MUST WATCH Interview with Patrick Little. Pat totally red pills an interviewer from Japan’s oldest newspaper, although she has a hard time swallowing the pills due to the jewish chains around her throat.
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He is right but his knowledge and solution is outside of natural law and based on evolution Darwinism which is a lie. To heal mankind and the Earth we need to go backwards not forwards, he only sees the solution as dealing with the 2%. His approach will not work because he is trying to use man made solutions with man made rules.
The 2% are masters of the system, they create the rules and it is not the solution to attack them head on. Nature and the old traditions is the answer turn your back on them, do not see them and do not hear them. I admire his bravery and enthusiasm to raise awareness and maybe raising the awareness will lead people to the right path of freedom.
Your comment is correct. Maybe he’s read Sun Siu’s “The Art of War” by now.
@Escape The Prison
They are ‘masters’ due to their free money allows them to buy criminals on both sides of ‘law enforcement’ divisions, with ‘Satanists’ counted among them, including and esp. their Masonic/cops other LEOs and judges!
“They get their money for nothing and their chicks for free.”, as the song aptly stated.
In short their terrorist boots on the ground, the most important wearing badges and carrying guns, they’re hard to beat.
To not attack them head on is the height of cowardice and an excuse to maintain that position; the fact few are willing is precisely why they’re in control! IOW, our enemy is not them, but the cowards who make similar excuses AND ignore their child snatching, selling and pedophilia gigs!
(The latter is their Achilles heal, but most avoid it like the plague they are; the good news is the self serving cowards too will be destroyed with this filth they helped to create.)
“The 2% are masters of the system, they create the rules and it is not the solution to attack them head on. “
Expose that fifth column!
#CANST – Children Are NOT Sex Toys
you are mostly correct.
One of ‘their’ tricks is getting us to think ‘they’ are only 2%. The truth is that all a human needs is a “seed of abraham” to be one of the ‘chosen’. It is actually a very large family and is embedded in all of the 4/5 ‘races’. So, there is a considerable amount more than 2% of global pop.
The second point is ‘they’ can do NOTHING without their ‘protectors’ – that is all govts WW and all uniformed/armored/armed ‘protector’. Remove the ‘protectors’ and the evil ends. full stop.
Patrick proves to be brilliant with a heart. A rare combination in anyone other than one who is realized, such as one who is a saint.
Patrick is one of those who rate the highest positions in this world, and in heaven. Thank you Mukunda dasa and Thank you Patrick Little, great hero for good!