. This transcendental pastime should be celebrated as a yearly festival by all devotees of the Lord.
This divine lila of Srila Prabhupada with the Lord reveals to us very clearly the exalted personality of His Divine Grace and the importance of his great mission of spreading love of Krishna to all the fallen conditioned souls.
Prabhupada’s position in the ten thousand year Golden Age now unfolding on this planet is so pivotal that the Lord personally incarnated in multiple transcendental forms to protect and carry him on the Jaladuta to America.