ISKCON and the other Krishna Cults are externally presenting themselves as followers of Prabhupada but internally they are devoted to the Cultural Marxist philosophy ofRead More
Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness.
ISKCON and the other Krishna Cults are externally presenting themselves as followers of Prabhupada but internally they are devoted to the Cultural Marxist philosophy ofRead More
Prabhupada’s vegan order doesn’t factually exist!!! It lives only as an imagination in the pig brains of those envious rascals dressed as devotees in theRead More
There are two kinds of vegans, firstly the honest kind who openly deride the use of milk and milk products. The second kind are thoseRead More
The Vegan movement is totally Jewish, completely anti-logos, totally demoniac! It is to the human civilization what feminism is to the family. COMPLETELY DESTRUCTIVE!!! PARTRead More
The Vegan movement is totally Jewish, completely anti-logos, totally demoniac! It is to the human civilization what feminism is to the family. COMPLETELY DESTRUCTIVE!!! Read More
The Vegan movement is totally Jewish, completely anti-logos, totally demoniac! It is to the human civilization what feminism is to the family. COMPLETELY DESTRUCTIVE!!! Read More
The Vegan movement is totally Jewish, completely anti-logos, totally demoniac! It is to the human civilization what feminism is to the family. COMPLETELY DESTRUCTIVE!!! TakeRead More
The issue for me is that the current state of government holds a monopoly on the use of force and is funded via the initiationRead More
The issue for me is that the current state of government holds a monopoly on the use of force and is funded via the initiationRead More
Woman reporter: Where do women fit into these four classes? Prabhupada: That I already explained. Women’s position is subordinate to man. So if the manRead More
Haven’t you ever at least been curious as to what ”the other side of the World War II story” was? Since the mid-20thRead More