Just like in Europe, that Hitler, he wanted supremacy over Europe, and he fought very valiantly. But at the end he became vanquished.

[Prabhupada Lecture, London, September 14, 1969]

This decision not to occupy the English Island was the personal decision of the Hero who was custodian of the Destiny of Europe during the Second World War. From the time of that decision on, from June, 1941, the European Imperium’ s invasion of Asiatic Russia was the real war. Europe expended its energy mainly on winning that war, wherein a victory would have secured the Destiny of the European Culture for the coming century.


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So it shall be with the Hero of the Second World War. He represented a new ethical type that will inspire and inwardly form all coming leaders of significance of the West. The bewailing of his “mistakes” after the Second World War was simply contemptible. Every journalist and every braggart knows better than the great man — they would not have made this mistake or that. Indeed, they would never have been in the place to do anything at all!

Heroism is and can never be wasted. So long as men survive a Hero, they will be influenced by him and his legend. He lives on in spirit, and continues to act upon the world of facts and deeds.

The Enemy of Europe – Francis Parker Yockey



Author: Mukunda dasa

I desire to fully surrender my life and soul to Srila Prabhupada. Then I can become instrumental in assisting him with his mission of delivering all the conditioned souls to the shelter of Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai and Sri Sri Radha Krishna.

8 Replies to “HITLER THE HERO

  1. Yes Prabhu , absolutely. He is a demi god and he visited me in my home. I am proof of that. Hitler is alive and is waiting for the essencial war to kill demons. The vast majority of people in this planet will be destroyed, they are demons. Hare.

  2. From(book): David Irving’s Hitler’s War and The War Path.

    //Hitler often talked about religion. Anneliese Schmundt would write in her diary on June 8, 1941, ‘Long conversations in the evening on religion and Christianity: cultural retrogression since Greek and Roman art.’ Hewel wrote a much lengthier note that evening:

    Over dinner this evening, a wonderful talk on the Roman Empire and its displacement by Christianity. . . . CHRISTIANITY HAS BEEN ONE LONG ACT OF DECEIT AND SELF-CONTRADICTION. It preaches goodness, humility, and love-thy-neighbour, but under this slogan it has burned and butchered millions to the accompaniment of pious proverbs. The ancients openly admitted that they killed for self-protection, in revenge, or as a punishment. The Christians do so only out of love! . . . Only Christianity has created a vengeful God, one who commits man to Hell the moment he starts using the brains that God gave him.
    The Classical was an age of enlightenment. With the onset of Christianity scientific research was halted and there began instead a research into the visions of saints, instead of the things that God gave us. Research into nature became a sin.
    The tragedy is that to this very day there are thousands of ‘educated’ people running around believing in all this claptrap – they deny that NATURE IS ALL-POWERFUL, they glorify the weak, the sick, the crippled, and the simpleminded. In the ideal world of [Pastor Friedrich von] Bodelschwingh the healthy find everlasting life only if they have devoted their lives to the weak, to the idiot and suchlike; the sick are there so that we can do Good Deeds. If this goes on much longer, there will soon be more sick than sound. Today there are already a thousand million of them.
    As for cruelty, Christianity holds all world records. CHRISTIANITY IS THE REVENGE OF THE WANDERING JEW. Where would we be today if only we had not had Christianity – we would have the same brains, but we would have avoided a hiatus of one-and-a-half thousand years. . . . The terrible thing is that millions of people believe, or act as though they believe, all this: they feign belief in it all. If we had all been Mohammedans, today the world would have been ours.//

  3. “Coming Religion” based on vegetarianism???

    The below text is from the book ‘Goebbels: A Biography: Peter Longerich’
    //On November 11, Magda’s birthday, Hitler surprisingly arrived in the afternoon to offer his congratulations. The Goebbels used the opportunity to show him their new house in the Göringstrasse, which he liked “very much.” In the evening they had a small soirée there to which Hitler came, staying until four o’clock in the morning. He was “quite confident and relaxed, just like in the old days,” and talked about the political situation and vegetarianism, which he saw as a “COMING RELIGION.” Goebbels’s account of the evening reads just like a near-perfect idyll. “Apart from that, he is longing for peace, happiness, and the joys of life. We all dream of what we’re going to do when the war is over.”[1] A few months later, in February 1941, Magda traveled to Obersalzberg with the children for a week, staying in the Görings’ house.[2] On the telephone she told Goebbels “of her visit to Hitler: It was all very nice.”[3]//
    [1] Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels, 12 November 1940.

    [2] Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels, 12 November 1940.

    [3] Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels, 18 February 1941.

    The below text is from the book ‘Joseph Goebbels: Life and Death by Toby Thacker’
    //Hitler was thinking of a FUTURE RELIGION based on vegetarianism which could supplant Christianity.//

      1. Adolf Hitler got his idea of compassion towards Animals from Arthur Schopenhauer, and Schopenhair GOT HIS IDEA FROM ‘VEDAS’.

        Here is a quote from Hitler’s speech.
        “During the war[World War I] some fellows carried a Bible in their rucksack, others carried something else; I had Schopenhauer in my rucksack throughout the entire war. ”
        ~ Adolf Hitler, Speech, May 26, 1944 at the Platterhof in Obersaltzberg
        ( “Ansprache Hitlers vor Generalen und Offizieren am 26. Mai 1944 im Platterhof,” in Hans-Heinrich Wilhelm, “Hitlers Ansprache vor Generalen und Offizieren am 26. Mai 1944,” Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 2 (1976): 144.)
        Here is a quote from Arthur Schopenhauer
        “I may mention here another fundamental error of Christianity, an error which cannot be explained away, and the mischievous consequences of which are obvious every day: I mean the unnatural distinction Christianity makes between man and the animal world to which he really belongs. It sets up man as all-important, and looks upon animals as merely things. Brahmanism and Buddhism, on the other hand, true to the facts, recognize in a positive way that man is related generally to the whole of nature, and specially and principally to animal nature; and in their systems man is always represented by the theory of metempsychosis and otherwise, as closely connected with the animal world. The important part played by animals all through Buddhism and Brahmanism, compared with the total disregard of them in Judaism and Christianity, puts an end to any question as to which system is nearer perfection, however much we in Europe may have become accustomed to the absurdity of the claim. Christianity contains, in fact, a great and essential imperfection in limiting its precepts to man, and in refusing rights to the entire animal world. As religion fails to protect animals against the rough, unfeeling and often more than bestial multitude, the duty falls to the police; and as the police are unequal to the task, societies for the protection of animals are now formed all over Europe and America. In the whole of uncircumcised Asia, such a procedure would be the most superfluous thing in the world, because animals are there sufficiently protected by religion, which even makes them objects of charity. How such charitable feelings bear fruit may be seen, to take an example, in the great hospital for animals at Surat, whither Christians, Mohammedans and Jews can send their sick beasts, which, if cured, are very rightly not restored to their owners. In the same way when a Brahman or a Buddhist has a slice of good luck, a happy issue in any affair, instead of mumbling a Te Deum, he goes to the market-place and buys birds and opens their cages at the city gate; a thing which may be frequently seen in Astrachan, where the adherents of every religion meet together: and so on in a hundred similar ways. On the other hand, look at the revolting ruffianism with which our Christian public treats its animals; killing them for no object at all, and laughing over it, or mutilating or torturing them: even its horses, who form its most direct means of livelihood, are strained to the utmost in their old age, and the last strength worked out of their poor bones until they succumb at last under the whip. One might say with truth, Mankind are the devils of the earth, and the animals the souls they torment. But what can you expect from the masses, when there are men of education, zoologists even, who, instead of admitting what is so familiar to them, the essential identity of man and animal, are bigoted and stupid enough to offer a zealous opposition to their honest and rational colleagues, when they class man under the proper head as an animal, or demonstrate the resemblance between him and the chimpanzee or ourang-outang. It is a revolting thing that a writer who is so pious and Christian in his sentiments as Jung Stilling should use a simile like this, in his Scenen aus dem Geisterreich. (Bk. II. sc. i., p. 15.) “Suddenly the skeleton shriveled up into an indescribably hideous and dwarf-like form, just as when you bring a large spider into the focus of a burning glass, and watch the purulent blood hiss and bubble in the heat.” This man of God then was guilty of such infamy! or looked on quietly when another was committing it! in either case it comes to the same thing here. So little harm did he think of it that he tells us of it in passing, and without a trace of emotion. Such are the effects of the first chapter of Genesis, and, in fact, of the whole of the Jewish conception of nature. The standard recognized by the Hindus and Buddhists is the Mahavakya (the great word),–“tat-twam-asi” (this is thyself), which may always be spoken of every animal, to keep us in mind of the identity of his inmost being with ours.”

        “The Führer is deeply religious, though completely anti-Christian. He views Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race. This can be seen in the similarity of their religious rites. Both (Judaism and Christianity) have no point of contact to the animal element, and thus, in the end they will be destroyed. The Führer is a convinced vegetarian on principle.”

        — Goebbels Diaries, 29 December 1939


    Original German Text from: ‘Joseph Goebbels Tagebücher 1924 -1945’

    //”Der Führer bekennt sich wieder als leidenschaftlicher Verfechter des Vegetarismus, den er als Grundlage einer kommenden neuen Religion ansieht . ” ~ 24. September 1940//

    Translated Text:
    //”The Führer acknowledges himself again as a passionate advocate of vegetarianism, which he sees as the basis of a COMING NEW RELIGION. “~ September 24, 1940//

  5. Adolf Hitler got his idea of compassion towards Animals from Arthur Schopenhauer, and Schopenhair GOT HIS IDEA FROM ‘VEDAS’.

    Here is a quote from Hitler’s speech.
    “During the war[World War I] some fellows carried a Bible in their rucksack, others carried something else; I had Schopenhauer in my rucksack throughout the entire war. ”
    ~ Adolf Hitler, Speech, May 26, 1944 at the Platterhof in Obersaltzberg
    ( “Ansprache Hitlers vor Generalen und Offizieren am 26. Mai 1944 im Platterhof,” in Hans-Heinrich Wilhelm, “Hitlers Ansprache vor Generalen und Offizieren am 26. Mai 1944,” Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 2 (1976): 144.)
    Here is a quote from Arthur Schopenhauer
    “I may mention here another fundamental error of Christianity, an error which cannot be explained away, and the mischievous consequences of which are obvious every day: I mean the unnatural distinction Christianity makes between man and the animal world to which he really belongs. It sets up man as all-important, and looks upon animals as merely things. Brahmanism and Buddhism, on the other hand, true to the facts, recognize in a positive way that man is related generally to the whole of nature, and specially and principally to animal nature; and in their systems man is always represented by the theory of metempsychosis and otherwise, as closely connected with the animal world. The important part played by animals all through Buddhism and Brahmanism, compared with the total disregard of them in Judaism and Christianity, puts an end to any question as to which system is nearer perfection, however much we in Europe may have become accustomed to the absurdity of the claim. Christianity contains, in fact, a great and essential imperfection in limiting its precepts to man, and in refusing rights to the entire animal world. As religion fails to protect animals against the rough, unfeeling and often more than bestial multitude, the duty falls to the police; and as the police are unequal to the task, societies for the protection of animals are now formed all over Europe and America. In the whole of uncircumcised Asia, such a procedure would be the most superfluous thing in the world, because animals are there sufficiently protected by religion, which even makes them objects of charity. How such charitable feelings bear fruit may be seen, to take an example, in the great hospital for animals at Surat, whither Christians, Mohammedans and Jews can send their sick beasts, which, if cured, are very rightly not restored to their owners. In the same way when a Brahman or a Buddhist has a slice of good luck, a happy issue in any affair, instead of mumbling a Te Deum, he goes to the market-place and buys birds and opens their cages at the city gate; a thing which may be frequently seen in Astrachan, where the adherents of every religion meet together: and so on in a hundred similar ways. On the other hand, look at the revolting ruffianism with which our Christian public treats its animals; killing them for no object at all, and laughing over it, or mutilating or torturing them: even its horses, who form its most direct means of livelihood, are strained to the utmost in their old age, and the last strength worked out of their poor bones until they succumb at last under the whip. One might say with truth, Mankind are the devils of the earth, and the animals the souls they torment. But what can you expect from the masses, when there are men of education, zoologists even, who, instead of admitting what is so familiar to them, the essential identity of man and animal, are bigoted and stupid enough to offer a zealous opposition to their honest and rational colleagues, when they class man under the proper head as an animal, or demonstrate the resemblance between him and the chimpanzee or ourang-outang. It is a revolting thing that a writer who is so pious and Christian in his sentiments as Jung Stilling should use a simile like this, in his Scenen aus dem Geisterreich. (Bk. II. sc. i., p. 15.) “Suddenly the skeleton shriveled up into an indescribably hideous and dwarf-like form, just as when you bring a large spider into the focus of a burning glass, and watch the purulent blood hiss and bubble in the heat.” This man of God then was guilty of such infamy! or looked on quietly when another was committing it! in either case it comes to the same thing here. So little harm did he think of it that he tells us of it in passing, and without a trace of emotion. Such are the effects of the first chapter of Genesis, and, in fact, of the whole of the Jewish conception of nature. The standard recognized by the Hindus and Buddhists is the Mahavakya (the great word),–“tat-twam-asi” (this is thyself), which may always be spoken of every animal, to keep us in mind of the identity of his inmost being with ours.”

    “The Führer is deeply religious, though completely anti-Christian. He views Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race. This can be seen in the similarity of their religious rites. Both (Judaism and Christianity) have no point of contact to the animal element, and thus, in the end they will be destroyed. The Führer is a convinced vegetarian on principle.”

    — Goebbels Diaries, 29 December 1939

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