The 24th of May was Jayananda prabhu’s disappearance day. In this video i explain how Sulocana prabhu perfectly followed Jayananda’s example as instructed to usRead More
Krishna is compared to sunshine, and maya is compared to darkness. Wherever there is sunshine, there cannot be darkness.
The 24th of May was Jayananda prabhu’s disappearance day. In this video i explain how Sulocana prabhu perfectly followed Jayananda’s example as instructed to usRead More
An Offering For Sulocana Prabhu on the 35th Anniversary of His Disappearance (1986 – 2021). Special thanks to my son Nitai-Gaura dasa for having foundRead More
In this video i discuss Varaha dasa’s attack on me and explain the harm caused by Mario Pineda (Mahatama dasa), Mother Anuttama and Padmagarba dasa.Read More
If one chants the holy name of the Lord just to make a show, not knowing the secret of success, he may increase his bileRead More
ISKCON fake gurus ((Niranjana)) and Indrajumna doing what they do best…. Sulocana Prabhu was murdered May 22nd, 1986, 1:00 a.m., Los Angeles, two days afterRead More
Let me introduce you to Henry Doktorski’s latest guru, Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari. FROM HENRY DOKTORSKI’S SITE – ABOUT THE AUTHOR: In addition toRead More
Sulocana Prabhu was murdered May 22nd, 1986, 1:00 a.m., Los Angeles, two days after compiling his book “THE GURU BUSINESS“, which discribes how the LeadersRead More
THE GURU BUSINESS BY SULOCANA DAS IS NOW PUBLISHED!!! https://sulocana-dasa.prabhupada-krishna.co.uk/ We have recently published the Guru Business by Sulocana Prabhu. This is the first timeRead More
KILLING FOR KEITH – Doktorski’s Deranged Attack On Sulocana Dasa Prabhupada’s Perfect Disciple https://sulocana-dasa.prabhupada-krishna.co.uk/killing-for-keith “Henry Doktorski’s recent book called Killing For Krishna – The DangerRead More
THE GURU BUSINESS BY SULOCANA DAS IS NOW PUBLISHED!!! https://sulocana-dasa.prabhupada-krishna.co.uk/ We have recently published the Guru Business by Sulocana Prabhu. This is the first timeRead More
THE GURU BUSINESS BY SULOCANA DAS IS NOW PUBLISHED!!! https://sulocana-dasa.prabhupada-krishna.co.uk/ We have recently published the Guru Business by Sulocana Prabhu. This is the first timeRead More
KILLING FOR KEITH – Doktorski’s Deranged Attack On Sulocana Dasa Prabhupada’s Perfect Disciple https://sulocana-dasa.prabhupada-krishna.co.uk/killing-for-keith “Henry Doktorski’s recent book called Killing For Krishna – The DangerRead More
Temples and monasteries should be constructed for the preaching of spiritual consciousness or Krsna consciousness, not to provide free hotels for persons who are usefulRead More