Since the creation of the material world, there have been two kinds of men–the devas and the asuras. The devas are always faithful to theRead More
Tag: ww3
Anda means this universe. It is just like an egg. Anda means egg. All these planets and universes, they are made on the shape ofRead More
One thing is quite certain —within a quarter of a century the Americans will either have become violently anti-semitic or they will be devoured byRead More
International Jewry have us in a matrix were they use force and make believe to demoralise us. Their world dominance is completely illusory. They areRead More
New Swabia (Neuschwabenland) is an area of Antarctica between 20°E and 10°W in Queen Maud Land. It was explored by the German Antarctic Expedition whichRead More
They have discovered this atomic weapon–they require so many chemicals. But when you come to the higher stage, subtle, then mantra and water will do.Read More
While I am engaged in the business of killing Lord Visnu, go down to the planet earth, which is flourishing due to brahminical culture andRead More
“The voice of the Lord vibrated as follows: O best of learned persons, do not fear! I wish all good fortune to you. Become MyRead More
Disturbances similar to those created by Hiranyakasipu are now taking place all over the world because of demoniac governments. As stated in the Twelfth CantoRead More
Disturbances similar to those created by Hiranyakasipu are now taking place all over the world because of demoniac governments. As stated in the Twelfth CantoRead More
TRANSLATION: With the blood of the bodies of these sons, Lord Parasurama created a ghastly river, which brought great fear to the kings who hadRead More
ISKCON and the other Krishna Cults are externally presenting themselves as followers of Prabhupada but internally they are devoted to the Cultural Marxist philosophy ofRead More
TRANSLATION: The order carriers of Lord Viṣṇu, who are worshiped even by the demigods, possess wonderful bodily features exactly like those of Viṣṇu and areRead More