For self-realization, one should always remember Krishna. As stated in Padma Purana, smartavyah satatam visnuh: we should always remember Lord Vishnu. Vismartavyo na jatucit: weRead More
Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness.
For self-realization, one should always remember Krishna. As stated in Padma Purana, smartavyah satatam visnuh: we should always remember Lord Vishnu. Vismartavyo na jatucit: weRead More
Paramahamsa: For example in the Bible they quote that the world is flat. So therefore when they found out the world is round, they say,Read More
The new Quantum Financial System (QFS) is a gold-backed, transparent, and tamper-proof financial system designed to eliminate corruption, usury, and manipulation by central banks. OperatingRead More
Jayadharma: Is the whole world going to become Communist, Prabhupada? Or is the whole world going to become Krsna cons…? Prabhupada: Nobody is Communist, butRead More
This example of Dhruva Maharaja’s closing the holes of his personal body and thereby closing the breathing holes of the total universe clearly indicates thatRead More
It will be clear from the information in this video that those who engage in prostituting gold or the pernicious practice of usury are theRead More
One thing is quite certain —within a quarter of a century the Americans will either have become violently anti-semitic or they will be devoured byRead More
I made the following video in February 2018 but never uploaded it to my Prabhupada Truth Vlog. After Covid 1984 etc. and now the genocideRead More
This is my take on Harry Vox and his attack on the GDL (especially Handsome Truth) and his points about optics and controlled opposition. Read More
This is my frank and straight message to the Hitler hating E. Michael Jones and all the other dogmatic Catholics. Download Video (Right Click AndRead More
MY STRANGE EXPERIENCE WITH THE DATE 23-09-2023 “They’ve been telling us that something is going to happen on September 23 they put in over 30Read More
The man snake is under pressure and puffing his neck out!!! Then the truth comes right out of his hissing mouth, confirming what those whoRead More
“Srila Prabhupada sometimes said that a “bear-like race of beings had come from a lower planetary system, and were attempting to take over the EarthRead More