The cow is the most important animal for developing the human body to perfection. The body can be maintained by any kind of foodstuff, butRead More
Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness.
The cow is the most important animal for developing the human body to perfection. The body can be maintained by any kind of foodstuff, butRead More
International Jewry tried to kill Srila Prabhupada because he has totally exposed all the lies that form the foundation of their New World Order. NowRead More
In this video clip Prabhupada speaks about 34 ounce. The following quotes will clarify exactly what Prabhupada was talking about: There are two Sanskrit words,Read More
According to Vedic injunctions there are six kinds of aggressors: 1) a poison giver, 2) one who sets fire to the house, 3) one whoRead More
“This is the End and I Blame the Jew – But the Beginning IF YOU WANT IT!!!! Please chant Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna,Read More
Another amazing film by Spero Patria!!!! A documentary based around the work, speeches, and life events of Sir Oswald Mosley, a 20th century British politician,Read More
Don’t be intimidated and bullied by these vegone “devotees” or smarta vaisyas to stop taking milk. Keep healthy and strong by taking the best milkRead More
Vegans are supporters of the biggest criminals in the history of the world namely INTERNATIONAL JEWRY. THESE ARE THE FOUNDERS OF THEIR DEMONIAC VEGAN MOVEMENT!!!Read More
Devotee : In New Zealand they have a hundred million tons of surplus milk powder, and they can’t sell it, so they decided to feedRead More
Our cows are happy, therefore they give plenty of milk. Vedic civilization gives protection to all the living creatures, especially the cows, because they renderRead More
ISKCON like to advertise that they have ahimsa (non-violent) milk yet their whole society is built on violence to Srila Prabhupada and his perfect discipleRead More
While i have been trying to wake up the “devotees” from following the path of international jewry and their agenda 21 for the establishment ofRead More
So I spoke that violence means to check a person from the discharge of his duties. That is violence. That was my viewpoint. Devotee: ToRead More