There are two kinds of vegans, firstly the honest kind who openly deride the use of milk and milk products. The second kind are those who are externally posing as followers of the Vedas but are at heart also vegans and envious of Prabhupada’s Vedic truths.
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Look up The grand solar
Minimum. It has a lot to do with why Srila Prabhupada said rural farms are the future.
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Can you can do it?
The Iskcon devotees / Leaders who Promote VEGANISM,,are the MOST Dangerous,,,They are Damaging the Spreading Krsna Conssiousness ( Vedic Culture ) -They damage Cow Protection ,because they make it Products ( Irrelevant ) Thus the Cows are Killed Anyway.Worse -They Mis-Represent HDG Srila Prabhupada,,,- TOTALLY. P.S. Cows need to be Protected and we use its Products. As far as not taking Cows Milk,,,Devotees say Take Only- Ahimsa Milk. (which is hard to find and not available) Your Points about Taking Store bought Milk is 100 % – Correct. Prabhupada said,,What can be done..??? Krishna Wants His Milk ( we need it ) Vanashram Farms with 1,000’s of Cows,,,would be needed to Establish ( Ahimsa Milk ) That wasnt Done by iskcon-. Not Stop Milk / Dairy use,,,Get the BEST Milk (Dairy)- you can get,,,If you buy use Store Milk,,,Offer it to KRSNA,,,BAS,,,Its Blessed,,,Youre Blessed,,The Cow is Blessed.—. WHY CANT DEVOTEES GET IT ? Even Stupid gurus preach VEGAN.- P.S. ( Not all Jews are bad ,,its the Demonic ELITE Rich–Political ZIONISTS,,,Controllers )
good points prabhu. Thank you.
Why are you using the enemy’s taxonomy? Stop calling these dimwitted people Demons, or Demoniacs. Daemons are our pagan Gods.
No demons are those who reject the authority of God or Sri Krishna.
I am vegan because I love animals
You are vegan because you have swallowed the jewish propaganda.
Yes the crap from bio industries and polluted grass fields is indeed the reason people get sick or get lactose intolerant.
But still the amount of milk needed to provide the greedy consumers Nd the supermarket controlled pricing makes it a very unpleasant (sick and empathy less) treatment of the animal.
Complete abuse. As cows only should give milk when they have a calf. All other consumption of living creatures not from nature is vibrating with misery, pain, neglect, and abuse.
So its upto anyone itself to go for love or torture. We are not omnivores. Were conditioned to be omnivores.
Agenda 2030 is to get us all into processed patented crap food. To control the population and enforce obedience.
That’s correct. But don’t say veganism is coming from the agenda only.
Try to see where the proteins actually come from and maybe battle a plant-eater to see who wins? A silverback gorilla..