Nationalism without God is simply extended sense gratification and has no true lasting value. True nationalism is God centered and will empower us to driveRead More
Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness.
Nationalism without God is simply extended sense gratification and has no true lasting value. True nationalism is God centered and will empower us to driveRead More
You have created this situation. You must be killed. You may be American or Englishman or German or this or that. You may be veryRead More
TRANSLATION: Suta Gosvami said: Lord Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the maintainer of the world, became pleased after reestablishing Maharaja YudhisthiraRead More
TRANSLATION: A cruel and wretched person who maintains his existence at the cost of others’ lives deserves to be killed for his own well-being, otherwiseRead More
America is now getting closer and closer to the position of Germany just after the first world war, before Hitler came into power. The differenceRead More
In 1975 Prabhupada foresaw the destruction we are now experiencing in our once great western nations. If we understand the root cause of our fallRead More
Most people consider life a battle, but it is not a battle, it is a game. It is a game, however, which cannot be playedRead More
The Jews also, they sacrifice animal in the synagogue. I have read one book, Lord Jesus Christ, when he was a young boy he wasRead More