In this video I will present evidence to show that circumcision is a major part of a deliberate plan by world Jewry to completely destroyRead More
Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness.
In this video I will present evidence to show that circumcision is a major part of a deliberate plan by world Jewry to completely destroyRead More
ISKCON Jews admit they delete and hide Prabhupada’s “controversial” truths! In the following transcript anything you see written in yellow was deleted by the JewishRead More
SO THE MORE YOU DEVELOP YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS, THE MORE YOU BECOME A FREEDOM LOVER “There is consciousness. So the more you develop your consciousness, theRead More
The war is spiritual between the forces of darkness and light for the soul of humanity. We should be awake to how the demons areRead More
The following shocking revelations about the German people in and around the Midwest of the United States Of America comes from part 8 of myRead More
The war is spiritual between the forces of darkness and light for the soul of humanity. We should be awake to how the demons areRead More
The war is spiritual between the forces of darkness and light for the soul of humanity. We should be awake to how the demons areRead More
Bobby Fischer is seen by many as the greatest chess player of all time. Whether that is true or not, is impossible to know. ButRead More
International Jewry is using the name and fame of Michael Jackson to introduce millions of human minds to graphic descriptions of disgusting paedophile activities. ThisRead More
In this video I will present evidence to show that circumcision is a major part of a deliberate plan by world Jewry to completely destroyRead More
Bobby Fischer the greatest chess player who ever lived. The guy in the video just got checkmated by Bobby!!! Quotes from Bobby: First of all,Read More