“They’ve been telling us that something is going to happen on September 23 they put in over 30 movies.”
“For decades movies and musics have warning us about september 2023. I have watched some tv shows from 1960’s and 1970’s and there are de code. I can see code 239/236 in almost every movie I watch now. Something very very bad will happen this year.”
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I, PET GOAT II (independent film – nuclear bomb in NYC on 9/23)
HARD SUN (BBC Series – Planet X arrives on 9/23)
BIG BANG THEORY (TV series – asteroid strike on 9/23)
ASTEROID CITY (movie – asteroid strike on 9/23)
VOLCANO (movie – asteroid strike on 9/23)
SEEKING A FRIEND FOR THE END OF THE WORLD (movie – asteroid strike on 9/23)
Julie & Julia (book and movie – meteor strike on 9/23)
DEEP IMPACT (movie – asteroid strike on 9/23)
EVAN ALMIGHTY (movie – worldwide flood on 9/23)
KNOWING (movie – solar flare on 9/23)
LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS (movie – cataclysmic event on 9/23)
TOMORROWLAND (movie – disaster strikes on 9/23)
NCIS Episode LAST MAN STANDING (TV series – this shows 9/23, and it says “Do they suspect?” and the answer is “No”, a cataclysmic event on 9/23)
the number 23 (movie – Hell arrives on 9/23)
Sleepy Hollow (movie – another dimension opens up on 9/23)
GHOSTBUSTERS 9 (movie – evil is released on 9/23)
THIS IS THE END (movie – the Rapture happens on 9/23)
PANDEMIC (movie – outbreak starts on 9/23)
LABYRINTH (movie – evil consumes the world on 9/23)
LOST (TV series – plane crashes and Hell begins on 9/23)
CASTAWAY (movie – he finds the wallet of his co-worker, and the ID card in it states the worker’s employment start date was on 9/23/1987)
TACO BELL (TV commercial – escaping a concentration camp on 9/23)
GUINNESS BEER (TV commercial – “If you keep an open mind you’ll discover dark secrets” and stopwatch stops on 9/23)
GONE GIRL (book, movie – date of dissappearance shown twice is 9/23)
FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE (music video – “We will drag bodies to the ground” and watch stops on 9/23)
23 by MILEY CYRUS (music video – shows numbers 666 and 923, date 9-23 appears 9 times)
7/11 by RHIANNA (music video by Rhianna who always wears demon costumes: “Get lost” calendar dated 9/24, another video has 923 on car license plates
SOMEDAY by BLACK EYED PEAS (music video – calendar of the month of ‘Someday’ on 9/23)
TAINTED LOVE (music video – horoscope calendar open to the date 9/13 and asteroid strikes on 9/23)
NOTHING WAS THE SAME by DRAKE (music album released on 9/23 with pictures of 9/23 shirts on it)
LICKS AND KICKS by ISRAEL VIBRATIONS (song, 1978 – September 24th is mentioned as the Great Tribulation fulfillment of Holy Prophecies on 9/23)
HEROES REBORN (TV series – Persecution of the church begins on 9/23)
RESIDENCE EVIL (video game – the invasion begins on 9/23)
ILLUMINATI CARD GAME (collector’s playing cards – has 3 cards inclusing asteroid card appearing 9 times with the date 9/23)
ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE (TV show 1990 – “The day of the Lord shall be upon you” on 9/23)
RED DAWN (movie – America breaks out in chaos on 9/23)
I FRANKENSTEIN (movie – clocktower hands are on 9/23)
SAN ANDREAS (movie – after earthquake people view devastation on computer with numbers 9, 2 and 3 at top left of screen)
PIXELS (movie – preview shows “PacMan” game with the high score, and current score, starting with the digits 239 or, again, 9/23, as most countries code dates with the month before the day. The theme is both an alien invasion and a meteorite strike)
LEFT BEHIND (movie – released on Day of Atonement in 2014 (the same day as “Gone Girl” came out). Both movies appear to be a warning. People vanish from an airplane, in the Rapture, as well as all over the world. It shows Gates 9-23, and states “We were warned”)
RUN ALL NIGHT (movie – mentions “the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against her offspring” Revelation 12:17, date of newspaper shown is on 9/23)
JUPITER Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms (movie – release date on 9-22-2023)
SPRECTRUM (music video -Singer showing one-eyed symbolism and her watch is set on 9/23)
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (video game – Sonic the Hedgehog CD ‘Time Travel’ on 9-23)
Flight MH 370 is officially announced missing with 239 people = 9-23)
DIABLO II (video game – released on 9-23)
Prabhupada Truth, [14/09/2023 01:48]
As soon as I watched this I felt a heavy feeling overcome me, normally I wouldn’t believe this date stuff but I genuinely felt in my heart something was going to occur. Whether it’s on this material plane or a more subtle one the demons are doing something.
Prabhupada Truth, [14/09/2023 01:48]
The demons have been opening up more and more portal type things to bring in some sort of army to try fight the coming of the Germans and Demi gods
Prabhupada Truth, [14/09/2023 01:48]
I have had many dreams of the world turning into chaos even before becoming a devotee and seeing countless dead body’s, people screaming, cities burning down, fake alien invasion, and everytime I was saved by some sort of being in a flying disc
Prabhupada Truth, [14/09/2023 01:48]
I have had dreams since a kid about being taken elsewhere by flying saucer, me and my brother where attacked constantly as kids by Asuras an shadow people, nightmares every night, my brother would see dark talk figure harrassing him my bed was moved into the middle of the room one night
Prabhupada Truth, [14/09/2023 01:48]
Prabhupada Truth, [14/09/2023 01:48]
There is clearly going to be a fake invasion to get people scared and when the Germans come all these fools will fight the wrong enemy
Prabhupada Truth, [14/09/2023 01:48]
I wish I knew when it was going to happen but I have seen myself in these dreams where the Germans and Demi gods have established control of certain areas in earth and I have been apart of there army as a high ranking officer. In the dreams I would say I was in my late 20s so there must atleast me almost a decade until the end of these demonic regimes
Prabhupada Truth, [14/09/2023 01:48]
I have also dreamed of being inside huge hidden military bases where everyone is wearing German military uniform and there are huge flying discs inside these bases. They are hidden all over the world waiting for the call to attack
Prabhupada Truth, [14/09/2023 01:48]
A couple of my friends from America have also had similar dreams
Prabhupada Truth, [14/09/2023 01:48]
Prabhupada Truth, [14/09/2023 01:48]
amaziung prabhu
Prabhupada Truth, [14/09/2023 01:48]
Yeh it is I’m very grateful to have been given this insight
Prabhupada Truth, [14/09/2023 01:48]
look at these comments
Prabhupada Truth, [14/09/2023 01:48]
Absolutely Mukunda. They are obviously planning something and we need to use OUR power to neutralize their plans.
Prabhupada Truth, [14/09/2023 01:48]
Yom Kippur begins on Sunday, 24th September 2023, at sundown and ends on Monday, 25th September 2023, at nightfall.
Prabhupada Truth, [14/09/2023 01:48]
Oh wow
Prabhupada Truth, [14/09/2023 01:48]
From the 15th of September through the 25th — it is considered to be the jewish high holy days. The 15th and 16th are Rosh Hashana.
That’s truly amazing information. I’m enjoying this website. I’m obsessed with our common enemy. I found your website through the Patrick Little video dated today 9/13/23. He’s talking about he just finished a book about 9/11. However, I became skeptical of his intentions when I later saw him in photos calling out Jews in N.Y. When he clearly acted new to the Jewish problem during his video. Plus the fact that he’s entering politics, makes him twice as sketchy. I simply don’t believe anything any politician says. We’ve become so saturated with Jews in our government. He wouldn’t last 5 minutes spewing all that anti semitic rhetoric if he truly meant it. If he’s serious about politics, he won’t be serious about saving America. I do know several crypto Jews who will blatantly call for action against the Jews, but they are only doing it to bring out the brave ones who are willing to stand up and then they will quickly be demolished defamed and smeared and threatened. Warned to sit down and shut up or else. Resulting in nothing more. It’s a sad shame that nobody can organize to bring about awareness without dying or prison. This is what these evil vampires have reduced us to.
Thanks for your comment my friend. Hare Krishna. Jaya Prabhupada.
Hare Krishna prabhu. Thanks ever so much for the heads-up. Curiously enough, every morning during japa and even last night, I ve seen a UFO hovering over the city. It looks like a mothership and is accompanied by at least 3 orbs.This has been going on for at least 2 weeks. I live in a highrise in Montreal. The fact that its not trying to hide its presence definitely piques my interest. Now that you ve brought this date to my attention, I look forward to it with great anticipation. I, so very much want to see the collapse of this degraded civilization so the warriors of God can establish Srila Prabhupada as the sole diksha guru in Iskcon and deal with the false, so-called gurus accordingly. Haribol All glories to our beloved Srila Prabhupada
Hare Krishna Prabhuji. great comment. Please send me a video of these UFO you are seeing.
my mother and i are clairsentient, and we where telling each other just last week about feeling that something is going to happen before the year is over…
i was planning to go somewhere with the train that day, so thank you for spreading awareness prabhuji!
jai prabhupada!
THank you so much Mataji. Hare Krishna. Jaya Prabhupada.
Hare Krishna Mukunda dasa prabhu. Sorry, but I don t know how to post videos or much else. When it comes to technology, I m not very proficient. I wasn t able to see the UFO today cuz it s been very cloudy all morning. If you know another devotee from Mtl. maybe they d be kind enough to video this mothership and the orbs that I ve seen lately. I also saw orbs on a regular basis last yr. The mothership not. This mothership flies vertical and looks like a cross. I see it from 4 30 a.m. to approx. 6 to 6.30 a.m. Of course, since you reminded us that Srila Prabhupada predicted in 1973 that within 50 yrs. everything will be finished, I m expecting a total societal and economic collapse any time soon. I can barely wait. Please accept my humble obeisances prabhu and I pray to Lord Krishna to protect great devotees like yourself.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
In literature the picture still prevails that Hitler had been the representative of a reactionary or anti-modernistic faction within the NSDAP, whereas Otto Strasser had led the progressive and socialist wing. This erroneous opinion will have to be corrected once we have understood the following controversy of the definition of progress as Strasser himself reports it. In his report about the dispute with Hitler on 22 May 1930 Strasser writes that he had told Hitler that ‘I had to deny the so-called progress of mankind to begin with, because I was unable to regard the invention of the toilet as a work of culture.’ To this Hitler had replied: ‘You certainly cannot deny that mankind has developed enormously, starting from the Stone Age to today’s marvels of technology.’ Strasser objected that he did not believe in the progress of man and was of the opinion that ‘man has been and will remain unchanged for millennia, even if his outer appearance changed’. Turning polemically to Hitler he asked him whether he actually believed that ‘Goethe had been “retarded” because he did not drive a car, or Napoleon, because he had not yet listened to the radio. What we call progress I regard – following my law of the triune bipolarity – as being various stages of an ageing process, whereby it was only a relative term whether this was called progress’. Hitler had replied to this that ‘all of this was desk bound theories because practical life actually did prove day by day the gigantic progress of mankind, which always only received its impulses from great individuals’.
human progress refers to human qualities like fearlessness, compassion, physical longevity, self realisation, etc and yea it is realative to what we know of the human beings capabilities, like compared to arjuna we are not developed or advanced, and whether we are advanced compared to stone age people? who knows whether such a time existed as all of history has been lied about, compared to many of our oral histories men have devolved, definitely shitting in the rivers is a devolution, our ancestors could have created many things such as cars but spewing poison into vayu was not an option, many of todays inventions were not options as they are offensive and toxic and not in anyway progressive in concerns to “human” culture or human beings. they may be progressive for demons however, as asuras are all about independence from GOD, progressing away from nature and GOD.
hare krishna prabhuji;
pamho, agtSP;
nothing happened (luckily) that day, at least not as far as we could see, (except me getting a flat tire on the highway that day, and i am not kidding)
but …as i mentioned before, i am clairsentient, and i felt something in the air that day, and it was not a good vibe….maybe the illuminati did another nasty ritual or something on that day…..