John Fury (father of heavyweight boxing champion Tyson Fury) tells it as it is: “Life will never be the same again… get used to it!”Read More
Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness.
John Fury (father of heavyweight boxing champion Tyson Fury) tells it as it is: “Life will never be the same again… get used to it!”Read More
Since the creation of the material world, there have been two kinds of men–the devas and the asuras. The devas are always faithful to theRead More
Some nice work from Handsome Truth and his friends. Download Video (Right Click And Save Link As) Check out His Goyim TV Channel WATCHRead More
International Jewry are in complete fear as they can see the goyim are awakening to their plans. What they fear more than ever is anotherRead More
This is a very interesting clip from Bill Gates which is surcharged with many revealing speech reversals that lay bare the true sinister nature ofRead More
This video will show you lots of anecdotal evidence of corruption in the hospitals and coroners’ offices all over the world in the reporting ofRead More
Krishna is like the sun, and maya, or the illusory energy of Krishna, is like darkness. Darkness means absence of light; similarly, maya means absenceRead More
TRANSLATION: A cruel and wretched person who maintains his existence at the cost of others’ lives deserves to be killed for his own well-being, otherwiseRead More
The information in this video will clearly prove that the rulers of our countries (International Jewry) are psychopathic aggressors. They are waging a war ofRead More
Mentions bill and his organisation, Mentions WHO and others. Please share to the WORLD😡😡😡 This is upsetting to watch and i am sorry but thisRead More
A vitriolic rant, delivered without apology. Our freedoms have been taken away from us based on provable lies delivered by professional liars. And the meekRead More
OMG~!!! DO NOT TAKE (((THEIR))) ROTTEN VACCINES!!!! This is a short clip of an interview done by FTW Live. Very powerful message from Dr. JudyRead More
International Jewry’s order to stay indoors can stand only as long as there is no civil disobedience!!! Download Video (Right Click And Save LinkRead More