Raksasa are called man-eaters, more than tigers. They, for their self-satisfaction, they can eat, I mean to say, even, even their own sons. You see?Read More
Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness.
Raksasa are called man-eaters, more than tigers. They, for their self-satisfaction, they can eat, I mean to say, even, even their own sons. You see?Read More
Predictive Programming Elements: Agenda 21, Global Warming, Veganism & Cannibalism Thematic Predictive Programming Elements: 1. The setting of the movie elaborates on a very simpleRead More
America is now getting closer and closer to the position of Germany just after the first world war, before Hitler came into power. The differenceRead More
The Vegan movement is totally Jewish, completely anti-logos, totally demoniac! It is to the human civilization what feminism is to the family. COMPLETELY DESTRUCTIVE!!! Read More
The Vegan movement is totally Jewish, completely anti-logos, totally demoniac! It is to the human civilization what feminism is to the family. COMPLETELY DESTRUCTIVE!!! TakeRead More
Remember that in the past we did not have the Federal Reserve or even income tax. We also had almost no crime by comparison andRead More