Mother Govinda Dasi recently posted a nice letter to a group of devotees discussing Prabhupada’s statements about Adolf Hitler and his status as a Saktyavesa-avatara.Read More
Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness.
Mother Govinda Dasi recently posted a nice letter to a group of devotees discussing Prabhupada’s statements about Adolf Hitler and his status as a Saktyavesa-avatara.Read More
TRANSLATION: I wish that all those calamities would happen again and again so that we could see You again and again, for seeing You meansRead More
Srila Prabhupada speaks out. He speaks for himself about himself. Truely a work of pure love and devotion. Fully utilizing all the space on everyRead More
The book is a compilation of quotes from the teachings of HIS DIVINE GRACE A.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPADA on the importance of hearing from aRead More
ISKCON and the other Krishna Cults are externally presenting themselves as followers of Prabhupada but internally they are devoted to the Cultural Marxist philosophy ofRead More