This article will prove conclusively that the flat earth paradigm does not exist anywhere in Prabhupada’s books. It exists only as an indirect interpretation of the fifth canto or in other words as a mental concoction.
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Of course if is winter in europe and summer in south america this proves that the earth is not flat. So easy to see.
I have no detailed knowledge of their cosmology and whatnot, but I’m sure they have their way around this. Simple truth is that Prabhupada says it’s BS, so it’s BS
no it doesn’t. The sun works exactly like the eye of a cd player. The earth is flat.
wow, happy to put this book in the hands of the public at book distribution parties,
few years ago dubay ruled youtube, now the tables have turned, he even blasphemed the Kabba Stone in Mecca recently, but he was big few years ago, I have his flat earth album cd, he is a skilled musician,
another high roller is russianvids, although a FE propagator, he has some other info about freemasons scamming the public with hoaxes and hoaxers on the news, etc, he has a site that is kind of like youtube was like a few years ago, when his elk weren’t hushed so much nowadays, it is interesting to watch his stuff, but, I don’t think he gives a you know what about men’s rights though, but, it is informative, he is vegetarian, and, his heart is in the right place, but, I don’t think he is seeing the real scammers behind the scammers that he exposes, he needs to be realized some more somehow by us,
although, nowadays, focusing on men’s rights, animal’s rights, and, getting rid of women’s rights, and, returning to former systems of state run slaughterhouses that kill the lower classes and turn them into processed meat food for free supermarkets and free restaurants, and therefore doing away with any need for anyone to be a pounds and shillings “person” are the name of the game to social reform nowadays based on our scientific literature,
I personally used to be interested in cosmology in the past, but, I feel at the present moment, it is a side note, nowadays, it is nowhere near as important as social reform based on the real laws of our scientific literatures, and the proper distribution of actual justice based on our scientific literatures,
Allegiance to The Cult!
Hari Bol Prabhuji.
Thank you for this post. I also have seen diverse explanations. The most by ISKCON devotees.
There are even differences amongst them:
-Like you said, those who say that the Earth is flat and on de soutern side of Jambudvipa, called Bharatavarsa
-Also some say that in Bharatavarsa there also nine divisions of which the last one is Bharata-khanda which is Earth (also flat)
-There is another group which uses modern science and tries to merge it with Canto 5. They say that what we know now (thanks to moders scientists) is the current reality of every conditioned soul and that when one is more self-realized (through following Vedic rules and regulations and chanting etc) one can see more and thus the descriptions in Canto 5 can be seen
-Another group says that in Jambudvipa on the souternside you have Bharatavarsa (which is the Earth as globe (how we see it now). They refer to Vadiraja Tirtha and his book Bhu-gola varnanam.
I was wondering about the last one. Do you know this book Bhu-gola varnanam? And if it is valid.
I will read your entire pdf so that I can understand more about this subject. There is indeed alot of different information on this subject coming from persons who say they are followers of Srimad Bhagavatam. This confuses the newcomers. To bad there is no cooperation.
Again thanks for your posts. Hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna Hendrik prabhu. Thanks for your message. So sorry but i do not know of these other books. What i am clear of is that Prabhupada never described the earth (Bharat Varsa) or the other heavenly earthly planets in the Bhu-mandala planetary system as flat planes. This flat earth philosophy is coming from the mental platform not from the authority of Prabhupada and his teachings from the Vedas.
I hope this meets you well. Love Mukunda dasa.
Just look at a damn weather balloon without a fish eye, and then look at nasa disproofs. If they were telling the truth, they would never need to lie at all. So ANY bubbles in space, or Challenger crew mysteriously alive means that NASA is lying. If they are lying, and all the globe pictures are obviously CGI, and pilots and the TALMUD itself says it’s flat: it follows that it is indeed flat. Stop being dumb. You are interpreting it wrong. Sorry, but this is the one thing Prabhupada was incorrect about. He was either too indoctrinated or ignorant of the obvious. Disproving Nasa means something is at least up. So most likely, it’s flat. Just use basic logic.
logic of a conditioned soul with imperfect senses
Prabhupada and the Srimad Bhagavatam are never wrong. Those who say they are a deluded by illusion!
According to the Vedic cosmological model, which was accurately understood as spherical, the ‘flat realm’ referred to the ‘celestial equatorial plane’ that extends into space. This was commonly understood as a ‘flat sea surface,’ that bisects the cosmic sphere into its northern and southern half-spheres.
See for example, the two Colour Plates on p. 277-278 of the phenomenal Vedic cosmology study, The Arctic Home in the Veda. Lokamanya B. G. Tilak, (1903). This book is extremely important to historians concerned with the northern circumpolar origins of the Vedic culture and is freely downloadable as a PDF.
Legends such as the ‘Churning of the Ocean of Nectar,’ which refers to the processes of precessional mechanics, mostly relate to this model, or its derivatives.
Best wishes. A.
P.S.: When studying the above book [the most authoritative study on this subject], if readers wish to observe the circumpolar heavens as recorded in the Veda, simply download the Stellarium free software, which is extremely user friendly and easy to use. One can then observe the two month polar dawn, etc, as recorded in the Veda and other Aryan texts.
P.S. Traditionally speaking, the equatorial plane extends from the Earth’s Equator (i.e. ‘0° Latitude’) to the Celestial Equator (i.e. ‘0° Declination’). it was this ‘central plane,’ and small part of the ancient cosmological system, that misinformed people confused with other cosmological realities.
Best wishes A.