In this video i will discuss the fundamental reason behind the culture distorters obsession with the white race. I shall also look at how thisRead More
Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness.
Here is some more TRUTH about WHITE GENOCIDE!!!! Based on FACTS and the (((United Nations))) definition of “Genocide”. This is NOT just “my” take on it, as again, this is based on the “accepted definition” of what “Genocide”
In this video i will discuss the fundamental reason behind the culture distorters obsession with the white race. I shall also look at how thisRead More
In this video Prabhupada will expose the so called chosen people of God. But first let us hear from these proud jews who think theyRead More
In this video I will present evidence to show that circumcision is a major part of a deliberate plan by world Jewry to completely destroyRead More
According to Vedic injunctions there are six kinds of aggressors: 1) a poison giver, 2) one who sets fire to the house, 3) one whoRead More
Those who are demigods, they are always surayah. Surayah means Just like Aryans and non-Aryans. Then there’s suri and asuri, or sura or asura. Asura,Read More
“All persons from every corner of the world to take up this cause of spiritual movement in a combined force and offer a challenge toRead More
Before the Battle of Kuruksetra, Dhrtarastra’s policy was peaceful annihilation of his nephews, and therefore he ordered Purocana to build a house at Varanavata, andRead More
JEWS ON HOW THEY WISH TO DESTROY ARYAN MONARCHY Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism (Protocols Of Zion – Summary) 26.Read More
A bastardisation (/pol/ style) of Don Henley’s “The Boys of Summer.” Lyrics below: Download Video (Right Click And Save Link As) MIRRORED FROM: https://www.altcensored.com/watch?v=MK-NoHjSgF8Read More
No nation has produced individual soldiers to excel Nathaniel Greene, General Know, General Sullivan, John Stark, Nicholas Herkimer, Anthony Wayne, Daniel Morgan, John Paul Jones,Read More
Nazis took on the Jews and they lost. Germany knew just exactly what it’d cost. They made the ultimate sacrifice for us. Their voices areRead More
1488 The 14 words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” Because H is the eighth letter ofRead More
One of the reasons many jews are so gung ho about White genocide is that they truly believe they were instructed by Yahweh to exterminateRead More