Turn in your guns, shkotzim! Once you’re completely defenseless, you’ll be “safe.” Thank you traveling merchant, you’re our best ally. The demands you make ofRead More
Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness.
Here is some more TRUTH about WHITE GENOCIDE!!!! Based on FACTS and the (((United Nations))) definition of “Genocide”. This is NOT just “my” take on it, as again, this is based on the “accepted definition” of what “Genocide”
Turn in your guns, shkotzim! Once you’re completely defenseless, you’ll be “safe.” Thank you traveling merchant, you’re our best ally. The demands you make ofRead More
The following shocking revelations about the German people in and around the Midwest of the United States Of America comes from part 8 of myRead More
I took her out, It was on New Year’s Eve Went to Cologne, was full of rapefugees They started chimping out, and they took offRead More
Lyrics We’re enduring the worst of the kikes And I’m quite aware we’re dying And your sons they shake with fury And we’ll save yourRead More
Another amazing film by Spero Patria!!!! A documentary based around the work, speeches, and life events of Sir Oswald Mosley, a 20th century British politician,Read More
I hope this helps people understand why Prabhupada and the Vedic culture he is introducing is so hated and feared by International jewry. Vincent BrunoRead More
The association of devotees (arya-sangama) is the most important factor in this world. The word arya refers to those who are advancing spiritually. In theRead More
In this video I will present evidence to show that circumcision is a major part of a deliberate plan by world Jewry to completely destroyRead More
Nation’s survive and thrive when they’re able to communicate clearly and honestly, and they can just as easily fall to pieces when dishonest actors polluteRead More
In our left hand we hold an olive branch… in our right, a sword. We ask that you please don’t knock the branch from ourRead More
We must help to make the truth spread far & wide, and with the World Wide Web at our fingertips we absolutely must make-use ofRead More
White supremacy has no factual reality. There is only Jewish supremacy and their hatred for the white race. Such hatred manifests through the minorities thatRead More
Regarding lynchings… For a brief time in American history lynching a criminal , depending on the nature of the crime, became a common occurrence. Apparently,Read More