Another amazing film by Spero Patria!!!! A documentary based around the work, speeches, and life events of Sir Oswald Mosley, a 20th century British politician,Read More
Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness.
Another amazing film by Spero Patria!!!! A documentary based around the work, speeches, and life events of Sir Oswald Mosley, a 20th century British politician,Read More
Bobby Fischer is seen by many as the greatest chess player of all time. Whether that is true or not, is impossible to know. ButRead More
I promise you I am quite free from all racial hatred. It is, in any case, undesirable that one race should mix with other races.Read More
We must help to make the truth spread far & wide, and with the World Wide Web at our fingertips we absolutely must make-use ofRead More
White supremacy has no factual reality. There is only Jewish supremacy and their hatred for the white race. Such hatred manifests through the minorities thatRead More
Bobby Fischer the greatest chess player who ever lived. The guy in the video just got checkmated by Bobby!!! Quotes from Bobby: First of all,Read More
Legendary horror director John Carpenter has denied that his cult 1988 satire They Live is an allegory for Jewish control of the world: “THEYRead More
Find out if your friends have potential as human beings or are just fear zombies, mind controlled by World Jewry. According to Vedic injunctions thereRead More
International Jewry is so lost in the deep darkness of falsehood, that they believe their lying and slandering is a necessary good for themselves andRead More
This man hadn’t ever heard that an 85% Jewish government killed 30 million Christians in the 20s and 30s. It upset him greatly. He didn’tRead More
I have found time and time again, that when i have exposed the crimes of international jewry, i always meet with the following challenge. “ButRead More
Patrick Little doing an amazing service to humanity by exposing the jews in their own vipers nest of Manhattan Jew York City. The jews powerRead More
Hello there I am a banker’s nightmare I care not for the boundaries they create In this world we’re all victims Of rabbis in theRead More