JESUS CHRIST Said, “Thou Shalt Not Kill” But His Birthday Is Observed By Killing – PRABHUPADA

The Jews also, they sacrifice animal in the synagogue. I have read one book, Lord Jesus Christ, when he was a young boy he was very much shocked when he saw that animal-killing is going on in the synagogue. Therefore he differentiated from the Jews and he started his own religion, Christian religion. Is it not a fact? Am I right? Why… He was also a Jew. Why he deviated? Why he deviated from the Jews? Because when he saw in his young age that animals are being killed in the synagogue, he differed, “No, no, this is horrible. This should be stopped.”


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Therefore, his first commandment is “Thou shall not kill.” Am I wrong or right? Eh? That was his first impression, that people should stop killing. So who is Christian? Everyone is violating this first commandment, what to speak of other commandments. Everyone. So it is very difficult to find a real Christian. But if you violate the commandments of Christ, then what kind of Christian you are? This is our question. Who will answer this?
So this is the problem. Animal-killing is not within the category of human civilization. When a man becomes civilized, he knows how to produce food. He can till the ground. He can produce food grains. He can produce fruits and flowers and so many things.

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Lecture 1.16.21 Hawaii, January 17, 1974


Svarupa Damodara: Among the trees also, there are different grades of trees, Srila Prabhupada.
Prabhupada: Oh yes, everywhere different grades. That is God’s creation, variety.
Svarupa Damodara: So those trees which bear nice fruits and nice flowers, they are…
Prabhupada: Yes, they are pious, pious trees. Otherwise why I am taking care of this leaf? Because the flower is there. And who cares for this leaf? Trampling down. As in the human society, there is first-class man, second-class man, third-class man, similarly in every field, first-class, animal also.
Svarupa Damodara: Cows.
Prabhupada: Yes. Useful, giving milk. Most humble, useful. Even after death it is useful. And they are so rascal, they are taking care of the dog, not of the cow. Just see how they are rascals. And they are advanced, civilized. They do not know what is meant by civilization. Now, according to Vedic scripture, cow killing is sinful. It is never written, dog killing is sinful. Generally, any animal you kill, that is sinful. But especially cow killing is sinful. Go-hatya. Go-hatya. And that cow killing is going on by the Christian world, and still, they are religious. What kind of religion? Christian religion says generally, “Thou shalt not kill.” All… And especially they are killing cows. Generally killing and especially killing. First thing is why they shall kill at all? In America, oh, they have got sufficient food. So much rice, so much wheat, so much oats, fruits, grains and butter and ghee. So why they shall kill? What is the reason?
Umapati: Uncontrollable tongue.
Prabhupada: Yes. Now what is that bird who is killed in Christmas?
Devotees: Turkey.
Prabhupada: Turkey, you see. Now, Christmas, God’s Christmas, Jesus Christ. He said, “Thou shalt not kill.” But his birthday is observed by killing, killing, killing, killing, killing.

Morning Walk At Cheviot Hills Golf Course May 15, 1973, Los Angeles


Just like one has committed murder, so by law he must be hanged. By law. That is the general law everywhere, all over the world: life for life. So similarly, in the God’s law there is no such thing that if you kill a human being you’ll be killed, and if you kill an animal you won’t be killed. That is imperfect law, man-made law. Therefore Jesus Christ said, “Thou shall not kill.” No question of… They have modified, “This killing means murdering.” Christ does not say. Was he a fool that he committed mistake, instead of writing “Thou shall not commit murder,” he has written, “Thou shall not kill,” general. Otherwise Christ has no intelligence. He cannot use the proper word. But you are misusing the order of Lord Christ. So you are suffering. You are maintaining so many slaughterhouses, and when it will be mature, there will be war, the wholesale murder. Finished. One atom bomb—finished. You’ll have to suffer. Don’t think that “Innocent animals, they cannot protest. Let us kill and eat.” No. You’ll be also punished. Wait for accumulation of your sinful activities, and there will be war, and the America will drop on Russia atom bomb, and Russia will be finished. Both will be finished. Go on now enjoying. It takes time. Just like even if you infect some disease, it takes time. Not that immediately you infect, and immediately the disease is there. No. It takes a week’s time or so. What is called? A quarantine, quarantine…
Devotee: Period of incubation.

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Lecture. 6.1.32 Honolulu, May 31, 1976


Author: Mukunda dasa

I desire to fully surrender my life and soul to Srila Prabhupada. Then I can become instrumental in assisting him with his mission of delivering all the conditioned souls to the shelter of Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai and Sri Sri Radha Krishna.

15 Replies to “JESUS CHRIST Said, “Thou Shalt Not Kill” But His Birthday Is Observed By Killing – PRABHUPADA

  1. The opening of Gita does not condemn killing, it advocates it and Arjuna is chastised by GOD KRISHNA for refusing to kill his family and relatives.???

    1. @lag That killing on the battlefield is not the same as the organized and institutionalized killing of billions of innocent animals. The warriors/soldiers are of the Kshatriya class. Therefore killing an armed opponent, another Kshatriya, in a war is not considered sinful. But killing poor defenseless animals for sport and to simply satisfy the tongue, belly, and to stimulate the genitals is a great offense and will eventually have to be repaid as heavy karma.
      Hare Krishna!

  2. Is this article referring to Jesus as a physical man or a metaphor? Is Jesus Christ not the story and teachings to show man of his divinity and the spiritual light within? Christos. I am a little confused after reading some articles on here as to your quotes from the Bible old and new testaments.

    In my understanding the Old testament is Jehovah a Jewish God the new testament is the teaching of Jesus in metaphor warning us Jehovah is a false God and is not our father in heaven and that the Jews the children of Abraham are not the chosen people.

    I just wondered what your thoughts on this are.

  3. Reading the article he says they are one and the same. I agree.

    He says “the philosophy of the rascals is that everyone is God, and today this idea has become popular” I do not understand that statement.

    If religion is a construct which I believe it is and that we should be looking within then the Christos is within us. Is this not God within and the supreme being has put his living light in us and by definition made us a God. This light has been extinguished and it is for us to find it again and discover who we really are, not physical but spiritual.

    Excuse the questions I am just exploring and discovering God so am full of questions.

    1. There are many rascal gurus who claim to be God and also many people teaching that we are all God but now in a fallen state. This is very popular philosphy, it is called impersonalism. The true position is that we are part of God, one in quality but different in quantity. Like a drop of water has all the qualities of the occean but the drop is small the occean is huge.

  4. IMHO, it’s a little more complicated than the explanation above.

    Find an audio called “Seven Sermons to the Dead” by Basilides, a Gnostic Christian.

    A key point is that while we are god capable this does not mean “Creator”; that when “Christ” comes from within and we experience ‘theosis’ we are one with God. (Christ says this in the bible and the semenaries of the eloHIM deliberately mistranslated it to mean “God” our creator

    They don’t even acknowledge EL SHADDAI, aka Goddess, aka Kali, except by inference in Proverbs 31:26 where She is associated with wisdom.

    The bad news is everything is so screwed up it will take the Gods to fix it; the good news they’ve already started about doing that very thing. The first step is the “apple of truth” shall be known.

  5. The reason for the animal killing in America is because America has been taken over by luciferian jews and the people have been mind controlled by this sadistic, evil cult and are thus, participating in satanic rituals.

  6. Yes, thank you Mukunda dasa! These reminders from you are very appreciated!
    They, the ones who wrote the Christian/Jew Bible, did do many 100s of years after the fake history in the story of Jesus. The Jews copied the ancient religions of Egypt and Samaria and wrote the whole made up history of their own tribes and then the New Testament designed to enslave millions. The Quoran’s original Muhammed was a true prophet, of peace teaching and kind compassion. The second Muhammed with a different last name was inserted into new Quoran writings and he was disgruntled because he’d been turned down for choice of Christian Pope. That’s where all the killing started in that religion. Horrible!

  7. solid and absolute proof that pre- Christian Europe was kind and took care of cows,

    Our Pagan Ancestors were knowing how to live in harmony with nature, then came the Christianity.
    It was Christianity which brought this Kosher.

    Europe was sustained by Agriculture
    >>> Dożynki is an annual Slavic harvest festival
    >>> Erntedankfest – Germany and Austria
    >>> Freyfaxi – Iceland
    >>> Harvest Festival – UK etc

    but according to official (((Christian))) narrative our ancestors were barbarians.
    Christianity and Judaism is fully drenched with sacrifices of birds, animals etc,
    Infact Jesus himself was a sacrifice, to end all the sacrifices. Even Jesus himself had a Circumcision ceremony, which is completely foreign to European People.

    So stop accusing European Pagans accuse the (((DEVOUT CHRISTIANS))) or Europeans who have been Brainwashed by (((CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES))).

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