Srila Prabhupada could not approve three pictures of Lord Varaha with the earth globe in his Srimad Bhagavatam unless they were completely bonafide by theRead More
Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness.
Srila Prabhupada could not approve three pictures of Lord Varaha with the earth globe in his Srimad Bhagavatam unless they were completely bonafide by theRead More
The flat earth paradigm does not exist anywhere in Prabhupada’s books. It exists only as an indirect interpretation of the fifth canto or in otherRead More
Journalist: Do you think modern man must mend his ways or he will… he must get better and know God or he will destroy himself?Read More
This article will prove conclusively that the flat earth paradigm does not exist anywhere in Prabhupada’s books. It exists only as an indirect interpretation ofRead More
International Jewry are masters in the art of lying. Flat Earth & Hitler’s Table Talk have something very interesting in common with each other thatRead More
The flat earthers use the NASA fake globe pictures as evidence that the earth is flat. They say that these fake pictures are used toRead More
The only way the Talmudist Mayesvara can make sunrise and sunset appear on Bharata-varsa (Earth) as described in Srimad Bhagavatam is to speculate that theRead More
According to the description in the Srimad Bhagavatam on how the sun rises and sets in all the planets, such occurrences could not take placeRead More
The flat earth virus is infecting “the devotee community” in a similar way to the living guru virus that had previously poisoned it beginning inRead More
In this article I will aim to show that the eight varsas of the Jambudvipa plantary system are lower heavenly planets (bhauma-svarga) or more clearlyRead More
I have recently uncovered another book change by the talmudic flat earthers controlling ISKCON, in which they try to hide Prabhupada’s saying the word globeRead More
TRANSLATION: Lord Brahma said: When the unlimitedly powerful Lord assumed the form of a boar as a pastime, just to lift the planet earth, whichRead More
There are three deviant philosophical concepts originating from international jewry’s agent Thomas Hertzig (Tamal Krishna). Two of them are firmly established as fundamental principles inRead More