Nationalism without God is simply extended sense gratification and has no true lasting value. True nationalism is God centered and will empower us to driveRead More
Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness.
Nationalism without God is simply extended sense gratification and has no true lasting value. True nationalism is God centered and will empower us to driveRead More
This is my frank and straight message to the Hitler hating E. Michael Jones and all the other dogmatic Catholics. Download Video (Right Click AndRead More
Leon Degrelle (born June 15th 1906, died March 31 1994) was a Walloon Belgian politician, who founded Rexism and later joined the Waffen SS whichRead More
The great Leon Degrelle, with a powerful message of hope for these troubled times. I am unsure of the date of the interview but byRead More
It is only because of their faith in the Jewish myth that “devotees” are not able to understand the empowered fight of The Waffen SSRead More
Due to the subversive tactics of International Jewry western civilization is in a rapid decline. Its salvation can be achieved at lighting speed if itRead More