So let’s now look at a few clips from a lecture David Icke gave earlier this year [2017]
He starts off comparing the ruling elite to a spider at the centre of a web and says that they have no name. In other words he prefers to conceal his Talmudic Jewish masters from his audience.
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Download Video (Right Click And Save Link As)
Next he tries to tag these ruling elite as fascist or in other words right wing.
He then goes on to say that this unknown spider wants the people to be believers, and believe in something that is rigid. Then they become less of a problem. He then lists four things which this elite want us to have that not only make us less of a problem to them but also make us prisoners of the mind.
1. Religion 2. Politics 3. Race and 4. Self-Identity.
What a master of double talk Mr. Icke is! Just see how he is preaching in a form of reverse psychology the same philosophy as his masters from the Protocols Of Zion:
“It is essential for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the mind of the Goyim and the principle of ‘God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit’, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs…. Such communities will lose interest in, and foster a strong aversion toward sound political management and religion.”
Protocol #4 – Materialism to Replace Religion
So the Jews want to undermine all faith and have the people strongly averse toward sound political management [like National Socialism] and religion [like True Christianity]. This is exactly what Icke is creating in his followers by portraying to them that the elite want the people to have religion and politics so they can be manipulated. Just see his double talk!
Take a look at the effects of Jewish communism in Russia and China in regards to undermining all faith in God. And by the way you will never hear Icke talking about the Jews role in communism and how these demoniac regimes butchered over 100 million people, mainly Christian or other religious people.
How are the Jews now attacking the remaining Christian values? They are doing it with their cultural marxist revolution which is degrading all the religious moral values of our western nations.
Then the last two things Icke says the elite want us to have are race and self-identity…. What a joker Icke is! One of the most fundamental principles of the Jews is to destroy all other races but their own. This is reveal by the Jewish E.U. ‘founding father’ Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi in his book Practical Idealism from 1925 said:
“The man of the future will be a mongrel. Today’s races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space, time, and prejudice.
The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
Instead of destroying Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process.
Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility through spiritual grace.
The prominent position held by Jewry these days is owed to its spiritual supremacy which enables it to win the spiritual battle over enormous superior numbers of favoured, hateful, jealous rivals.
Modern anti-Semitism is one of the many reactionary phenomenons of the mediocre against the supreme; it is a new form of ostracism applied against a whole people. [ostracize = exclude]”
u gota start a free lit magazine like btp irm prabhu,
I’ve been a follower of David Icke for a few years now, so obviously the cognitive dissonance created by this is hard to swallow. Thank you for putting it out there though. Quick question: didn’t Srila Prabhupada urge us also to give up on these identities, that we are not this body but a spirit soul?
Prabhupada taught yukta vairagya Cliff, which is the process of dovetailing everything in the service of the Lord. Prabhupada was very much against artificial renunciation. So we have to use what the Lord gave us for His pleasure we don’t need to artificially give anything up. The main point is this: Icke is preaching cultural marxism to benefit his jewish masters!
So true. Icke has NEVER ever talked about the crimes of communism. Because he is a communist himself. Icke and Alex Jones are always pushing the Jewish narrative about HITLER, the Nazis did this and did that. Icke was in the Green party aka the New Communist Party for years.
Great comment prabhu. How are you keeping? Long time since we spoke. Hare Krishna. Jaya Prabhupada.
I’m good and you Prabhu? Your video always makes me smile. You hit everything right on the nail.
Thanks Prabhu. Glad you are doing well. Hare Krishna. Jaya Prabhupada.
I will say one thing about Nimrod. 25th December is Nimrod’s birthday. Nimrod is Gilgamesh. He is right but probably fails to say that Jesus is still real. Chinese astronomy put Jesus’ birth sometime in March. Remember also calendar was different, since we changed to Gregorian. Icke however is still just a shill.
all the householders are green-eyed of one another,
So, can you clarify your position on vaccines please?
Oh dear, you clearly haven’t done your homework on this one. If you had read any of his books, you would know what he really thinks about ALL religions. Take a look at these brief excerpts, particularly the second link for a harsh critism of Judaism:
Reading some of that second image and I can quite honestly judge him as a liar and a fraud who either hasn’t studied what “Hinduism” is or knows what Sanatana Dharma, Krishna Consciousness is but is purposefully conflating it all with manmade religions sprouting from Abrahamism or new age nonsense.
Did you know that william cooper traced this conspiracy back to the “ascended masters” which the UN is in full league with . Blavatsky, manly p hall . Fact is if the divine light which is part of the Divine Father which the Almighty has given me is not enough to lead me back to the truth of ALL it aint the Divine Father but an imposter . For the cathars believed the physical universe was made from a rebelling from the Divine Spirit Father, and so far my experience bears this out
I have heard icke call out the zionist rothscum on more than one occasion, and named names of major political douchebags and industry “captains” for being zionist rothscum–intent on the destruction of freedom. Check out for example his 10 hour lecture given in (I think) Victoria, Australia.
The guy has written more than a dozen tomes on all of this shit. He can’t reiterate every single point in every single lecture or rant.
“Next he tries to tag these ruling elite as fascist or in other words right wing.”
Fascism is not equivalent to right wing. That is a ridiculous oversimplification. Fascism is the merging of state/government and corporations, which is a horrendous merger that ends up destroying the freedom of the population. Obviously, because the profit motive and lack of care of corporations is merged with the coercive power of the state to hammer home these profit motives at the expense of the people’s natural rights.
Unless you have been under a rock, you will note that the left has been extremely strong on corporate fascism lately. For example, the Biden / Harris camp want to permanently lock down and make masks, vaccines etc mandatory–versus the Trump camp which is slower to adopt such patently pharmaco fascist ideals.
So the false dichotomy / dialectic of left Vs right isn’t necessarily tied at the hip, or against corporate fascism. So the video and text is a false critique.
He then goes on to say that this unknown spider wants the people to be believers, and believe in something that is rigid. Then they become less of a problem. He then lists four things which this elite want us to have that not only make us less of a problem to them but also make us prisoners of the mind.
1. Religion 2. Politics 3. Race and 4. Self-Identity.
What a master of double talk Mr. Icke is! Just see how he is preaching in a form of reverse psychology the same philosophy as his masters from the Protocols Of Zion:
“It is essential for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the mind of the Goyim and the principle of ‘God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit’, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs…. Such communities will lose interest in, and foster a strong aversion toward sound political management and religion.”
Protocol #4 – Materialism to Replace Religion
So the Jews want to undermine all faith and have the people strongly averse toward sound political management [like National Socialism] and religion [like True Christianity]. This is exactly what Icke is creating in his followers by portraying to them that the elite want the people to have religion and politics so they can be manipulated. Just see his double talk!
Take a look at the effects of Jewish communism in Russia and China in regards to undermining all faith in God. And by the way you will never hear Icke talking about the Jews role in communism and how these demoniac regimes butchered over 100 million people, mainly Christian or other religious people.
How are the Jews now attacking the remaining Christian values? They are doing it with their cultural marxist revolution which is degrading all the religious moral values of our western nations.
Then the last two things Icke says the elite want us to have are race and self-identity…. What a joker Icke is! One of the most fundamental principles of the Jews is to destroy all other races but their own. This is reveal by the Jewish E.U. ‘founding father’ Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi in his book Practical Idealism from 1925 said:
“The man of the future will be a mongrel. Today’s races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space, time, and prejudice.
The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
Instead of destroying Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process.
Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility through spiritual grace.
The prominent position held by Jewry these days is owed to its spiritual supremacy which enables it to win the spiritual battle over enormous superior numbers of favoured, hateful, jealous rivals.
Modern anti-Semitism is one of the many reactionary phenomenons of the mediocre against the supreme; it is a new form of ostracism applied against a whole people. [ostracize = exclude]”
thanks for the perspective. David Icke makes more sense than anyone, including you. Even if he is a fraud, his teachings surpass most.
They make perfect shilling sense to me too
It is quite easy to pick out the shills. If they have a big platform, making heaps of money, he is a shill. Think about it, if anyone is a danger to the end goal, they would NOT make it easy. I am tired of the incessant spiritual talk, when we, as physical beings are going deeper & deeper into the lizards hole. What has modern spirituality done for the earth and humanity? It is in decline, but making us think we are doing good. What a selfish doctrine..
What they don’t want is for us to peel away the corruption, in religion. All religion originate from the same source, and if you go from oldest to newest, it unfolds like a history book. Oh yes it is covered with darkness upon darkness, by the same people running this whole scam. Then we would really see the truth. Instead we have people running with their own made up feel good desirous selfs. Well, that works for the enemy, doesn’t it?