1488 The 14 words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” Because H is the eighth letter ofRead More
Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness.
1488 The 14 words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” Because H is the eighth letter ofRead More
“…The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is soRead More
Excellent and important video. For those who claim that our people are not under attack, this is clear evidence to prove it. In addition, simplyRead More
Here is some more TRUTH about WHITE GENOCIDE!!!! Based on FACTS and the (((United Nations))) definition of “Genocide”. This is NOT just “my” take onRead More
“We’ve been ethnically cleansed”. The tragic death of the Cockney & our capital city, London. Hung_Likable: In retrospect, it would have been better to loseRead More
What do they know of England, who only England know? Elizabeth: The English, like the Americans, must take back their borders, culture, religion and language.Read More
The association of devotees (arya-sangama) is the most important factor in this world. The word arya refers to those who are advancing spiritually. In theRead More
Nation’s survive and thrive when they’re able to communicate clearly and honestly, and they can just as easily fall to pieces when dishonest actors polluteRead More
In our left hand we hold an olive branch… in our right, a sword. We ask that you please don’t knock the branch from ourRead More
White supremacy has no factual reality. There is only Jewish supremacy and their hatred for the white race. Such hatred manifests through the minorities thatRead More
Regarding lynchings… For a brief time in American history lynching a criminal , depending on the nature of the crime, became a common occurrence. Apparently,Read More
The issue for me is that the current state of government holds a monopoly on the use of force and is funded via the initiationRead More
TRANSLATION “To stop the quarreling among different peoples, Mahārāja Priyavrata marked boundaries at rivers and at the edges of mountains and forests so that noRead More