‘Do you believe in God?’ I asked, gazing at him directly. Hitler looked at me in surprise, then smiled and said: ‘Yes – I believe in a divine power, not in the dogmas of the Church, although I consider them necessary. I believe in God and in a divine destiny.’ He turned away then and, folding his hands, gazed into the distance. ‘And when the time is ripe, a new Messiah will come – he doesn’t have to be a Christian, but he will found a new religion that will change the world.’

Leni Riefenstahl (Memoirs, p.g. 211)


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Leni Riefenstahl with Adolf Hitler



Author: Mukunda dasa

I desire to fully surrender my life and soul to Srila Prabhupada. Then I can become instrumental in assisting him with his mission of delivering all the conditioned souls to the shelter of Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai and Sri Sri Radha Krishna.


  1. Hitler ” I predict the total annihilation of the jews in the world. ” Hitler was a deva. He will return . He cant die. I know because I saw a deva in my house. They exist. Hare.

    1. Hitler was a Danava, Asura, anti-God. GOD (G.O.D) creates the Worlds, maintains them, and when they become too much sinful (for example, murder, torture, mass rape etc.) then he wipes us all out (viz. WWI, WWII, &c.). This action is taken by the personification of cruelty, Sanasčara Śani Maharaja, who is currently in his element (Capricorn/Aquarius) and who as Saturn/Satan (the dark enemy, Sauron, of Humanity) destroys the Earth in His Kala-Bhairava (Final Time, the Terrifier, the dark Destroyer).

      Fear personified is the brother of Kali Raja, like Duryodhana (evil warrior) & Duhsasana (harsh punisher of innocents). Under the rule of Hiranyaksa or Hiranya-Kasipu, no good deed goes unpunished, compassion is subverted & destroyed, all holy people & places systematically destroyed and the rule of horror, agony & perpetual torment inexorably established.

      This is your militarist mission. Such did Nietzsche, Hitler, Stalin, Mao – great figure-heads of evil, figureheads of Atheism & devastation. In the Holy Bible, Revalation, YHWH (Jove, Jehovah, the Lord Himself) says, “Those who delight in destruction dwell always in Hell.” Those who enjoy others’ pain, Schaden-Freude (a peculiarly Teutonic, Huna concept) live in that obnoxious region known as Raurava, Naraka, Andha-Tamiśra, the darkness of ignorance, as described in the 5th Canto of the Srimad Bhagavata Purana. And thus it is, for all eternity…
      \\ Sri Hari-hi ~ OM TAT SAT //

      1. You should urgently study the real history, not the stuff in the so-called academic history books (written by the “victors” of course), and especially not what is portrayed in the media (news, hollywood etc.)

        You will see that Hitler was the polar opposite of Stalin, Mao and their ilk, and also of what you and most people think he is.

        1. Anyone who offers a solution to the world’s problems that divides people into “good” and “bad” and then saves the “good” group, while throwing the “bad” group (even as little as 1 person) into an “oven” is a false prophet, because “All for ‘good’ and nothing for ‘bad’ people” is a derivative of the Fascism ideology:

          “All for ourselves and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind.” – Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 1776

          1. What a foolish comment. There is a predatory class of people in this world who have tortured and murdered untold millions while stealing the wealth and futures of all people. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but there are literal evil people whose nature is darkness. Let me also tell you that your oven comment revealed you for the literal scoundrel that you are.

    Thank you prabhu, and huge thanks to the user that posted the quote.

      1. Hare Krishna
        Could you explain this???
        So asura, to kill the asuras, however powerful they may be… We have seen. There were so many asuras in this world. There were Lenin, there were Stalin, there were Hitler, there were Hiraṇyakaśipu. So many. But they could not survive. It is not possible. They’ll be finished.

          1. Hare Krishna
            Thank you so much for explaining the truth
            Jaya Prabhupada
            Heil Hitler

  3. Like prabhupada he could see (some parts of) the future; that’s only possible when
    you are guided from above= through divine messages;
    another proof that he wasn’t the devil people want to make of him

  4. Goebbels, those quotes are from questionable sources. That translator Joachim Neugroschel is mainstream one and a Jew. One should check the original German book whether it’s correct:


    Mukunda, could you please transcript what you aid at 5.13->5:21 like Christian “gaab”… and you said something about personal God being difference before that. I thought Prabhupada also considered God personal, a person? I know there are different schools of thought regarding impersonal vs personal though and I understood Prabhupada was defending the concept of personal God. As a non native English speaker I couldn’t grasp it.

    1. Hare Krishna my friend i was saying that Prabhupada didn’t come in a Christian garb (dress) which matches Hitlers statement. Then again i said in essence Jesus Christs message is not different than Prabhupada’s and Jesus spoke of a personal God like Prabhupada.

  5. If you believe in hearsay, hitler actually went to argentina after june to escape death by persecution. He died probably sometime shortly after prabhupada died. You will know this because u have faith that hitler’s swastika and prabhupada’s swastika from jaladuta matches up. He must’ve definitely devised a plan to stay till that time.

  6. Hi, I am quite new to Vedic litterature so forgive my ignorant question. Now that they killed Prabhupada. For whom shall we fight now ? I feel lonesome and hopeless. When I read Prabhupada’s lectures it gives me a little hope. Then when I look at my surroundings, I can see that they are poisoning us (food, water, skies) and where I’m at nobody cares. The reality of the material world hits me hard and I don’t know what to do besides learning Vedic scriptures. Please help.

  7. Hi, I am quite new to Vedic litterature so forgive my ignorant question. Now that they killed Prabhupada. For whom shall we fight now ? I feel lonesome and hopeless. When I read Prabhupada’s lectures it gives me a little hope. Then when I look at my surroundings, I can see that they are poisoning us (food, water, skies) and where I’m at nobody cares. The reality of the material world hits me hard and I don’t know what to do besides learning Vedic scriptures. Please help.

  8. Hi, I am quite new to Vedic litterature so forgive my ignorant question. Now that they killed Prabhupada. For whom shall we fight now ? I feel lonesome and hopeless. When I read Prabhupada’s lectures it gives me a little hope. Then when I look at my surroundings, I can see that they are poisoning us (food, water, skies) and where I’m at nobody cares. The reality of the material world hits me hard and I don’t know what to do besides learning Vedic scriptures. Please help.

  9. I enjoy your videos very much, great information, keep up the good work! One minor thing: I find the music in the background quite disturbing as it distracts from your spoken words. Since what you say is very important and requires concentration and focus, I would prefer listening without the distracting music.

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