If you have started to stand six feet away from people because of fear of the common cold then you should know that you are being mind controlled.
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Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness.
If you have started to stand six feet away from people because of fear of the common cold then you should know that you are being mind controlled.
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Hare Krsna Prabhu! Yes, the world has gone totally insane. We are very few left who can think. And the people I have discovered who know about the agenda all feel helpless.
Update: I have seen countless cell-towers in my area being fitted with new tubular and box transmitters.
Are you talking about India? Where do you live prabhu? This is alarming!!
we will win prabhu. Strenght and Honour. Hare. Sieg .
Dear Mukunda dasa!
You are so correct! If those who hear and see you will do as you say, they will be fine in Krishna’s peace! God’s peace! Thank you dear one with the Divine who cares!
Jaya Prabhuji!!!!!
Nice Prabhu.

Greetings from Belgium
Hare Krishna Prabhu