It is my firm conviction that the amazing crop circles that are seen in the thousands every year are a clear sign to us from the third power or the Imperial Germans. In this video i will discuss what i see as the main message these crop circles are giving to humanity.


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Author: Mukunda dasa

I desire to fully surrender my life and soul to Srila Prabhupada. Then I can become instrumental in assisting him with his mission of delivering all the conditioned souls to the shelter of Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai and Sri Sri Radha Krishna.


  1. Dear Mukunda dasa Baba,
    We are so very proud of you. Always you give us the plain and straight truth as you know it. I have been happy to see that you and my dad, Randall, have found an accord in the divine work.
    Thank you for this commentary on the beauty and meaning of these crop circles, so true.
    Before meeting your videos I had received the information about the demons from the “Bible” written by them for the goys. I had taken a class on that book, where I quickly learned how sinister the devil’s book is. Since that time I have referred to the ones who create chaos as devils or ‘the devils children’. The PM of Canada, the UK and the past president of the USA, Obama, all showed up in chaos. They make their identity quickly known by the chaos they spread.
    We are full of gratitude for your divine work!

  2. Fucking fuck drunk bastard no life everyhting illusion cycle of Atlanatis aryanism of worthless life of everyhting is lie in sickness says:

    Yes yes fucking yes demons are defeated but they are controlling this fucking sick world. Everyone will die no one survive. If these Breakaway Germans are on good side they have saved us long time ago, maybe in 90’s. I am fucking prepared everyhtig i Train i have food and everything and i wish all to death because nothing is real. World is worthelss, always have been, Life is endless cycle so everything is worthless everything is same no matter is it 1000 years or 100000 yers. all is same all time everything is happened millions times. I want fucking die

  3. Yes yes fucking yes demons are defeated but they are controlling this fucking sick world. Everyone will die no one survive. If these Breakaway Germans are on good side they have saved us long time ago, maybe in 90’s. I am fucking prepared everyhtig i Train i have food and everything and i wish all to death because nothing is real. World is worthelss, always have been, Life is endless cycle so everything is worthless everything is same no matter is it 1000 years or 100000 yers. all is same all time everything is happened millions times. I want fucking die

  4. All the demons are afraid of the return of Hitler. Hitler said he will be back to bring earth the thousand years of glory. Hare.

  5. I’m sure you have good intentions, but you should not make things up and plaster Srila Bhaktivedanta’s face all over it like it is his knowledge. Until you have conquered the mind you don’t have clear vision. The crop circles are done by the higher beings who manage universal affairs. The first crop circle shown is the wheel of time. The swastika is the fixed cross of the zodiac. The four fixed constellations. Also on a macro level it is Sapta Rishi/Ursa Major, the big dipper in movement. The polestars change through the ages, it was previously Vega (Abhijit). The pastimes of Krishna and His devotees are written in the stars but you are too focused on ‘evil’ in this temporary world. That is also designed by Krishna. We come here to middle planets to transcend the duality of Good and Evil. The crop circles are done by the Acturians (angelic humans), Pleiadeans (the wives of the Sapta Rishi) and other benevolent species. They are written in a language that the subconscious mind understands. I’ve also seen your nonsense about flat earth. There are tens of quotes from Vedic scriptures stating that the planets are globes. The solar systems appear as flat planes to the demigods from their higher vision. Thats what is being described as Bhumandala. The planets are the same shape as the fruits that grow on them. Srila Bhaktivedanta said that himself. Hitler’s germany was about false bodily identification, that genetic lineage somehow made you superior because of your ancestral ties. Aryan means civilized; it is a consciousness not a temporary body that is from a superior race. This is basic stuff you should know from reading the Vedas. It seems you are more interested in acting independently and making up your own philosophy. Coronavirus is solar flare radiation. It has the same symptoms as respiratory flu. The Sun has 1000 rays it uses for universal affairs. Corona is the crown of light/wisdom when the sun(heart) eclipses the moon(mind). Everything is perfectly arranged to reclaim the sincere souls who are being flooded with light and wisdom to move us into the Golden Age predicted in Bhavisya Purana and Lord Chaitanya Himself. Just chant as directed and stop making up nonsense to get people more entangled in the material world

  6. Yes yes fucking yes everything is ok:DDD Jews are controlling this world, poisoning people controlling peoples mind, purity, righteus glory, strenght is gone, Muslims are invading Europa and white race is going extinct. They say you dont have to get babies same time muslims breed more than double we whites breed. Are you serious? They want our kids to be transgender perverts and vaccinate poison to people. If the imperial Germans are serious about this they would have came for like 10 years ago and liberate us but NO! Everything is going death. My head cant take this anymore, i am had enough and sick of this dystopia

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