ISKCON Jews admit they delete and hide Prabhupada’s “controversial” truths! In the following transcript anything you see written in yellow was deleted by the JewishRead More
Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness.
Watch videos and learn directly the science of Krishna Consciousness from the eternal Guru Srila Prabhupada, the saviour of the whole world for 10,000 years.
ISKCON Jews admit they delete and hide Prabhupada’s “controversial” truths! In the following transcript anything you see written in yellow was deleted by the JewishRead More
In the first conversation we hear, Srila Prabhupada declares that the Jews are the greatest shylocks. And by their prostitution of gold (usury) they haveRead More
In this video I will show how Jews in ISKCON as leaders at the top of the movement and also those working as controlled oppositionRead More
“I don’t believe that he (Hitler) killed so many Jews in concentration camps.” [Prabhupada Morning Walk — October 8, 1972, Berkeley] Download VideoRead More
During a morning walk conversation in Los Angeles on the 26th September 1972, Srila Prabhupada gives knowledge from the ancient Ayurveda. He explains that a pollutedRead More
Prabhupada: (break) …zation will collapse very soon, all over the world. It will collapse. Either you may bring this ism or that ism, this civilizationRead More
Prabhupada explains that the true platform of equality is to be in harmony with the Supreme Lord. Those who are not in agreement with theRead More
Sincere praise for Prabhupada’s humble endeavor given by a devotee and George Harrison (Prabhupada’s uninitiated disciple) Download Video (Right Click And Save Link As)Read More
In this video clip Prabhupada speaks about 34 ounce. The following quotes will clarify exactly what Prabhupada was talking about: There are two Sanskrit words,Read More
TRANSLATION: O my Lord, proprietor of all creation, You have now appeared in my house, desiring to protect this world. I am sure that YouRead More
TRANSLATION: O my Lord, proprietor of all creation, You have now appeared in my house, desiring to protect this world. I am sure that YouRead More
The information in this video will clearly prove that the rulers of our countries (International Jewry) are psychopathic aggressors. They are waging a war ofRead More
Prabhupada: So anartha. We should not create in the society anarthas, unwanted disturbances. The unwanted disturbance is illicit sex. And meat-eating. Meat-eating… Why one shouldRead More