The main characteristic of the Jew is his hatred and criticism of Jesus Christ. If you watch any videos or listen to any podcasts by Renegade Tribune you will find the same disease afflicting the members of this community especially Charles Giuliani.
Download Video (Right Click And Save Link As)
My Message To Christ Hating Pagan National Socialists
Do you know how/where we can find out the original teachings of Christ? Some say in the banned Gospels. Do you have any idea? What teachings by Christ should we apply? Problem is a lot of his supposed teachings have been used to get us, ethnic Europeans, to be subjugated and to allow ourselves to be killed.
The most important teachings can be found in this link:
Thank you.
What about the worship of pagan gods or goddesses? Or the Third Reich’s Thule society and their Ahnenerbe expeditions? Emperor Asoka converted much of India to Buddhism, after extensive conquest of the Indian sub-continent and genocide. The church before and after the schism of 1054 had done the same to Europe and the near east in lands under former Roman occupation.
I dislike Varg, he does have good information from time to time. He has a video ‘The Spread of Christianity from Year 314 to 580’.
Video: ‘Varg Vikernes meets Piero San Giorgio’.
He’s affiliated with Pierro San Giorgio, a pro-Israeli crypto-Jew affiliated with the American multinational corporation ‘Oracle’. ‘Piero and The Oracle of I$rael’ is no longer up on Youtube for public viewing, the channel is ‘Unlock the Power’.
Why was Himmler against Christianity?
Caesar’s Messiah (Joseph Atwill) & Christ Conspiracy (D.M. Murdoch )
The banned gospels are books of opinions written many years later, however the entirety of the bible wont mislead you if one meditates upon it and refuses all church teaching and all commentary. Trust God in meditation in prayer and allow the spirit of truth to lead you,
‘it worked for Gandhi’
Difficulties in translation… There are tools and dictionaries to translate the original texts independent of religion and human opinion. Trust no one for the truth
”buy it and sell it not” Its a life of devotion seeking it, it will cost everything, but you are to give it away at no cost without attachment.
Thank you
I could not understand the Bible until two things occurred:
1) Learned Eastern philosophy.
2) Learned numerology.
The KJV is totally encoded with their numeric language. Proof?
Mat 6 Take no thought; he says this 6 times and “if thine eye be single you will be filled with light.”
6 means death of ego in this context and 22 is the ‘most powerful’, aka light, aka Christ conscience, aka path of a Bodisatva.
Christ comes from within and this is a fact.
IMHO, at least 3 of the four Renegade ppl in your thumbnail are crypto Jews, including “Goyim Goddess”; she came onto my channel and when accused quietly went away without denial; regardless her boyfriend is for sure.
One died. I like Chris Dorsey. he left their association after watching my video.
Dorsey too is Jewish blooded and uses the “it’s the guvment” and “the Jews” shtick.
It’s not ‘The Government’, but ‘serpents’ of Dan feathered into everything, esp. law enforcement their key asset.
Nor is it “the Jews” as many, like my nephews and nieces, by marriage, are freaking out; one now claims to be a Buddhist. Naturally, I went from Uncle Tim to Auntie Semite. This is a tough time to be a Jew, at all, learning of communism, blood rituals, aka satanism, being Jewish. That in fact ‘antisemitism’ is very well founded and in fact one need only read the Talmud.
Having been with Jewish women since high school puts me in a great position to out the fact ALL hate groups are lead by Jews; this includes Canadian and American “NAZIS”.
(NAZI is a Hollywood created pejorative/meme, btw.)
Most/all cannibals or ‘random violence’ murders are Jews; here’s one close to me:
Had I not known their ritual number lingo this would have escaped me; it resulted in being stalked by a Jewish masonic witch, which nearly killed me in a fire.
My fire after reporting this to an internal affairs officer:
What would happen to that ‘thin blue line’ if cops with an IQ ~80-100 could wrap their heads around the FACT they too are being ritually targeted for murder?
(You know it’s the good cops they are sacrificing!!)
I found the one that died is the only one that could not be pegged as a Jew!
It gets curiouser and curiouser; these demonic fracks killed Lenon, Morrison, Hendrix, Peaches Geldof, Robin Williams, and Cobain via Jewish partners!
This group, and the Jewish “ALT Right” groups now have 2 ‘suicides’ and on likely murder in the ER due to sudden ‘health issues’.
In America, health care, 911 crews and COPS are being used to murder people and I’ve known this for over a decade from a fireman friend who’s also a cop.
In my case a nurse attempted to inject air bubbles in the hospital; luckily my daughter was there and witnessed it; she was mind fracked shortly thereafter.
“IMHO, at least 3 of the four Renegade ppl in your thumbnail are crypto Jews, including “Goyim Goddess”; she came onto my channel and when accused quietly went away without denial; regardless her boyfriend is for sure.”
Goyim Goddess (sinead Mcarthy ) is not jewish in the least bit , She is Irish, German by ethnicity.
no credible solid proof was presented to prove that Sinead Or Kyle are Jews, the only proof which was presented was some brown baby claiming that to be Sinead’s child, but I checked throughout the internet and found that the Child Photo which presented as a evidence was a STOCK PHOTO ,
Here is the site from which (((they))) took that photo to frame them as Shills
Here is the stock image of that Random Mulatto baby
Sinead Mcarthy and Kyle Hunt are neither shills, neither do they have any Jewish looks.
So stop slandering these two good souls who are exposing them even at the risk of their lives.
It is Michael E jones who is the real Zionist shill,
He literally says all the humans are equal, which is totally a (((communist ))) egalitarian ideology.
HE openly said there nothing called “white race”
And most of all, the one statement which he gave which still bothers me and pisses me off is
” There was no civilization in Europe before coming of Christianity”
What??? What???
“no civilization” How dare that (((Michael E Jones))) can say such a statement, according to Michael E Jones our Ancestors wear running naked , chasing Pigs, they were primitive barbarians.
It was not the Europeans who crucified Christ it was the JEWS who did that.
I think (((Michael E jones))) never heard of Greece Empire,Germania, Roman etc
I can say this to Michael E jones, it was Europe which saved (((Christianity ))) , not the other way round, It was Europeans who carried the missionaries throughout the world, in-spite of their Ancestors being Slaughtered Ruthlessly by the early Christians who were totally middle Eastern JEWS .
Ofcourse today no one knows these facts still believe the ((( Christian))) propaganda such as Europeans were naked primitive barbarians.
(((their))) main weapon is lies and propaganda.
Before (((They))) did it against our Pagan Ancestors,
today (((they))) are doing it against NSDAP, Adolf Hitler, Third Reich etc
By the way who has more jewish look Michael E jones or Sinead Kyle.???
Atleast Michael E jones, kyle Hunt, Sinead Mcarthy revealed their faces without being afraid, whereas your totally hiding yourself and calling others as JEWS.
In My analysis it is you who is the actually a jew. TWaine Anderson (YT-Unoraza)
Infact the evidence which you presenting is really laughable you exposing yourself to be married to a Jewess, and your kids are jews.
Also you push the reptilian agenda, which is quite hilarious.
Did God will the Jews to rule mankind? Jewry
says, yes. The truth says, no!
Frequently, white Christians are told, “Jews
are God’s chosen, ” or, “Jesus was a Jew. ” It is
the ruse of telling a big enough psycho-political
lie so often that people will come to believe it.
The result is that Traditional Americans, if ac-
cepting of this propaganda, are reluctant to ever
criticize Jews of evil doing. . . even when justified.
To do so might anger God (“who chose the Jews”).
Also, having taken Christ as their Savior, Tra-
ditional Americans do not like to question His
(reputed) people, the Jews. These lies have aided
Jewish strategists greatly, as have other mis-
truths, such as “six million Jews being slain by
Germany in World War II. ”
As to the religious distortions, in only the
greatest stretching of facts could modern Jewry be
called “Israel” or genetically-derived “Hebrews. ”
Despite many Jewish-indoctrinated “Christian”
ministers and priests labeling all major Biblical
figures (Abraham, Jacob, Judah, Moses, David,
Jesus, etc. ) as being “Jews, ” such is definitely
not the case! There were no Jews until after the
arrival of Judah, one of the 12 sons and Tribes of
Jacob (Israel). Though Judah himself was no Jew,
some of his offspring, from a union with a non-
Israelite Canaanite, did become such. It is also
true that Judah’s uncle, Esau, married two non-
Israelite Canaanite s (a Satanic race) and produced
offspring that were Jewish, although Esau himself
was not a Jew either.
Well before Jesus’ appearance on earth, the
Tribe and House of Judah (still remaining in Ju-
daea) had defiled its seed by racial admixture with
non-Israelites. By the time of the 606 B.C. cap-
tivity of Judah into Babylon, interracial mixing
was considerable, altering the Hebraic seed of
Judah greatly. During the 70 year captivity, there
was more “mixing” by the House of Judah. Thus,
few were the descendants of Judah in Palestine
whose blood line was still entirely Hebraic. Jesus’
earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, were of the
few there whose lineage was pure. With God’s
manifest despleasure over the racial debasement
of the Hebrew people (Ezra 9 and 10, Nehemiah
13: 23-29), we can be assured of this.
Besides additional pollution of Judah’s seed
during the Babylon Captivity, another sin was
committed by the mongrelized remnant of Judah,
or “Jews:” the ancient Hebrew faith was revised.
A New Religion
An undocumented quote of the late and most-
powerful U. S. rabbi, Stephen S. Wise, says:
“The return from Babylon (about 536 B.C. ), and
the adoption of the Babylon Talmud marks the end
of Hebrewism, and the beginning of Judaism.”
Press, 1935) states: “Its (Talmud) birth place,
Babylonia, was an autonomous Jewish centre for
a longer period than any other land; namely, from
soon after 586 before the Christian era to the year
1040 after the Christian era….” And, the au-
thors of the Talmud – a combination of books which
add to and distort the Old Testament – were a
body of men known as Pharisees.
“Henceforth, Jewish life was regulated by
the teachings of the Pharisees; the whole history
of Judaism was reconstructed from the Pharisaic
point of view, a new aspect was given to the San-
hedrin of the past. A new chain of tradition sup-
planted the older priestly tradition. Pharisaism
shaped the character of Judaism and the life and
thought of the Jews for all the future. ” (THE
1906. ) Jakob J. Petuchowski, in his HEIRS OF
THE PHARISEES (Basic Books, Inc., 1970),
points out that all contemporary Jews are es-
sentially “heirs of the Pharisees. ” The dynamics
of the Pharisaic -Rabbinic tradition accounts for
Judaism’s survival, he says.
Thus, as these sources establish, and others,
as highly-noted Rabbi Louis Finkelstein in his
definitive THE PHARISEES, etc. (Jewish Pub-
lication Society, 1966) – a drastic change took
place in the Hebrew religion at the advent of Ju-
dah’s offspring. The change was led by men,
Pharisees, whom Christ and the Bible soundly
condemned repeatedly (St. Matthew 23: 13-33,
etc. ). This change created a religion of its own,
with only a semblance to the old “Law. ” Racially
and religiously, the House of Judah (in the area
of Palestine) became a different one after the
Babylon Captivity from what had preceded it.
Jesus Appears
With the coming of the Messiah (Christ), who
was rejected by the Jews, commenced what was
to be a long struggle between good and evil, be-
tween “light and darkness, ” between Christian
and Jew, a struggle lasting to this day.
Though Jews in Christ’s time, as now, called
themselves “Israel, ” they were not and are not.
Rather, they were those “who say they are Jews
(sons of Judah) and are not but are the synagogue
of Satan” (Revelation 2: 9, etc.); and, further, as
Jesus said in St. John (8: 44-48), “are of (their)
father the devil. ” They give on the surface a
hypocritical appearance of “whited sepulchres, ”
but on the inside are “dead men’s bones and of
all uncleanne ss ” (St. Matthew 23: 27). Indeed,
this is Jewry. Regardless of much ear-shattering
announcements of its “charity” and “humanitarian-
ism, ” it is, in truth, the embodiment of all that
is evil!
Never, in the Holy Testament, did Christ call
Himself “Jewish. ” Only in two or three vague
Biblical instances could the reader construe Him
to be Jewish. One such instance was the placing
of the inscription on His cross by the Romans;
popularly, we are told it said, “Jesus the Naz-
arene, the King of the Jews” (Iesus Nazarenus
Rex Iudeorum). A proper Latin translation would
better be, “Jesus, the Nazarene, leader of the
Judeans. ” And, whereas “Judeans” could mean
“Jews, ” who resided in Judaea, it carried the
greater geographical connotation, for all people
who lived there. When Jesus condemned the Jews
in St. John, etc. , He referred to the mongrelized
remnant of Judah, which had radicalized the He-
brew faith.
It is blasphemous to call Christ a “Jew. ”
No group was a greater foe of Christ, and no
group is a greater foe of Traditional America,
than Jewry. Jesus came, as Messiah, to fulfill
Biblical prophecy; His spiritual antecedents were
Hebraic and Davidic. . . not Jewish.
Jesus came to the “sheep of Israel” (Matthew
10: 6) and stated, in St. John (10: 26-27), that
Jews were “not of my sheep. ” Indeed, far from
Jews being “God’s chosen, ” they were anything
but that. Matthew 21: 43 declared of the Jews,
“The Kingdom of God shall be taken from you. ”
John the Baptist condemned them in Matthew 3: 7
with, “O children of vipers! who hath warned you
to flee from the wrath to come?” The only selec-
tiveness of the Jews was by Satan; they stole (in
accordance with their nature) the concept of a
“chosen people” from the “lost sheep” of Israel.
Much evidence exists that white Christians of
today are Israel rather than the “gentiles” we
are thought to be.
As something “from the horse’s mouth” on the
absurdity of Jews being “Israel” and Palestinian
in origin, the Jewish scholar Nathan M. Pollock
theorizes that “6 out of 1 0 Israelis and 9 out of
10 Jews in the Western Hemisphere are not real
Jews” (SAN DIEGO UNION, August 28, 1966).
Of course, even these modest percentages are
exaggerated. Few Jews anywhere can trace their
ancestry to ancient Palestine, and much less to
the Tribe or House of Judah! Added to this is the
conclusion by two Jewish researchers, Dr. Leo
Sachs and Dr, M. Bat Miriam, in THE NATIONAL
POST (August 10, 1956). They said Jews are not
a pure group and possibly never were. Or, as
the much-defamed Houston Stewart Chamberlain
said, “…the Jewish race is altogether bastard-
ized, and its existence is a crime against the holy
TEENTH CENTURY, Dodd, 1912).
Prabhupada & Hitler The Jesus Christ Connection
I am obliged to your good daughter for awarding me a good degree as SWAMI JESUS which is actually a great honour for me. Some time the Lord speaks through innocent child and I take this honour as sent by Lord Jesus through an innocent child free from all formalities of the current society. LORD JESUS PREACHED THE MESSAGE OF GOD AND I HAVE TAKEN UP THE SAME MISSION, AND IT WOULD BE A GOOD LUCK FOR ME IF I CAN FOLLOW THE FOOT PRINTS OF LORD JESUS WHO PREACHED THE MESSAGE OF GOD IN SPITE OF ALL PERSECUTION. Lord Jesus is a living example how one has to suffer in this material world simply for the matter of preaching the message of God.
[Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Sally. New York, 19 November, 1965]
I AM VERY GLAD TO LEARN THAT LORD JESUS CHRIST HAS APPROVED OUR ACTIVITIES. PERHAPS YOU HAVE MARKED IT IN MY PREACHING WORK THAT I LOVE LORD JESUS CHRIST AS GOOD AS KRISHNA; because He rendered the greatest service to Krishna according to time circumstances and society in which He appreared. Similarly Hajrat Mohammed and Lord Buddha also rendered greatest service to the human society according to circumstances. So work with more enthusiasm and we are sure to be successful in our great mission.
[Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Kirtanananda San Francisco 7 April, 1967]
MY FEELINGS AS A CHRISTIAN POINTS ME TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR AS A FIGHTER. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. IN BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN AND AS A MAN I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross.
AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE NO DUTY TO ALLOW MYSELF TO BE CHEATED, BUT I HAVE THE DUTY TO BE A FIGHTER FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE…. And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. FOR AS A CHRISTIAN I HAVE ALSO A DUTY TO MY OWN PEOPLE…. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, THEN I BELIEVE I WOULD BE NO CHRISTIAN, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.
Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922
[Note, “brood of vipers” appears in Matt. 3:7 & 12:34. John 2:15 depicts Jesus driving out the money changers (adders) from the temple. The word “adders” also appears in Psalms 140:3]
Hitler’s Christianity
Hitler’s table talk and other extraneous sources
by Jim Walker
Originated: 18 Aug. 2000
Additions made: 3 July. 2009
Red quotes= Hitler quotes
Green quotes= General quotes
Throughout the web pages on Hitler’s Christianity, I have relied mainly on first-hand quotes from the infamous man himself: Hitler’s book ‘Mein Kampf,’ his speeches recorded by camera, radio, proclamations, and letters personally written and signed by Hitler. I did not rely on hearsay accounts because those who admired or hated him had reason to embellish their own beliefs onto him. The best way to evaluate a person involves examining the words and actions of the person directly rather than indirectly from editors and hearsay accounts.
However, whenever addressing the history of Hitler, it would not deem fair to exclude mention of alleged sayings of Hitler, from apocryphal sources such as the “Secret Conversations with Hitler,” “Hitler – Memoirs of a Confidant,” Albert Speer’s memoirs or “Hitler’s Table Talk” (also referred to as “Private Conversations”). Mostly from the latter do opponents against Hitler’s Christianity usually refer. For Hitler’s Table Talk is the only source where one can find Hitler, allegedly, denouncing religion to such a degree.
Hitler’s Table Talk
Those who deny Hitler as a Christian will invariably find the recorded table talk conversations of Hitler from 1941 to 1944 as incontrovertible evidence that he could not have been a Christian. The source usually comes from the English translation (from a French translation) edition by Norman Cameron and R. H. Stevens, with an introduction by H.R. Trevor-Roper.
The table-talk has Hitler saying such things such as: “I shall never come to terms with the Christian lie. . .”, “Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity”.
The problem with these anti-Christian quotes is that the German text of the table-talk does not include them, they were made up by François Genoud, the translator of the French version, the very version that English translations rely on! (More on this below).
Even if you believed the table-talk included the anti-Christian quotes, nowhere in the talk does Hitler speak against Jesus or his own brand of Christianity. On the contrary, the table-talk has Hitler speaking admirably about Jesus. Hitler did, of course criticize organized religion in a political sense (as do many Christians today), but never in a religious sense. But the problems with using Hitler’s table talk conversations as evidence for Hitler’s apostasy are manyfold:
1) The reliability of the source (hearsay and editing by the anti-Catholic, Bormann)
2) The reliability of multiple translations, from German to French to English.
3) The bias of the translators (especially Genoud).
4) The table-talk reflects thoughts that do not occur in Hitler’s other private or public conversations.
5) Nowhere does Hitler denounce Jesus or his own brand of Christianity.
6) The “anti-Christian” portions of Table-Talk does not concur with Hitler’s actions for “positive” Christianity.
Hitler Myths
Originated: 29 May 2005
Additions: 29 Sep. 2010
The following provides a brief explanation for some of the most common misconceptions about Adolf Hitler. Unfortunately in today’s ‘Faith-based’ culture, rarely do people look closely at the reasons or evidence of Hitler’s belief, many times confusing the beliefs of other prominent Nazis for Hitler’s views.
Myth 1: Hitler was not a Christian
Myth 2: Hitler pretended his Christianity only for political purposes
Myth 3: Hitler got his ideas of Aryan superiority and Jewish hatred from Darwinian evolution
Myth 4: Hitler followed Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy
Myth 1: Hitler was not a Christian
The entire section on Hitler’s Christianity provides ample evidence for his brand of Christianity. The evidence itself destroys any opinions or beliefs about Hitler’s alleged apostasy.
The evidence shows that:
Hitler was born and baptized into Catholicism
His Jewish antisemitism came from his Christian background.
His early personal notes shows his interest in religion and Biblical views.
He believed that the Bible represented the history of mankind.
His Nazi party platform (their version of a constitution) included a section on Positive Christianity, and he never removed it.
He confessed his Christianity.
He tried to establish a united Reich German Church.
Hitler allowed the destruction of Jewish synagogues and temples, but not Christian churches.
He encouraged Nazis to worship in Christian churches.
He spoke of his Christian beliefs in his speeches and proclamations.
His contemporaries, friends, Protestant ministers and Catholics priests, including the Vatican, thought of Hitler as a Christian.
The Catholic Church never excommunicated Hitler. He died a Catholic.
To ignore the evidence of Hitler’s Christianity demonstrates how power of belief can obscure the facts.
Sinead was offered a $1,000 BET on the likely FACT Kyle is of Jewish BLOOD; a slam dunk for her IF SHE WAS TELLING THE TRUTH. When Sinead was first accused of being Jewish on my channel comments she simply slinked away; of late she denied it, but “could not afford” the bet while slinging all sorts of poo. Why would she have to afford it?
(Page down to screen shots of interaction with Sinead on BitchUte.)
2) There are plenty of Jews that have released seriously powerful information on Masonry, the racist cult within, and even the “Satanic” crap that is mostly Jew/Italian which are of the same blood lines.
It’s not ‘slander’ unless you’re crypto controlled opposition scum pretending to be Occidental while squealing ‘The Jews’ this and that. There are very few creatures I despise more than snake in the grass cryptos!
Thanks for the comment Tim. Hare Krishna.
Why can i not comment on articles on their website without being censored ? Seems kind of fishy .
Just look how the joo kushner licks his lips . Just like a snake .
I’d like to interview you on the takeover of Prabupad’s group and esp. the murders of the real disciples. I’d like to do a web page on them as I’m certain they too were killed by the cult of DAN who takes over ALL religions from within.
Again, I’ll need birth names, dates and date of murder; this includes convenient heart attacks, and strokes.
If you’re game let me know. Do you do Skype?
Here’s my bitchute with materials of which you’re welcome:
Cult of Dan, please explain more. I would be up for an interview but first would be good to talk via skype. Now i am a bit busy but it will come soon. Hare Krishna.
It’s the “Lost Tribe of Dan” who are the “D’Evils”, but again, if God’s model had only Buddhists, it would not work.
In Western philosophy we’re taught we will have 1,000 years of peace, [Dragon side], and it is coming, but once the planet’s population exceeds a certain threshold, the ‘Serpents’ get the run of the joint and the ‘warrior’ path to God takes over.
These are the two main sides of God’s dualistic planet and look at our ‘enemy’ with a literal serpent on their face, well many of them, anyway.
Here’s hard proof they use ‘fiction’ to embed occult knowledge; they use symbols, timemarkers, and durations for same via their numeric lingo.
Here’s some symbolic proof of the sin-agogue of say-ten; their number is 19/10 or 1 reduced. When the ‘serpents’ took over they ‘confounded the languages’ with interlingual fun-etics.
Some of this takes time to digest, but without it one cannot have those proverbial eyes.
(It uses integers and ‘masters’ so the vocabulary is actually quite short.)
Here’s a key that could be much better, but I’m heavily targeted and for a long time:
Here’s a “November Ides” release that caused major flak:
They’re the elo-HIM, have a MEN-orah of the Dried-EL; serpent is a synonym of phallus, 1, sword, dagger, and “A”, as A=1; thus we have our Oakland A’s. This was blogged here on our local “Serpents Mound” Left Coast:
Ask questions on the pertinent blog so it can be comprehensible to a wider audience.
(I know too much and forget what pieces are in my mind, or holes in the presentation. that cinch the overall picture.)
Well, It is a very sensitive topic you got into. But before moving into this topic, I would like Quote the words of Adolf Hitler here
“as we, in principle, never ridicule religion because it is sacred to us. But he tries to destroy everything without offering a substitute. ” – Adolf Hitler
So I would not never attack or criticize any religion whatsoever. of course I am very well aware of the fact Jesus was a divine personality, But you have to learn some facts here
– –>Christianity was brought into Europe not by Europeans but by JEWS
– –>all the early Christians were JEWS, none of them were Europeans
—> Europeans were forced to convert to Christianity at the point of sword.
—-> Europeans who resisted the forced conversion were slaughtered mercilessly.
—->All their Temples were destroyed. (opposite to what Adolf Hitler said has happened here )
—> Europe was so sophisticated and were the pioneering of technology, but JEWS in the name of Christianity destroyed everything.
—-> JEWS burned Europeans at stake for resisting to conversion.
—-> European art,music, literature etc everything was destroyed in the DARK AGES, Example burning of Library of Alexandria. that’s just one example there are trillions of such atrocities.
—-> European Women were taken as slaves by Muslim during their invasion, do you know why because women were left defenseless as the men in the name of crusade went to take (((their))) holyland, the problem is the crusades never minded the muslims who were still roaming in europe, but they went to take (((Their))) holyland leaving their women at the mercy of muslims , this is how European Women were taken slaves. So thanks to the JEWS who indoctrinated our European men to take back their HOLYLAND deus vult!!! But finally When British Empire captured (((their))) holyland it was given to (((them))), so yeah deus vult!!!
Thanks to the Mongol for stopping the Islam invasion by Siege of Baghdad (1258), which crippled the Muslim empire, so it was not the crusades that stopped Islam invasion but the Mongols.
—> apart from these there atleast 100-200 crusade which launched against Europeans just to convert them to Christianity, Example Swedish Crusade, Prussian Crusade,Albigensian Crusade etc in majority of the cases these crusade resulted in extermination till the last man one such example is Cathars, the funny thing is some(half) of crusade were even not against pagans but against people who were following Christianity but a different sect. JEWS stood behind all these.
—> I see your a vegetarian as your following Hinduism, so your deriding Europeans who are eating meat and I saw in your video you even said Europe and western civilization would be destroyed for the very same reason. Well I am too a Vegetarian, So was Adolf Hitler, let me quote his words for
We could use them for warming green-houses, and all winter long we could keep our cities supplied with vegetables and fresh fruit. Nothing is lovelier than horticulture.I believed until now that our army could not exist without meat. I’ve just learnt that the armies of ancient times had re-course to meat only in times of scarcity, that the feeding of the Roman armies was almost entirely based on cereals.” -Adolf Hitler
Yeah our Ancient European ancestors were vegetarian too, also I can prove that with factual evidence that Europe was practicing agriculture for atleast 10000 years before coming of Christianity, so how did Europeans went from vegetarian to non Vegetarian, the answer is (((who))) loves to sacrifice animals. (((who))) maintains slaughterhouse for (((their))) (((KOSHER))) industry.
I think you know the answer.
Also I know quite about ISCKON , Your Guru propagated his message in a very peaceful transaction and won the people’s heart by the means of intellectual argument, I have listened to some of his conversation with professors, lectures, and some morning walks.
Just by hearing his words you know well that he is a highly intellectual and spiritual person, I totally agreed with everything which he said, Actually I stopped eating Fish,eggs after listening to his talks.
You can never point a single instance where force was used to convert, can you??
But why can’t we see the same transition in Christianity? Why JEWS used such ruthless aggression on Europeans to get them converted to Christianity.
Are you so naive to believe the JEWS used deplorable means to convert Europeans to Christianity for some spiritual person.?? If you still don’t believe me let me quote Adolf Hitler words for you
“We know that the Jew used Christianity, not out of love for Christ, but partly because he knew that this new religion questioned all earthly power and so it became an axe at the root of the Roman state, the state which was built on the authority of the public servant. And he became its chief bearer and propagator, without becoming a Christian” – Adolf Hitler
If you still think I am making up such atrocities, Adolf Hitler in his own words recognized the destruction Christianity brought to Europe
“Christianity was not content with erecting an altar of its own. It had first to destroy the pagan altars. It was only in virtue of this passionate intolerance that an apodictic faith could grow up. And intolerance is an indispensable condition for the growth of such a faith.
It may be objected here that in these phenomena which we find throughout the history of the world we have to recognize mostly a specifically Jewish mode of thought and that such fanaticism and intolerance are typical symptoms of Jewish mentality. That may be a thousandfold true; and it is a fact deeply to be regretted. The appearance of intolerance and fanaticism in the history of mankind may be deeply regrettable, and it may be looked upon as foreign to human nature, but the fact does not change conditions as they exist today. The men who wish to liberate our German nation from the conditions in which it now exists cannot cudgel their brains with thinking how excellent it would be if this or that had never arisen. They must strive to find ways and means of abolishing what actually exists. A philosophy of life which is inspired by an infernal spirit of intolerance can only be set aside by a doctrine that is advanced in an equally ardent spirit and fought for with as determined a will and which is itself a new idea, pure and absolutely true. ” – Adolf Hitler
It is also exteremley important to note the fact that your GURU his divine grace Srila Prabhupada never made any compromise or changes to his teaching for the sake of environment he preached, I found this in all the aspects right from dressing to cooking to worshiping. Which just proves the fact he really had a good message, and his good will for the all the people, still in Belgium temple I see lady devotees in sarees and Men in india outfit.
But you will be surprised to know how much changes did JEWS made to (((their))) teachings to convince Europeans people into adopting Christianity, there are literally many such example, the one prime example is Christmas is based on Pagan festival called YULE, infact majority of Christian festivals is based on Pagan festival. I am just wondering if the JEWS are really trying to improve Europeans spiritually why would they have to make changes to (((their))) teachings, when even these tactics did not work , they massacred and forced rest of the people to adopt Christianity. Typical JEWISH behavior
I am just wondering given the fact JEWS were responsible for your own GURU’s poisoning, but when it comes to Christianity you can’t conceive the fact that JEWS used Christianity right from the beginning of the time to annihilate Roman Empire, and later spread through Europe not for any noble purpose but for (((their))) important purpose for them being (((MONEY))).
Also I looked into your video where you were requesting pagan brothers to stop criticizing Jesus, yeah I agree with that as I already told, I will never do nor recommend any one to criticize Jesus nor Muhammad, but I heard you saying that NATIONAL SOCIALIST MOVEMENT was Christian movement, sorry pal, it was not. NSDAP was based on race, not on religion.
Infact these were the words written in Hitler Youth Handbook
“Even today, National Socialism’s racial thinking has implacable opponents. Freemasonry, Marxism, and the Christian churches make common cause in this matter. World Freemasonry conceals its Jewish plans of world domination behind slogans of “humanity.” The Jew and the Turk can achieve its degrees just as well as the Christian. Marxism has the same goals as Freemasonry. To conceal its true aims, it used the slogan of “Equality, Freedom, and Brotherhood.” Under Jewish leadership, Marxism wants to unite everything “that has a human face.”
The Christian church, above all the Roman Catholic Church, rejects racial thinking by claiming that “All men are equal before God.” All who are of the Christian faith, be they Jew, a Negro from the jungle, or white, are better and more valuable to it than a German who is not a Christian. Saving faith is the only bond.
Proof that the Roman Catholic Church is acting against its better knowledge in rejecting racial thinking is clear from the following facts. There was once a danger that Jesuit goals would be subverted or redirected by Jewish members.The result was a ban on Jews becoming Jesuits. Today the danger is long past and the church wants to forget about it.
Why do we find the nonsense about human equality in Freemasonry, Marxism, and the Christian church? All three are more or less striving for world power. They therefore have to be “international.” They can never accept racial, ethnic, or national ties between people without giving up their goals.” – Vom deutschen Volk und seinem Lebensraum. Handbuch für die Schulung in der HJ (Munich: Franz Eher, 1937). Paul Gierlich
Also Adolf Hitler did not mention a single word about Christianity in his last political testament rather he mentioned the word “ARYAN” ,
Also majority of the insignia and logos in NSDAP were based on Ancient Aryan vedic symbols
Majority of the parade/demonstration in NSDAP third Reich was carried out to honor Germanic/Roman / European tradition not Christian,
For example ,nsdap harvest festival, which is a age old tradition for Europeans . infact when I researched to my surprise I found same kind of tradition is celebrated in India namely “Makar Sankranti” where people/peasants honor sun god.
you also agreed about the fact that your GURU came to western countries because of them still being ARYAN by blood and genetics, do you really think your GURU would not have came here if we were Buddhist or Muslims or Pagans, I can assure you 100% my friend your GURU his divine grace would have came here irrespective of the religion we followed,because we were and still are ARYANS it is not the religion that mattered it was the purity race that mattered to your GURU and Adolf Hitler.
I found you to be really sensible ,good spirited and a honest man, that’s the very reason I am writing this to you. Hope you understand my message and realize the factual truth.
Great Post MR. Linus Pauling, I too share the same opinion you were completely right when you said Swami AC Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada came to Western world because westerns and Europeans were Aryan, infact Swami AC bhaktivenda Prabhupada himself said that too many times, that Europeans are Indo- Aryan stock, although by behavior they may not be Aryan but still genetically and by blood they are still Aryan which is reflected in the high materialistic standard which is perverted reflection of the Aryan quality. Also Swami Prabhupada never said he came to western world as they were Christians, No religion was never the case, but on the contrary he said this.
” How is it that we are finding it very easy to spread Krsna consciousness among the Europeans and Americans? History reports that the Americans and Europeans proved their capability when they were anxious to expand colonization, but at the present time, being contaminated by the advancement of material science, their sons and grandsons are turning into reprobates.” – Prabhupada from srimad Bhagavatam 4.20.26
So it is pretty clear it was never ever about the religion it was about racial, as Aryans can understand and easily this superior philosophy, as a matter of fact Swami Prabhupada preached in Tehran too which is a Muslim world.
I was surprised to know that you the truth about Adolf Hitler, and please give me the source of his quotes, and yes even Adolf Hitler in his final testament mentioned about the word “ARYAN”.
It seems you have a good knowledge on how jews used Christianity as a tool to gain political power in Europe right from the times of Roman Empire till now, I am very interested whether you can give me more info on this, I am quite interested, It is quite a sad situation we are faced with as the brainwashing has been done for 2 millennium, so when we show people with facts and truth about Christianity they automatically start defending them.
Main point is the renegrade people always offend Jesus!!! Something Prabhupada never did. This is the jewish mindset. Also remember Europeans are fallen Aryans. PRABHUPADA HAS COME TO REVIVE THEM! THAT BEGINS WITH JESUS CHRISTS COMMANDMENT >>> THOU SHALL NOT KILL. So if anyone wants to talk big on Aryan issue then first stop this killing business. Prabhupada said European and USA is going down because of it:
Jesus is not real my brother it is a sun myth, astro-theology, and plagiarized from the Vedas, Christ is a cheap knick off of Krishna by the master counterfeiters. Start with this:
Astrotheology And The Initiate
Then this my friend:
Origin of Christianity – The Piso Flavian Dynasty
What Is Christ Consciousness
Hare Krishna
Main point is the renegrade people always offend Jesus!!! Something Prabhupada never did. This is the jewish mindset. Also remember Europeans are fallen Aryans. PRABHUPADA HAS COME TO REVIVE THEM! THAT BEGINS WITH JESUS CHRISTS COMMANDMENT >>> THOU SHALL NOT KILL. So if anyone wants to talk big on Aryan issue then first stop this killing business. Prabhupada said European and USA is going down because of it:
I agree that Jesus was a divine personality and a spiritual master for Jews, as GURU Prabhupada himself said that a lot of times in your video, infact you yourself made video of that. Also I myself quoted Adolf Hitler words
“as we, in principle, never ridicule religion because it is sacred to us. But he tries to destroy everything without offering a substitute. ” – Adolf Hitler
So anyone offending Jesus should be condemned.
But my friend why can’t you realize the fact that Europeans were vegetarian before coming of Christianity, it was the jews who brought this cow slaughtering, there literally millions of research papers to prove that Europe had sophisticated agricultural techniques before coming of Christianity.
infact Adolf Hitler too says the same here
“Roman armies was almost entirely based on cereals.” -Adolf Hitler
Whatever atrocities Bolsheviks committed against European people in 5-6 decades, Christianity did 100 times more in 2 millennium.
Are you so naive to believe that JEWS brought Christianity into Europe for the spiritual development of European people?
when was the last time JEWS did any good to anyone?
You yourself proved the fact that JEWS were behind poisoning of Swami Prabhupada ?
Why it is so hard for you to believe JEWS used Christianity as tool to gain political hegemony throughout Europe, thereby leading to slaughtering of millions of European people in the most inhumane way.
you are so concerned about slaughtering of cows, I agree we should be, even Adolf Hitler banned such slaughter . But what about millions of men ,women and children who were slaughtered in the name of Christianity.
Yeah I agree with you Europe is under destruction and it is going to see its end. The sole reason behind this is JEWS and their tool Christianity.
Europe was made to drink a poison called Christianity ofcourse they resisted but it was forcibly shoved down their throat, just like illegal immigration is shoved down our throat. but modern day people loose their temper when someone offends Christianity claiming that Europe was always Christian, similarly future progeny would get offended if someone speaks the hard cold truth that Europe was homogeneous once, future progeny would defend multicultural diversity just like people are defending Christianity today. In the past the immigrants were JEWS as clergies today it is the third world animal class men.
My point is defend Jesus Christ , but don’t ever defend Christianity as a matter of fact don’t defend any Abrahamic religion.
“I agree that Jesus was a divine personality and a spiritual master for Jews” This statement is nonsense. They killed him. They never followed him so how was he thir spiritual master?
Prabhupada said Jesus’s message was universal not just for jews:
To Mr. Francois Pierre. “My dear Francois.” He’s in France. “Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your letter dated March 17th. Try to understand our mission of Krsna consciousness. The world is all going to hell. They do not know what is the value of life. Like blind sheep following a blind leader, they are all going to the slaughterhouse. Human life is meant for saving, but instead the leaders are keeping the people in darkness. This is suicidal. Let us try to save them. Christian, Hindu, or Muslim, it doesn’t matter. One must have faith in God. But if one does not know what is God, then what is the question of religion? This sectarian view has caused havoc in the world. Our real business is to know God and one’s relationship with God. Do you know what is God? The answers to your questions are as follows: 1) Yes, the message of Jesus is universally applicable. Why not? Jesus says, ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ This is applicable to all. But all Christians are violating this law. So where is a Christian? In my opinion there is not a single Christian. Do they follow all ten commandments? 2) We accept Jesus Christ as saktyavesa-avatara, an empowered incarnation of God. 3) The Bible should be accepted literally and not symbolically. There is no symbolical meaning of the sacrifice on the cross. The people were so rascal. They attempted to kill him because he was speaking of God. We can understand the position of that society. He had to deal with such rascals. He preached ‘Thou shalt not kill,’ and they killed him. The argument that Jesus died to redeem us of sins is simply another sinful argument. That Jesus has taken contract to redeem your sins is simply a plea of the sinners. They continue sinning and expect Christ to take the contract to freedom. It is most sinful. Instead of actually stopping sins, they contract with Jesus Christ. These people should be immediately hanged. That way our…, they say, ‘That way our religion is very good. We cannot stop sinning, but it is okay because Christ has taken contract to save us.’ It is the same as saying ‘I am chanting Hare Krsna now. I can do any nonsense.’ That is known as nama-aparadha, offenses to the holy name of the Lord. 4) Regarding Christ coming again, for the time being, you follow his instructions. Then if he comes it will be all right. Regarding the position of our movement if Christ were to come again, that we shall see when he comes. ‘The end of the world’ means that the world will be devastated. Just like you have a body and it will be finished, similarly the whole world body will be devastated. Creation, maintenance and annihilation. Nasa in Sanskrit means devastated. 5) There is no difference between a pure Christian and a sincere devotee of Krsna. 6) Everything is accurately described in the Bhagavata Mahapurana. Love of God means God’s mercy. If God is pleased, He will do anything. The pleasure of God can be awarded by God. In Sanskrit it is described krpa-siddhi, perfection out of mercy. One must follow the four regulative principles–no eating meat, fish or eggs; no intoxication; no gambling; and no illicit sex life. Repent of all sinful activities and depend on Krsna’s mercy. Hoping this meets you well, your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.”
At Cheviot Hills Golf Course
May 13, 1973, Los Angeles
If you say Jesus was messenger for jews only then you are limiting him. That is a form of offence to the pure devotee. Jesus Christs message was applicable to all humans especially the fallen Aryans of Europe. ” Yes, the message of Jesus is universally applicable. Why not? Jesus says, ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ This is applicable to all. ” A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Sir Please be reasonable, will you blame the Americans,Britians for terror bombing in Germany or the actual (((culprits))) behind the bombings.
similarly why are you blaming European people for meat eating when majority (95% + ) of slaughter houses are owned by JEWS, and as Mr Linus Pauling said Europeans were vegetarians before (((Christianity))).
According to Manu, the great author of civic codes and religious principles, even the killer of an animal is to be considered a murderer because animal food is never meant for the civilized man, whose prime duty is to prepare himself for going back to Godhead. He says that in the act of killing an animal, there is a regular conspiracy by the party of sinners, and all of them are liable to be punished as murderers exactly like a party of conspirators who kill a human being combinedly. He who gives permission, he who kills the animal, he who sells the slaughtered animal, he who cooks the animal, he who administers distribution of the foodstuff, and at last he who eats such cooked animal food are all murderers, and all of them are liable to be punished by the laws of nature. No one can create a living being despite all advancement of material science, and therefore no one has the right to kill a living being by one’s independent whims. (Prabhupada from S.B. 1.7.37)
Awesome post man. You’re on point.
Good points made,
Even the people who eat the packed processed meat are equally sinful, your are right ,no arguments on that, I accept you on that. Although people are blindly buying such packages they will be held accountable for that. ignorantia iuris nocet (not knowing the law is harmful)
But regarding Jesus Christ, Since as I myself have been a bible student for a long period, I know for a fact that Jesus preached in Synagogues in the area where JEWS inhabited not in the nearby Greece or other Roman Areas, Jesus Christ also in advance predicted that his (((disciples))) would betray him before the cockcrow .
the quotes of divine grace Srila Prabhupada which you posted .
” Yes, the message of Jesus is universally applicable. Why not? Jesus says, ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ This is applicable to all. But all Christians are violating this law. So where is a Christian? In my opinion there is not a single Christian. Do they follow all ten commandments? ”
See for a civilized person ,take for example devotees in Belgium temples for them meat eating is totally out of question, they even don’t think of it, that doesn’t mean the four regulative principles doesn’t apply for them. what it means is they are completely habituated eating food stuffs in mode of goodness offered to Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna. So these rules are very basic rules, infact Srila Prabhupada himself said until one is free from sinful activities for them there is no question of God consciousness. So just image what kind of (((people))) Jesus was preaching to,that even the basic rules had to taught. ANSWER THIS —>do you think Jesus Christ would have preached the same basic rules if had reached to nearby Romans and other European people, wouldn’t his preaching be more advanced, as from Adolf Hitler statement and research papers we know for a fact Early Europeans were not eating meat rather food grains, fruits, ground vegetables such potatoes,carrot was their main source and only source of food.
Europeans technologies for agriculture were even better than INDIA(which is know best for agriculture).
Also some rules are universal for example, our mother teachs us not to prick our nose, which is universal it doesn’t change if the child is low IQ or high IQ, but as the child grows up he automatically stops doing that due to training from his mother, but still if the child in his adulthood does that, it means he such a fool. similarly avoid killing innocent animals for sense gratification is also universal, that doesn’t justify Jesus was preaching to all the people, he tried to enlightened the JEWS exclusively, Same explanation goes for Muhammad too. just like Buddha who was Supreme Personality of Godhead Krishna himself stopped the demons from killing innocent animals.
My main point which I am trying to make again and again is JEWS instead of following the instruction of Muhammad and Jesus, sent by god, they use their teachings to impose on others just for the sake of material benefit, the result of which is a complete devastation of gentiles cultural and their mind. you just try to grasp this one point.
JEWS destroyed pagan temples, infact I came to know from my INDIAN colleague that even LORD RAMACHANDRA temple in ayodhya, was destroyed by the same Abrahmic followers, on the top of which they raised a mosque, same pattern was observed throughout Europe.
Now can you show me one statement of Srila prabhupada where he called for such actions. No never
Also I never saw a single post of yours acknowledging the unspeakable atrocities committed against European people(i have posted in the above earlier posts, scroll up) and their freedom in the name of religion by the JEWS. Not only European people even against Brahmans, and religious people in INDIA during mughal invasion. even Adolf Hitler acknowledges this in his Mein kampf.
Which means (((They))) indeed used used religion as a scapegoat for (((their))) material benefits.
Just imagine how much low (((they))) should be, to use religion which is scared thing for material benefit, would you like these actions to go unexposed and swept under the rug.
Although my words superficially would seem like I am offending Jesus, the truth is the more I attack Christianity the more I defend Jesus Christ, as again and again it has to mentioned that Jesus had to deal with one of treacherous people to ever walk on this earth.
So the fact is Jesus Christ, Muhammad , Lord Buddha (who was Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna himself) teaching are for specific kind of people. These people are less than kinder-gardeners in Spiritual Knowledge.
And regarding Crucifixion of Christ as far as I know and studied from NT , Jesus Christ nullified the sins of JEWS which means they should have followed his principles from then on, but they did not do that, although they superficially followed later they used it destroy Roman Empire and imposed it on Gentiles for gaining political Hegemony.
Just go through Adolf Hitler table talks, although many call it as forged, take the quotes of Adolf Hitler and corroborate with the facts what happened in Europe during dark ages, test it for yourself it would superimpose 100%. which means his Table talks was indeed true and authentic, even DAVID IRVING declared there are only slight discrepancies in translation otherwise the message delivered is unchanged.
For example Hitler says in his Table talk.
“It was only later, under the influence of the Germanic spirit, that Christianity gradually lost its openly Bolshevistic character. It became, to a certain degree, tolerable. To-day, when Christianity is tottering, the Jew restores to pride of place Christianity in its Bolshevistic form.”
What hitler means by that is the JEWS after failing to convince the High IQ intelligent European Aryans to adopt Christianity by the means of reasoning and intellectual argument which his divine grace Srila Prabhupada did. (((they))) incorporated a lot of European Tradition such as
Vestals in Roman tradition, the Catholic church created its own version of priestesses — nuns.
there are literally a tons of such incorporation ,manipulation and deceits which JEWS used to convince Europeans to adopt Christianity, something which a real devotee like Srila prabhupada never made any changes nor compromised. which again proves my point that JEWS used Christianity for material benefits, Adolf Hitler completely acknowledges it in his Mein Kampf ,Table talk and in his speech.
You overestimate the european people and there standing at the time of Jesus and make offence to Jesus by saying his message was below the “elevated Europeans” They are aryan stock but fallen from the vedic standards. This is confirmed by Prabhupada in Srimad Bhagavatam (see below) where he explains the fallen nature of the european people. Jesus was preaching a message to return back to God. He said more than just “Thou Shall Not Kill” Were Europeans 2,000 years ago fully God conscious and beyond the message of Jesus Christ. I THINK NOT!!! Neither were they all free of Killing. You mention Greeks well Prabhupada and the Bhagavatam also mention Greeks from thousands of years ago along with other European peoples and they are classed as sinful and in need of the mercy of a pure Vaishnava like Jesus Christ!!!
abhira-sumbha yavanah khasadayah
ye ‘nye ca papa yad-apasrayasrayah
sudhyanti tasmai prabhavisnave namah
kirata–a province of old Bharata; huna–part of Germany and Russia; andhra–a province of southern India; pulinda–the Greeks; pulkasah–another province; abhira–part of old Sind; sumbhah–another province; yavanah–the Turks; khasa-adayah–the Mongolian province; ye–even those; anye–others; ca–also; papah–addicted to sinful acts; yat–whose; apasraya-asrayah–having taken shelter of the devotees of the Lord; sudhyanti–at once purified; tasmai–unto Him; prabhavisnave–unto the powerful Visnu; namah–my respectful obeisances.
Kirata, Huna, Andhra, Pulinda, Pulkasa, Abhira, Sumbha, Yavana, members of the Khasa races and even others addicted to sinful acts can be purified by taking shelter of the devotees of the Lord, due to His being the supreme power. I beg to offer my respectful obeisances unto Him.
Kirata: A province of old Bharata-varsa mentioned in the Bhisma-parva of Mahabharata. Generally the Kiratas are known as the aboriginal tribes of India, and in modern days the Santal Parganas in Bihar and Chota Nagpur might comprise the old province named Kirata.
Huna: The area of East Germany and part of Russia is known as the province of the Hunas. Accordingly, sometimes a kind of hill tribe is known as the Hunas.
Andhra: A province in southern India mentioned in the Bhisma-parva of Mahabharata. It is still extant under the same name.
Pulinda: It is mentioned in the Mahabharata (Adi-parva 174.38), viz., the inhabitants of the province of the name Pulinda. This country was conquered by Bhimasena and Sahadeva. The Greeks are known as Pulindas, and it is mentioned in the Vana-parva of Mahabharata that the non-Vedic race of this part of the world would rule over the world. This Pulinda province was also one of the provinces of Bharata, and the inhabitants were classified amongst the ksatriya kings. But later on, due to their giving up the brahminical culture, they were mentioned as mlecchas (just as those who are not followers of the Islamic culture are called kafirs and those who are not followers of the Christian culture are called heathens).
Abhira: This name also appears in the Mahabharata, both in the Sabha-parva and Bhisma-parva. It is mentioned that this province was situated on the River Sarasvati in Sind. The modern Sind province formerly extended on the other side of the Arabian Sea, and all the inhabitants of that province were known as the Abhiras. They were under the domination of Maharaja Yudhisthira, and according to the statements of Markandeya the mlecchas of this part of the world would also rule over Bharata. Later on this proved to be true, as in the case of the Pulindas. On behalf of the Pulindas, Alexander the Great conquered India, and on behalf of the Abhiras, Muhammad Ghori conquered India. These Abhiras were also formerly ksatriyas within the brahminical culture, but they gave up the connection. The ksatriyas who were afraid of Parasurama and had hidden themselves in the Caucasian hilly regions later on became known as the Abhiras, and the place they inhabited was known as Abhiradesa.
Sumbhas or Kankas: The inhabitants of the Kanka province of old Bharata, mentioned in the Mahabharata.
Yavanas: Yavana was the name of one of the sons of Maharaja Yayati who was given the part of the world known as Turkey to rule. Therefore the Turks are Yavanas due to being descendants of Maharaja Yavana. The Yavanas were therefore ksatriyas, and later on, by giving up the brahminical culture, they became mleccha-yavanas. Descriptions of the Yavanas are in the Mahabharata (Adi-parva 85.34). Another prince called Turvasu was also known as Yavana, and his country was conquered by Sahadeva, one of the Pandavas. The western Yavana joined with Duryodhana in the Battle of Kuruksetra under the pressure of Karna. It is also foretold that these Yavanas also would conquer India, and it proved to be true.
Khasa: The inhabitants of the Khasadesa are mentioned in the Mahabharata (Drona-parva). Those who have a stunted growth of hair on the upper lip are generally called Khasas. As such, the Khasa are the Mongolians, the Chinese and others who are so designated.
The above-mentioned historical names are different nations of the world. Even those who are constantly engaged in sinful acts are all corrigible to the standard of perfect human beings if they take shelter of the devotees of the Lord. Jesus Christ and Muhammad, two powerful devotees of the Lord, have done tremendous service on behalf of the Lord on the surface of the globe. And from the version of Srila Sukadeva Gosvami it appears that instead of running a godless civilization in the present context of the world situation, if the leadership of world affairs is entrusted to the devotees of the Lord, for which a worldwide organization under the name and style of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness has already been started, then by the grace of the Almighty Lord there can be a thorough change of heart in human beings all over the world because the devotees of the Lord are able authorities to effect such a change by purifying the dust-worn minds of the people in general.
S.B. 2.4.18
No Greece civilization was much before coming of Christ, I was saying the Jesus did not go the location of Greece, and other Roman provinces.
No I am not offending Jesus Christ neither I am overestimating the European people, there are literally a lot of statements in bible to prove that Jesus main aim was to make the JEWS god consciousness. For the same reason Jesus Christ appeared as Jewish family, not in European family , Jesus Christ disciples called him “Rabbi” in many instances, still (((They))) were hostile to Jesus Christ.
By taking Adolf Hitler as authority and corroborating his statements with research papers, I came to know that main source of eatables for Europeans was agriculture alone, even our ancestors techniques in agriculture were far superior than even the INDIANS.
” I’ve just learnt that the armies of ancient times had re-course to meat only in times of scarcity, that the feeding of the Roman armies was almost entirely based on cereals.” -Adolf Hitler
Also you are turning a blind eye to the atrocities committed by the JEWS in the name of religion. which you have still not acknowledged , by doing this actually directly or indirectly defending the JEWS and you just want to sweep their deeds under the rugs and forget about it.
Actually you must be enraged by the fact that JEWS have used religion for their material benefits. but evidently from your writings I found that not even once you gave any attention to that.
Now please try to answer this
=====> Don’t you realize the very simple fact that all the early Christians were 100% JEWS? Not Europeans?
– Christianity is nothing but Judaism 2nd version.
-Adolf Hitler admits there was heavy Jewish influence in the Christianity, in his speeches, mein kampf, table talks.
– Do you believe JEWS brought Christianity into Europe with a good intention??? Are you so naive if you believe that?
====>Why JEWS made changes to Christianity and Incorporated tons of Pagan European Tradition in Christianity? Why they could not present as it is. Just like his divine grace Srila Prabhupada did.
=====> Even if we go back 2000 years back who will you support JEWS or our fallen Aryan Ancestors??
====> Why JEWS destroyed all the European cultural Libraries, butcher millions of Europeans, Brahmans, brunt them in stake for the sake conversion.???
====> When mainland Europe was under the threat of Islam Invasion, why did Crusades just went straight to take back the (((Holyland))). which resulted in European Women being taken as slaves by Muslims.???
====> Do you believe that destruction of Lord Ram’s Temple, demigod’s (PAGAN) temple and raising Mosque and Church over is attributing to (((their))) good will or their devotion to god???
====> JEWS tried to poison Srila Prabhupada, why can’t you accept the fact the same JEWS used teachings of Jesus and Mohammad for material benefits. which resulted in so much devastation to Gentiles.???
As far as I know I think you are completely okay with JEWS using sacred thing like religion for their material benefits, and carrying out all the atrocities which they did, by doing so I am sorry to say your just being their accomplice.
I am not disrespecting Jesus Christ, rather my point is Jesus attention was specific to the JEWS alone, Jesus Christ did not preach to other people in other areas, but He made his preaching local to the areas where JEWS inhabited. So even if Jesus Christ teaching is more than “thou shall not kill” since he decided to show mercy only on JEWS, so it won’t work for others.Also Jesus Christ says in one instance that he was sent by God to make JEWS alone God conscious. Jesus Christ being a powerful spiritual master, out of his freewill he selected his audience to be JEWS. Who are we or JEWS to change that,?? but JEWS disobeyed that made a good business out of Jesus Teaching,which is extremely sinful.
I know for a fact Adolf Hitler himself was a not a ordinary personality you yourself said that he went to take up the post of Great Demigod Brahma, so he is indeed extremely intelligent, So just corroborate his statements in his table talks and superimpose it on the atrocities carried out against the European People in dark ages , against Brahmans in India during Mughal Invasion, destruction of cultural arts, temples of demigod , Supreme Personality of Godhead RAM’s temple, you will realize Adolf Hitler was 10000% right and his table talks were genuine and authentic. He also mentions the same in Mein Kampf and speeches.
So final conclusion and fact is Jesus, Muhammad, Lord Budha’s teaching were localized for specific people, even if the instructions is more than basic rules since they decided to choose a specific audience on their own freewill we can’t make it universal, by doing so is to offend them.
My BIG QUESTION, do you want the atrocities committed by JEWS against different people(Europeans, Brahmans) using religion as scapegoat, for (((their))) material benefits to sweep under rugs and go unexposed because by doing so I can tell with my fullest and deepest conviction you are offending Jesus Christ and Muhammad, as atrocities were carried under their name , just like the JEWS carried out atrocities under Srila Prabhupada’s name, these sinful deed must be exposed and turning a blind or ignoring is sinful, as JEWS blatantly disobeyed all their instruction and did something totally opposite. so please try to understand and expose (((them))).
If you say Jesus Christs message is limited to jews that is an offence to the the pure devotee. Stop with the straw man about religions everyone knows they are hijacked by demons. I have exposed this more than most. Still the message of Jesus is universal not only for jews. This is also confirmed by Prabhupada and anyone can understand it. It is very simple. To say Jesus was only preaching to jews and not europeans is foolish. His message went world wide and kept europe pious enough to still be fertile enough to receive Prabhupada.
I am obliged to your good daughter for awarding me a good degree as SWAMI JESUS which is actually a great honour for me. Some time the Lord speaks through innocent child and I take this honour as sent by Lord Jesus through an innocent child free from all formalities of the current society. Lord Jesus preached the message of God and I have taken up the same mission, and it would be a good luck for me if I can follow the foot prints of Lord Jesus who preached the message of God in spite of all persecution. Lord Jesus is a living example how one has to suffer in this material world simply for the matter of preaching the message of God.
[Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Sally. New York, 19 November, 1965]
So if we accept your authorities then Prabhupada has come to preach to the jews only. Prabhupada says he has taken the same mission, so if that was to only preach to jews then that must be Prabhupada’s mission also. NONSENSE!!!
Upon seeing the person engaged in performing the sacrifice, animals meant to be sacrificed are extremely afraid, thinking, “This merciless performer of sacrifices, being ignorant of the purpose of sacrifice and being most satisfied by killing others, will surely kill us.”
Animal sacrifice in the name of religion is current practically all over the world in every established religion. It is said that Lord Jesus Christ, when twelve years old, was shocked to see the Jews sacrificing birds and animals in the synagogues and that he therefore rejected the Jewish system of religion and started the religious system of Christianity, adhering to the Old Testament commandment “Thou shalt not kill.” At the present day, however, not only are animals killed in the name of sacrifice, but the killing of animals has increased enormously because of the increasing number of slaughterhouses. Slaughtering animals, either for religion or for food, is most abominable and is condemned herein. Unless one is merciless, one cannot sacrifice animals, either in the name of religion or for food.
Prabhupada from srimad Bhagavatam 7.15.10
Jesus and his words are non-different, they are transcendental. So how can the trancendental words of Jesus Christ which are himself be limited to jews only??? Is the transcendence limited to only a certain people??? Complete nonsense!
And similarly, in your Christian also, you worship Bible.
So it is a fact that Lord Jesus Christ is present by his words, Bible. Similarly, Krsna is present by His words. These personalities, either God or son of God, who come from the transcendental world, they keep their transcendental identity without being contaminated by this material world. That is their omnipotency. We are practiced to say that God is omnipotent. Now, this is His omnipotency. Omnipotency means that He is not different from His name, from His quality, from His pastimes, from His instruction, everything.
Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.17
San Francisco, March 25, 1967
Okay really a great point you brought up. Good
Ofcourse Jesus message is transcendental, but only if Jesus shows mercy his followers will be elevated , but from bible we know for a fact Jesus mercy was bestowed only to JEWS alone. for the same reason Jesus nullified their Sins.
“though shall not kill” very good, but literally millions of Europeans were killed for being converted into Christianity.
millions of Indians were massacred by Mughals for being converted into Islam.
Caitanya Mahaprabhu preached in India only. Is his message limited to Indians?
Caitanya Mahaprabhu although preached in India, but in a verse he clearly said he message would reach every corner of the village all over the world.
but Jesus Christ said he came to awake the JEWS alone, it was his own words.
JESUS NEVER SAID THIS >>>> ““I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Matthew 15:24)
Prabhupada: Yes. That must be, therefore the scriptures must be transcendental. Nonsense scripture, and people become nonsense. So except Vedic literature, all nonsense scripture. They are not scripture. Manufactured. This Bible was manufactured by the saint, this saint, that, according to their imagination. It was not spoken by Lord Jesus Christ. What was spoken by Jesus Christ, that they ignore: “Thou shalt not kill.” They kill. Nobody is following Christian principle; neither Bible is perfect. But that, if we say, we will be shot. (laughter)
Morning Walk
At Cheviot Hills Golf Course
May 13, 1973, Los Angeles
So who cares what Matthew says??? This Bible was manufactured by the saint [LIKE MATTHEW], this saint, that, according to their imagination. It was not spoken by Lord Jesus Christ. What was spoken by Jesus Christ, that they ignore: “Thou shalt not kill.”
PRABHUPADA SAYS JESUS SPREAD HIS MESSAGE IN THE WEST>>> “Here Krsna says that the purpose of all Vedic instructions is to achieve the ultimate goal of life–to go back to Godhead. All scriptures from all countries aim at this goal. This has also been the message of all religious reformers or acaryas. In the West, for example, Lord Jesus Christ spread this same message.” BBD 5
In all Abrahamic religion (including Christianity) it is instructed to break idols and vandalize idols, so according to your logic are you okay if Christians does that to our deities.
Actually Abrahamic followers did destroy Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri RAM’s temple, JEWS did vandalize the deity’s of Roman and Greeks demigods.
Adolf Hitler acknowledges this in his Mein Kampf.
It seems your completely okay with it. You are defending JEWS unconsciously.
” His message went world wide and kept Europe pious enough to still be fertile enough to receive Prabhupada.”
Nope Christianity has no role to play in this. It is entirely because the Europeans were racially pure, hence Srila Prabhupada came to Europe. So Srila prabhupada would have came irrespective of the religion we followed, as long we are racially pure.
And Why are offending Jesus Christ when he himself said he came for JEWS alone??
So why Prabhupada said he has taken up the same mission as Christ: ” I am obliged to your good daughter for awarding me a good degree as SWAMI JESUS which is actually a great honour for me. Some time the Lord speaks through innocent child and I take this honour as sent by Lord Jesus through an innocent child free from all formalities of the current society. Lord Jesus preached the message of God and I have taken up the same mission, and it would be a good luck for me if I can follow the foot prints of Lord Jesus who preached the message of God in spite of all persecution. Lord Jesus is a living example how one has to suffer in this material world simply for the matter of preaching the message of God.”
[Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Sally. New York, 19 November, 1965]
The answer is very simple my friend, Srila Prabhupada mission was to awaken the fallen souls, So was Jesus mission, but Jesus said himself he was sent by god for House of Israel alone. But God sent Prabhupada for the beneficiary of the whole world, because Capetian Mahaprabhu wanted his message (HARI NAM) to spread to remotest village.
Europeans need to take Prabhupada’s message or they will go down. that is the bottom line. If Europeans do not take Prabhupada’s message AND REGAIN THEIR MORALITY they will be destroyed!!!
ofcourse, I am completely aware of that.
My main point is the atrocities which (((they))) committed against European people in the name of Christ should be exposed.
Just like you exposed JEWS atrocities which (((they))) committed in the name of Srila Prabhupada.
So I am also engaged in the same mission, but doing so I am defending Christ. As many pagans think Jesus gave green light to (((their))) actions, which he never did, neither he asked his (((disciples))) to preach this to gentiles.
These (((Criminals))) should be exposed. I am defending the honor of Jesus.
I have nothing more to say on this so please don’t post anymore. You are offending Jesus if you say his message is limited to jews. SIMPLE!
The class of men Jesus had to preach to were all those not following the 10 commandments not just jews. Were all the people of Europe following the 10 commadments?? Of course not. Stop wasting my time please. I don’t wish to talk with you on this. If you want to limit Jesus to jews that is your less intelligence. Prabhupada says his message is applicable for all.
Prabhupada says “Yes, the message of Jesus is universally applicable. Why not? Jesus says, ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ This is applicable to ALL.”
Now you say Jesus was only preaching to jews…. but factually we see that the message of Christ went all over the world and was rejected by jews!!! The message of Jesus was not meant for the seed of Satan.
“I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Matthew 15:24)
Because he charged his disciples with the Great Commission:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 28:16-20 – English Standard Version
His statement about being sent only to the lost sheep of Israel was because God’s plan was to start his Church with the “Jews first,” and then bring in the gentiles. He gave them the first chance to be a part of his New Kingdom, in other words.
Jesus only had 3 years to preach his Gospel and he needed to concentrate his efforts on teaching the Jews. When Jesus returned after his resurrection, he commissioned his apostles to go into the world and teach the gospel to all people. So the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not just for the Jews, but they were the first to receive it. Although they were the first to hear it, they will be the last fo finally accept it, and the first shall be last and the last shall be first, as prophesied.
Because , Gentiles heard his Teaching and SAW His miracles and Heard His MESSAGES from GOD the FATHER and wanted Salvation ALSO !! …….the example of the Canaanite woman shows JESUS Compassion ,in Matt 15 ; 21–28, sheKNEW He could heal , she was a BELIEVER !! there were Many others as well, they heard the Gospell of “the coming Kingdom of GOD “ and were responding, whereas the Majority of Jews were NOT!! ,JESUS never told them “NOT TO follow Him “ !!
In Matthew 15:24, Jesus says, ”I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel”, why are the non-Israelites following him even though he says that he wasn’t sent for them?
12 Answers
Monique Shatae’
Monique Shatae’, Theologian /Christian Apologist at Trinity Theological Seminary
Answered Sep 16 2018 · Author has 170 answers and 32.3k answer views
To help you understand, that because this verse not taken literal but as a Metaphor. This was a test of Faith that God was testing on the caananite woman. If Christ was only come back for Israel why would John 3:16 contradict that verse. It says in scripture in the same passage Christ only told her that for the test of her faith. However, the woman herself was a non Israelites and got healed her.
Christ explain in
Galatians 3:29
If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Christ even explains it in parables
Matthew 22:1–14
And Jesus answering, spoke again in parables to them, saying: The kingdom of heaven is likened to a king, who made a marriage for his son. And he sent his servants, to call them that were invited to the marriage; and they would not come. Again he sent other servants, saying: Tell them that were invited, Behold, I have prepared my dinner; my beeves and fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come ye to the marriage. But they neglected,1 and went their ways, one to his farm, and another to his merchandise. And the rest laid hands on his servants, and having treated them contumeliously, put them to death. But when the king had heard of it, he was angry, and sending his armies, he destroyed those murderers, and burnt their city.2 Then he saith to his servants: The marriage indeed is ready; but they that were invited were not worthy. Go ye therefore into the highways; and as many as you shall find, call to the marriage.3 And his servants going forth into the ways, gathered together all that they found, both bad and good: and the marriage was filled with guests.4 And the king went in to see the guests: and he saw there a man who had not on a wedding garment. And he saith to him: Friend, how camest thou in hither not having on a wedding garment?5 But he was silent. Then the king said to the waiters: Bind his hands and feet, and cast him into the exterior darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few are chosen.
If as stated in one of your answers that the lost sheep of Israel are all who believe in Him, why was Jesus turning her away by saying that? Obviously she was a believer and he ultimately healed her daughter, so again, why did he say he was only here for what I interpret as Jacobs descendants?
In 15:28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour. Here Jesus makes it clear that faith is open to all that will believe.
In cherry picking scripture we often get a wrong understanding, we have to look at accompanying scripture to receive the totality of the meaning.
John 14:6 King James Version
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
When Jesus came it was to begin gathering his corulers, 144,000 spirit anointed sons. The privilege was extended to the Samaritans, descendants of Abraham through Hagar and then to the gentiles because the Israelites, for the most part rejected Jesus as their savior, having him executed.
I am defending Jesus Christ from your vision you learn from the jewish bible that his message is only for jews. prabhupada says his message is universal: “Yes, the message of Jesus is universally applicable. Why not? Jesus says, ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ This is applicable to all.”
He also said he has taken up the same mission as Jesus. “Lord Jesus preached the message of God and I have taken up the same mission” according to your jewish sources that would mean Prabhupada is also only preaching to jews.
Facts speak for themselves all over the world people have faith in Jesus Christ so that in itself proves his message was not only for jews.
Prabhupada says “patitanam pavanebhyo. He takes responsibility for all the fallen souls. That is… That idea is in Bible. Just like Jesus Christ take all the sinful reaction of ALL PEOPLE and sacrificed his life.”
You foolishly conclude that jesus came to preach to jews only, that is not Prabhupada’s philosphy.
Prabhupada said Jesus’s message was universal and especially for the fallen meat eaters of Europe.
Prabhupada came to America because they were pious enough to receive his message. They were pious enough because they still they had faith in Christ. Racial purity comes below faith in a pure devotee. Radial purity alone cannot elevate one spiritually. Faith in a pure devotee can. THAT IS THE KEY POINT. and how many europeans are racially pure. Aryan is a state of consciousness and that begins with faith in a pure devotee.
“Aryan is a state of consciousness ”
I just can’t believe you said that.
Then why did you make a video protesting the mass immigration
Our body is a machine, so all the bodies let it be aborigine body, cat body , dog body, Aryan body they are machine,
But Aryan body is the most superior machine of all in this planet, so the soul which enters into Aryan body is much pious soul than the soul which enters inferior bodies.
Otherwise how do explain the fact that our European people were responsible for 99%+ of innovation and invention????.
Ofcourse they should not use intelligent for innovating. inventing materialistic things, but still why other races were not able to do that, because they are inferior. COLD HARD TRUTH
Everything has its foundation on Racial Purity? I though you were a follower of Adolf Hitler, didn’t you read his literature, listen to his speeches????
The body is made by the consciousness of the last life. Unlawful meat eating in the white body will immediately degrade one below the Aryan level. The status of life is by work and qualification. So a man born in a lower than white vechile if he takes shelter of a pure devotee like Prabhupada or Jesus then he can elevate his consciousness to the Aryan level even while in his lower body. Even his body is then transformed! This is the teaching of Prabhupada. Do you know of it?
Then try this experiment go to a school, university or public park, where all the population are fully whites, try to preach your message, say for 6-7 hours.
Then next day go to a place occupied by third worlders, lets see if you can preach for just 30 minutes.
There is more responsibility for those in higher bodies therefore>>>>>>
If you give the right protection to the cows, then they will give so much milk, that the ground of New Vrndavana will be muddy with milk. EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN CIVILIZATION WILL BE FINISHED ON ACCOUNT OF THIS SINFUL ACTIVITY OF KILLING THE COWS.
Prabhupada Letter to: Kirtanananda, Honolulu 31 May, 1975
1.Did Prabhupada asked anywhere to Break the deities of demigod??? –> this was done to Europeans by JEWS
2. Did he convert any one by force???–> this was done to Europeans by JEWS(early Christians)
3. Did he asked anyone to kill anyone so that rest of the population would accept his doctrine??–> this was done to Europeans by JEWS(early Christians)
4. Did he ask to vandalize building and statues in public??? –> this was done to Europeans by JEWS
5. Did he make any changes to his teachings or presented as it is????–> JEWS incorporated majority (95% +) of European Tradition into Christianity.
6. If you go back 2000 years before will you support our ancestors or JEWS(Christians)
7. Didn’t he win over reputed professors, philosopher, politician by the means of arguments and intellectuality??? –> JEWS (early Christians ) were never able to do that, hence started using force.
8. Didn’t JEWS tried to Poison Prabhupada???
Your are openly trying to sweep (((their))) atrocities under the rug, you are not defending Jesus Christ, you are defending JEWS.
JESUS SAID>>>> “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 28:16-20 – English Standard Version
Wow, i commented like 2 days befoe, now it turned into a pretty big discussion between paul lining and mukunda dasa , both have made valid points.
But mukunda dasa you have still not given any counter arguments for rape, massacre against European people, destru tion of pagan temples, I am quite agigtated after reading destruction of God RAM’s temple, where exactly it happened,give me more detials please.
By the both of you are pretty serious with your stance, aren’t you???
yes Mr hello
GOD Ram’s temple was destroyed by Abrahamic followers(Muslim) in the same manner how the Christians destroyed Pagan temples in Europe, from this very fact it is clear Abrahamic religion are only meant for descendants of Abhraham, you see you were agitated weren’t you, any devotee hearing this would feel terrible, so did I, I looked up the internet and I was deeply saddened, It was the birth place of Lord RAM. It is the normal reaction by any devotee.
But @MUKUNDA DASA cleverly did not acknowledge all these destruction, he completely ignored butchering of Europeans, destruction of their culture, all right.
But even after hearing destruction GOD Ram’s temple, he is maintaining his cool. Something is wrong and fishy here.
Even a neophyte would be enrage when receives this horrible news.
I have a personal question to both mukunda dasa and paul lining , have you ever broken the 4 regulative principles if yes then how many times, for how much long have been devotee, have you convinced your relatives and parents regarding philosphy, are you cooking on your own or your taking food from ISCKON, which ISCKON branch do you belong too, who initated you, are you able to chant 16rounds daily, if yes how do you manage.
I myself came in contact with this movement just a year and a half ago in florida branch.
Please answer my question. It would be very helpful for me.
yes sometimes I was not able to follow the regulative principles, as far as I know it was broken 4 times.
I came in contact with Iskcon through my colleague who is from India.
There is ISKCON restaurant where I take my food.
I have not registered in any branch.
No one initiated me.
yeah mostly I don’t miss 16 rounds, but sometimes like once in month I can’t keep up
Galatians 3:29
If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
In spiritual platform egalitarian concept can be applied, being in material platform you can’t apply that.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 28:16-20 – English Standard Version
JEWS were international people even during the time of Christ, so JEWS were spread among various gentile nation, So Jesus Christ meant to baptize the JEWS in different nations. where do you find the words “GENTILES” here in this statement?
MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS “Go therefore and make disciples OF ALL NATIONS, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 28:16-20 – English Standard Version
your thinking in terms of winning or losing in this discussion, but rather I am trying to find the actual factual truth.
I already gave you the reason, JEWS were international people even during the time of Christ, so JEWS were spread among various gentile nation, So Jesus Christ meant to baptize the JEWS in different nations. where do you find the words “GENTILES” here in this statement?
Let’s accept that Jesus message was universal, you be the winner of this argument.
But please answer this question
1.Did Prabhupada asked anywhere to Break the deities of demigod??? –> this was done to Europeans by JEWS
2. Did he convert any one by force???–> this was done to Europeans by JEWS(early Christians)
3. Did he asked anyone to kill anyone so that rest of the population would accept his doctrine??–> this was done to Europeans by JEWS(early Christians)
4. Did he ask to vandalize building and statues in public??? –> this was done to Europeans by JEWS
5. Did he make any changes to his teachings or presented as it is????–> JEWS incorporated majority (95% +) of European Tradition into Christianity.
6. If you go back 2000 years before will you support our ancestors or JEWS(Christians)
7. Didn’t he win over reputed professors, philosopher, politician by the means of arguments and intellectuality??? –> JEWS (early Christians ) were never able to do that, hence started using force.
8. Didn’t JEWS tried to Poison Prabhupada???
JESUS THE SADHU ENGAGES IN THE HIGHEST PHILANTHROPIC ACTIVITIES FOR THE BENEDICTION OF ALL LIVING ENTITIES >>> These are the preachings of a sadhu. He is not satisfied with his own liberation. He always thinks about others. He is the most compassionate personality towards all the fallen souls. One of his qualifications, therefore, is karunika, great mercy to the fallen souls. While engaged in preaching work, he has to meet with so many opposing elements, and therefore the sadhu, or devotee of the Lord, has to be very tolerant. Someone may ill-treat him because the conditioned souls are not prepared to receive the transcendental knowledge of devotional service. They do not like it; that is their disease. The sadhu has the thankless task of impressing upon them the importance of devotional service. Sometimes devotees are personally attacked with violence. Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, Haridasa Thakura was caned in twenty-two marketplaces, and Lord Caitanya’s principal assistant, Nityananda, was violently attacked by Jagai and Madhai. But still they were tolerant because their mission was to deliver the fallen souls. ONE OF THE QUALIFICATIONS OF A SADHU IS THAT HE IS VERY TOLERANT AND IS MERCIFUL TO ALL FALLEN SOULS. HE IS MERCIFUL BECAUSE HE IS THE WELL-WISHER OF ALL LIVING ENTITIES. HE IS NOT ONLY A WELL-WISHER OF HUMAN SOCIETY, BUT A WELL-WISHER OF ANIMAL SOCIETY AS WELL. IT IS SAID HERE, SARVA-DEHINAM, WHICH INDICATES ALL LIVING ENTITIES WHO HAVE ACCEPTED MATERIAL BODIES. NOT ONLY DOES THE HUMAN BEING HAVE A MATERIAL BODY, BUT OTHER LIVING ENTITIES, SUCH AS CATS AND DOGS, ALSO HAVE MATERIAL BODIES. THE DEVOTEE OF THE LORD IS MERCIFUL TO EVERYONE–THE CATS, DOGS, TREES, ETC. HE TREATS ALL LIVING ENTITIES IN SUCH A WAY THAT THEY CAN ULTIMATELY GET SALVATION FROM THIS MATERIAL ENTANGLEMENT. Sivananda Sena, one of the disciples of Lord Caitanya, gave liberation to a dog by treating the dog transcendentally. There are many instances where a dog got salvation by association with a sadhu, BECAUSE A SADHU ENGAGES IN THE HIGHEST PHILANTHROPIC ACTIVITIES FOR THE BENEDICTION OF ALL LIVING ENTITIES. Yet although a sadhu is not inimical towards anyone, the world is so ungrateful that even a sadhu has many enemies.
Prabhupada from Srimad Bhagavatam 3.25.21
YOU HAVE GOT VERY GOOD EXAMPLE OF LORD JESUS CHRIST, A GREAT SAINT, OR SADHU ALSO. HE WAS, OF COURSE, MORE THAN SADHU. Now, just see his behavior, how much tolerant he was. He was being crucified and he was praying God, “O Lord, forgive these people, what they are doing.” That, this is the significance of sadhu. Titiksavah karunikah. For their personal sake, they’re always very tolerant, but they are very kind to all people, all living entities, very kind. IN SPITE OF THEIR ALL DISADVANTAGES, THEY TRY TO GIVE SOMETHING, REAL KNOWLEDGE, TO THE PEOPLE IN GENERAL. (NOT ONLY JEWS) Karunikah. And suhrdah sarva-dehinam. AND A SADHU IS NOT A FRIEND OF A PARTICULAR CLASS, (LIKE JEWS) PARTICULAR COMMUNITY (LIKE JEWS) OR PARTICULAR COUNTR (LIKE ISRAEL) . NO. A SADHU, A SAINT, IS HE WHO IS FRIEND OF ALL, (EVEN GENTILES >>>> LOL) NOT ONLY OF HUMAN BEING, EVEN OF ANIMALS AND LESS THAN ANIMALS. THESE ARE THE QUALIFICATION OF SADHU. AJATA-SATRAVAH.
come on man, are you comparing ordinary people with big names such as Jesus Christ, Haridas thakur.
after all the people who were butchered were innocent women men and children who worshiping demigods.
you have not answered a single question.
1.Did Prabhupada asked anywhere to Break the deities of demigod??? –> this was done to Europeans by JEWS
2. Did he convert any one by force???–> this was done to Europeans by JEWS(early Christians)
3. Did he asked anyone to kill anyone so that rest of the population would accept his doctrine??–> this was done to Europeans by JEWS(early Christians)
4. Did he ask to vandalize building and statues in public??? –> this was done to Europeans by JEWS
5. Did he make any changes to his teachings or presented as it is????–> JEWS incorporated majority (95% +) of European Tradition into Christianity.
6. If you go back 2000 years before will you support our ancestors or JEWS(Christians)
7. Didn’t he win over reputed professors, philosopher, politician by the means of arguments and intellectuality??? –> JEWS (early Christians ) were never able to do that, hence started using force.
8. Didn’t JEWS tried to Poison Prabhupada???
YOU HAVE GOT VERY GOOD EXAMPLE OF LORD JESUS CHRIST, A GREAT SAINT, OR SADHU ALSO. HE WAS, OF COURSE, MORE THAN SADHU. Now, just see his behavior, how much tolerant he was. He was being crucified and he was praying God, “O Lord, forgive these people, what they are doing.” That, this is the significance of sadhu. Titiksavah karunikah. For their personal sake, they’re always very tolerant, but they are very kind to all people, all living entities, very kind. IN SPITE OF THEIR ALL DISADVANTAGES, THEY TRY TO GIVE SOMETHING, REAL KNOWLEDGE, TO THE PEOPLE IN GENERAL. (NOT ONLY JEWS) Karunikah. And suhrdah sarva-dehinam. AND A SADHU IS NOT A FRIEND OF A PARTICULAR CLASS, (LIKE JEWS) PARTICULAR COMMUNITY (LIKE JEWS) OR PARTICULAR COUNTR (LIKE ISRAEL) . NO. A SADHU, A SAINT, IS HE WHO IS FRIEND OF ALL, (EVEN GENTILES >>>> LOL) NOT ONLY OF HUMAN BEING, EVEN OF ANIMALS AND LESS THAN ANIMALS. THESE ARE THE QUALIFICATION OF SADHU. AJATA-SATRAVAH.
It is not me who is limiting Christ , it is you who is doing so,
you have partiality because a devotee sweeps floor, wash clothes, bathroom, distributes books in temple you think he is lower than you don’t you.
So because Jesus Christ preached to JEWS alone you think he is limited, even if he preached to JEWS alone he is qualified vaishanva, but you think only if his message is applicable to world wide he is a Spiritual teacher.
Because a teacher handles 2nd grade class you are discriminating him.
I have mentioned destruction of GOD HEAD RAM’s temple for at least 10-11 times, But you completely ignored it.
which just means that you have no problem if GOD RAM temple destroyed.
I have mentioned destruction of DEMIGODS PAGAN Temple in Europe for at least 10-11 times,But you completely ignored it.
I have mentioned Slaughter of Millions of Europeans, Brahmans for at least 10-11 times, But you completely ignored it.
You are being completely dishonest by ignoring and avoiding these important points , which just proved the fact Jesus Christ and Muhammad teachings is not for all, it can be applied to only specific kind of people.
Great debate going on here
I can make my point sharp and straight unlike the bible dope Linus Pauling
jews were alone the early proponents of Christianity into Europe, for the very same reason it can be rejected.
It really makes me laugh, Linus Pauling realized that Christianity doesn’t belong to Europe, but he tries to prove that by using the bible written by jews, lame move brother.
on the other hand Mukunda dasa is implicating that killings, torture, rape which our ancestors underwent in the name of Christianity is worth it, as jews gave the message of jesus, so “thou shall not kill” can be transgressed while killing Pagan Europeans. it can’t get any lame.
anybody of you have any jewish ancestry or what??
I never took a DNA Test but as far I know my entire family are Christians, but my dad do have a lot of Jewish features on his face, which means there may be some, but he was a devout catholic.
Mukunda dasa doesn’t really care about whether God Ram temple is destroyed or Pagan temples are destroyed or our ancestors being slaughtered, Brahmans being killed all he wants to prove is Jesus teachings was for all people.
It clearly shows what he is
because of this obvious fact, the truth is just opposite of what Mukunda dasa says regarding Christianity.
so you don’t really care if GOD Ram temple is destroyed??? by abrahmic followers.
how many times have you acknowledged destruction of temples, slaughter of millions in this entire argument, not once.
keeping dodging this question and prove yourself to be a coward.
LOL! at yourself for avoiding answering the necessary questions and proving to be a Coward.
Be gone straw man LOL
funny still you are not acknowledging the early christian atrocities and destruction of GOD Ram’s temple.
You do know that Lord Ram is just another plenary expansion of Krishna. I am perplexed at least I was furious when I heard that news.
Now who is laughing Mukunda dasa, you were completely proven wrong.
Christianity which is a Jewish invention has nothing spiritual in it, just superficial appearance of spiritual which is proven by a Commenter by posting Swami PRabhupada’s quotes here
Prabhupāda : Perhaps in the history, for the FIRST TIME in the history, they’re getting some information of SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE.
Devotees: Jaya.
Prabhupāda: OTHERWISE THERE WAS NO SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE. They do not know. That’s a fact.
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.9.6
Māyāpur, February 26, 1977
If you give the right protection to the cows, then they will give so much milk, that the ground of New Vrndavana will be muddy with milk. EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN CIVILIZATION WILL BE FINISHED ON ACCOUNT OF THIS SINFUL ACTIVITY OF KILLING THE COWS.
Prabhupada Letter to: Kirtanananda, Honolulu 31 May, 1975
were you enraged when you heard the news about destruction of Lord RAM’s temple??
My Message To Christ Hating Pagan National Socialists
Hitler’s table talks are a questionable source of information. For arguments sake say i accept them. Does Hitler denounce Jesus Christ in these talks? Hitler denounces pseudo Christianity which is a form of Jesus envy. He never denounces real Christianity as taught by Jesus Christ, this is the point. How could he as he was a disciple of Jesus Christ in the truest sense of the word. Hitler’s knowledge came from Vedic [Aryan] sources ultimately there is nothing Satanic there only our ignorance of these practices is satanic. Hitler accepted Jesus as an Aryan, and yes he was a Pure Aryan, a man above time as is Prabhupada. Hitler was a man against time. This is the correct vision.
I just can’t believe the fact that fools are still arguing with Mukunda dasa.
you backward fools why don’t you get his message.
jews gave the teachings of Christ, so it is okay if they murder, raped, slaughter and whatever atrocities is on their book against our Pagan people.
It doesn’t matter if they destroyed our culture.
We should believe in the Jewish apostles and jesus’s Jewish disciples like Matthew not some loafer like Adolf Hitler and not definitely our Pagan ancestors.
So after all we should be good Christians, we should love our enemy, we should show our other cheek if some one slaps us, we should not resist evil.
Christianity was so strong that jews had to alter tweak and introduce various pagan tradition into it.
Infact it is surprise that Jesus born on the same day as our Roman Festival Saturnalia, you see.
Wouldn’t have jews poisoned your guru with same good intention???
Am I right Mukunda dasa
Thanks for making me understand everything.
According to Vedic injunctions there are six kinds of aggressors: 1) a poison giver, 2) one who sets fire to the house, 3) one who attacks with deadly weapons, 4) one who plunders riches, 5) one who occupies another’s land, and 6) one who kidnaps a wife. SUCH AGGRESSORS ARE AT ONCE TO BE KILLED, AND NO SIN IS INCURRED BY KILLING SUCH AGGRESSORS. SUCH KILLING OF AGGRESSORS IS QUITE BEFITTING FOR ANY ORDINARY MAN, but Arjuna was not an ordinary person. He was saintly by character, and therefore he wanted to deal with them in saintliness. This kind of saintliness, however, is not for a ksatriya. Although a responsible man in the administration of a state is required to be saintly, he should not be cowardly.
Prabhupada From Bhagavad-gita 1.36
Jesus’s injunction not to resist evil (Matthew 5:39), contextually, must be located in the realm of personal injury, not state policy. Matthew 5–7 is not a statement on the nature and jurisdiction of the state or the governing authorities; rather, it concerns issues of personal discipleship. Its affinities are most closely with Romans 12:17–21, not Romans 13:1–7.
In the sphere of the personal and private, justice does not call for retribution. In the sphere of the public, where the magistrate is commissioned to protect and defend the common good, justice demands retribution. This is the unambiguous teaching of the New Testament and not the supposed “compromised” thinking of imperialism or Constantinianism, so called.
“In the sphere of the public, where the magistrate is commissioned to protect and defend the common good, justice demands retribution. ”
Yes the magistrate are serving our people not the jews.
and we should believe in Mathew’s word as he was a Jew.
My Message To Christ Hating Pagan National Socialists
Hitler’s table talks are a questionable source of information. For arguments sake say i accept them. Does Hitler denounce Jesus Christ in these talks? Hitler denounces pseudo Christianity which is a form of Jesus envy. He never denounces real Christianity as taught by Jesus Christ, this is the point. How could he as he was a disciple of Jesus Christ in the truest sense of the word. Hitler’s knowledge came from Vedic [Aryan] sources ultimately there is nothing Satanic there only our ignorance of these practices is satanic. Hitler accepted Jesus as an Aryan, and yes he was a Pure Aryan, a man above time as is Prabhupada. Hitler was a man against time. This is the correct vision.
NDSAP was Christian movement, joke of the year.
Did Adolf Hitler mention Christianity in the last will? Or did he mention the word “Aryan”
NSDAP did not have a single parade in honor of Christianity rather, thousands of parades were made honoring Pagan ancestors and their tradition.
Have you ever read Mein Kempf
“Christianity was not content with erecting an altar of its own. It had first to destroy the pagan altars. It was only in virtue of this passionate intolerance that an apodictic faith could grow up. And intolerance is an indispensable condition for the growth of such a faith.
It may be objected here that in these phenomena which we find throughout the history of the world we have to recognize mostly a specifically Jewish mode of thought and that such fanaticism and intolerance are typical symptoms of Jewish mentality. That may be a thousandfold true; and it is a fact deeply to be regretted. The appearance of intolerance and fanaticism in the history of mankind may be deeply regrettable, and it may be looked upon as foreign to human nature, but the fact does not change conditions as they exist today. The men who wish to liberate our German nation from the conditions in which it now exists cannot cudgel their brains with thinking how excellent it would be if this or that had never arisen. They must strive to find ways and means of abolishing what actually exists. A philosophy of life which is inspired by an infernal spirit of intolerance can only be set aside by a doctrine that is advanced in an equally ardent spirit and fought for with as determined a will and which is itself a new idea, pure and absolutely true.
Each one of us today may regret the fact that the advent of Christianity was the first occasion on which spiritual terror was introduced into the much freer ancient world, but the fact cannot be denied that ever since then the world is pervaded and dominated by this kind of coercion and that violence is broken only by violence and terror by terror. Only then can a new regime be created by means of constructive work. Political parties are prone to enter compromises; but a philosophy never does this. A political party is inclined to adjust its teachings with a view to meeting those of its opponents, but a philosophy proclaims its own infallibility. ” – From Mein Kampf
Come on by this time everyone around here know, (((who))) you really are?
Stop embarrassing yourself.
I am not here disrespect anyone,
“From this day you have no sex intercourse with your mother.” Just find out the condition of the society. So we have to take account of the time, circumstances, society, and then preaching. ” – Seattle, October 2, 1968
Europeans may be many things, they may be meat eaters, pig eaters, drunkards etc, But they were never ever a bunch of incest, there is a whole chapter in bible dedicated for instructing the JEWS(not any one else) not to have sex or anything related to sex with
=> mother
=> sister
=> step sister
=> Brother’s wife
any many more.
Also it is explicitly mentioned to break the idols,
Now are you saying this religion (I have no disrespect) should be applied to Europeans, that too by force, aggression, and lies.
Jews were suppose to follow Christianity, but they never did but they forced this on Europeans by aggression.
My humble suggestion, please educate yourself learning the history, how Europeans were converted to Christianity by force, and jews were behind that.
Search Saxon wars,
Search Massacre of Verdun
and there are millions of other things in history which you should be educated.
Ok so no souls in Europe were attracted to the living example of the pure devotee Jesus Christ? None of the EUROPEAN PEOPLE HAD ANY ATTACHMENT OR LOVE FOR THE PURE DEVOTEE jESUS cHRIST?
Please answer this question, I know you are honest and good spirited man.
1.Did Prabhupada asked anywhere to Break the deities of demigod??? –> this was done to Europeans by JEWS
2. Did he convert any one by force???–> this was done to Europeans by JEWS(early Christians)
3. Did he asked anyone to kill anyone so that rest of the population would accept his doctrine??–> this was done to Europeans by JEWS(early Christians)
4. Did he ask to vandalize building and statues in public??? –> this was done to Europeans by JEWS
5. Did he make any changes to his teachings or presented as it is????–> JEWS incorporated majority (95% +) of European Tradition into Christianity.
6. If you go back 2000 years before will you support our ancestors or JEWS(Christians)
7. Didn’t he win over reputed professors, philosopher, politician by the means of arguments and intellectuality??? –> JEWS (early Christians ) were never able to do that, hence started using force.
8. Didn’t JEWS tried to Poison Prabhupada???
Goal posts…. LOL
YOU HAVE GOT VERY GOOD EXAMPLE OF LORD JESUS CHRIST, A GREAT SAINT, OR SADHU ALSO. HE WAS, OF COURSE, MORE THAN SADHU. Now, just see his behavior, how much tolerant he was. He was being crucified and he was praying God, “O Lord, forgive these people, what they are doing.” That, this is the significance of sadhu. Titiksavah karunikah. For their personal sake, they’re always very tolerant, but they are very kind to all people, all living entities, very kind. IN SPITE OF THEIR ALL DISADVANTAGES, THEY TRY TO GIVE SOMETHING, REAL KNOWLEDGE, TO THE PEOPLE IN GENERAL. (NOT ONLY JEWS) Karunikah. And suhrdah sarva-dehinam. AND A SADHU IS NOT A FRIEND OF A PARTICULAR CLASS, (LIKE JEWS) PARTICULAR COMMUNITY (LIKE JEWS) OR PARTICULAR COUNTR (LIKE ISRAEL) . NO. A SADHU, A SAINT, IS HE WHO IS FRIEND OF ALL, (EVEN GENTILES >>>> LOL) NOT ONLY OF HUMAN BEING, EVEN OF ANIMALS AND LESS THAN ANIMALS. THESE ARE THE QUALIFICATION OF SADHU. AJATA-SATRAVAH.
Mukunda dasa, the people(our ancestors) who were murdered were not sadhu or spiritual personalities like Haridas thakur why are you making this comparison.
I already said I accept your view that Jesus message was universal.
now why are you not answering the questions.
My Message To Christ Hating Pagan National Socialists
Hitler’s table talks are a questionable source of information. For arguments sake say i accept them. Does Hitler denounce Jesus Christ in these talks? Hitler denounces pseudo Christianity which is a form of Jesus envy. He never denounces real Christianity as taught by Jesus Christ, this is the point. How could he as he was a disciple of Jesus Christ in the truest sense of the word. Hitler’s knowledge came from Vedic [Aryan] sources ultimately there is nothing Satanic there only our ignorance of these practices is satanic. Hitler accepted Jesus as an Aryan, and yes he was a Pure Aryan, a man above time as is Prabhupada. Hitler was a man against time. This is the correct vision.
In this video you are not answering the question which I asked you.
” For arguments sake say i accept them. ”
So explain these quotes
>>>”Originally, Christianity was merely an incarnation of Bolshevism the destroyer. ”
>>>>”Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child.”
>>> ” Its(Christianity) key-note is intolerance.”
>>>”Christianity is a prototype of Bolshevism”
>>> “Pure Christianity—the Christianity of the catacombs—is concerned with translating the Christian doctrine into facts.”
>>>> “It was Christianity that brought about the fall of Rome—not the Germans or the Huns.”
>>>> “What Bolshevism is achieving to-day on the materialist and technical level, Christianity had achieved on the metaphysical level.”
>>> “Then with the advent of Christianity, came the barbarians.”
>>> “The religion fabricated by Paul of Tarsus, which was later called Christianity, is nothing but the Communism of to-day.”
Christianity was so strong that jews had to alter tweak and introduce various pagan tradition into it.
Infact it is surprise that Jesus born on the same day as our Roman Festival Saturnalia, you see.
Wouldn’t have jews poisoned your guru with same good intention???
a pocket dictionary and international dictionary. You cannot say that pocket dictionary is no dictionary, but it is meant for a certain class of student. And international dictionary is meant for a certain class of student. They are all student. Was Christ… What was spoken by Christ, that is also God consciousness, but that was meant for a certain class of men. And what class of men they were? They’re not even perfectly civilized. Because Christ was explaining God consciousness, that was his fault, and they crucified him. What class of men they were? Judge. His only fault was that he was explaining God, and they crucified him. The reward was crucifixion. So what kind of class of men they were? The status of that society, just try to understand. Therefore what spoke…, what was spoken by Lord Jesus Christ, for them, that was sufficient. – Seattle, October 18, 1968
So from Srila Prabhupada’s own words , Jesus teachings is like pocket dictionary, not applicable to highly civilized greeks and Europeans as they had VEDIC culture
Also Srila Prabhupada asserts many times that Europeans are Kshatriya, so the teachings meant for JEWS is incompatible to Aryans.
Proof –
Greeks are described as mlecchas (see below) that need to be puried by taking shelter of a pure devotee of the Lord like Jesus Christ (Note: Spoken 5000 years ago from Srimad Bhagavatam)
NOTE: Prabhupada says: “Mleccha means unclean, without any Vedic culture. They are called mleccha. Anyone. It does not mean that any particular class of men is called mleccha” >>> “Mleccha means meat-eaters. Those who are meat-eaters, fish-eaters, they are mlecchas.”
abhira-sumbha yavanah khasadayah
ye ‘nye ca papa yad-apasrayasrayah
sudhyanti tasmai prabhavisnave namah
kirata–a province of old Bharata; huna–part of Germany and Russia; andhra–a province of southern India; pulinda–the Greeks; pulkasah–another province; abhira–part of old Sind; sumbhah–another province; yavanah–the Turks; khasa-adayah–the Mongolian province; ye–even those; anye–others; ca–also; papah–addicted to sinful acts; yat–whose; apasraya-asrayah–having taken shelter of the devotees of the Lord; sudhyanti–at once purified; tasmai–unto Him; prabhavisnave–unto the powerful Visnu; namah–my respectful obeisances.
Kirata, Huna, Andhra, Pulinda, Pulkasa, Abhira, Sumbha, Yavana, members of the Khasa races and even others addicted to sinful acts can be purified by taking shelter of the devotees of the Lord, due to His being the supreme power. I beg to offer my respectful obeisances unto Him.
Kirata: A province of old Bharata-varsa mentioned in the Bhisma-parva of Mahabharata. Generally the Kiratas are known as the aboriginal tribes of India, and in modern days the Santal Parganas in Bihar and Chota Nagpur might comprise the old province named Kirata.
Huna: The area of East Germany and part of Russia is known as the province of the Hunas. Accordingly, sometimes a kind of hill tribe is known as the Hunas.
Andhra: A province in southern India mentioned in the Bhisma-parva of Mahabharata. It is still extant under the same name.
Pulinda: It is mentioned in the Mahabharata (Adi-parva 174.38), viz., the inhabitants of the province of the name Pulinda. This country was conquered by Bhimasena and Sahadeva. The Greeks are known as Pulindas, and it is mentioned in the Vana-parva of Mahabharata that the non-Vedic race of this part of the world would rule over the world. This Pulinda province was also one of the provinces of Bharata, and the inhabitants were classified amongst the ksatriya kings. But later on, due to their giving up the brahminical culture, they were mentioned as mlecchas (just as those who are not followers of the Islamic culture are called kafirs and those who are not followers of the Christian culture are called heathens).
Abhira: This name also appears in the Mahabharata, both in the Sabha-parva and Bhisma-parva. It is mentioned that this province was situated on the River Sarasvati in Sind. The modern Sind province formerly extended on the other side of the Arabian Sea, and all the inhabitants of that province were known as the Abhiras. They were under the domination of Maharaja Yudhisthira, and according to the statements of Markandeya the mlecchas of this part of the world would also rule over Bharata. Later on this proved to be true, as in the case of the Pulindas. On behalf of the Pulindas, Alexander the Great conquered India, and on behalf of the Abhiras, Muhammad Ghori conquered India. These Abhiras were also formerly ksatriyas within the brahminical culture, but they gave up the connection. The ksatriyas who were afraid of Parasurama and had hidden themselves in the Caucasian hilly regions later on became known as the Abhiras, and the place they inhabited was known as Abhiradesa.
Sumbhas or Kankas: The inhabitants of the Kanka province of old Bharata, mentioned in the Mahabharata.
Yavanas: Yavana was the name of one of the sons of Maharaja Yayati who was given the part of the world known as Turkey to rule. Therefore the Turks are Yavanas due to being descendants of Maharaja Yavana. The Yavanas were therefore ksatriyas, and later on, by giving up the brahminical culture, they became mleccha-yavanas. Descriptions of the Yavanas are in the Mahabharata (Adi-parva 85.34). Another prince called Turvasu was also known as Yavana, and his country was conquered by Sahadeva, one of the Pandavas. The western Yavana joined with Duryodhana in the Battle of Kuruksetra under the pressure of Karna. It is also foretold that these Yavanas also would conquer India, and it proved to be true.
Khasa: The inhabitants of the Khasadesa are mentioned in the Mahabharata (Drona-parva). Those who have a stunted growth of hair on the upper lip are generally called Khasas. As such, the Khasa are the Mongolians, the Chinese and others who are so designated.
The above-mentioned historical names are different nations of the world. Even those who are constantly engaged in sinful acts are all corrigible to the standard of perfect human beings if they take shelter of the devotees of the Lord. Jesus Christ and Muhammad, two powerful devotees of the Lord, have done tremendous service on behalf of the Lord on the surface of the globe. And from the version of Srila Sukadeva Gosvami it appears that instead of running a godless civilization in the present context of the world situation, if the leadership of world affairs is entrusted to the devotees of the Lord, for which a worldwide organization under the name and style of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness has already been started, then by the grace of the Almighty Lord there can be a thorough change of heart in human beings all over the world because the devotees of the Lord are able authorities to effect such a change by purifying the dust-worn minds of the people in general.
yeah it is possible Greeks may be mleccha, I can’t argue if it comes from Srila Prabhupada himself, but even in the times of Srila prabhupada when he was in Allahabad, bengal there was a lot of people(hindus) who were eating meat,fish but it doesn’t imply that they have to adopt Christianity, but they can follow Srila Prabhupada (or some one senior devotee is in Gauidya Matha) and be elevated. But the option of following any guru should be left to the fallen souls, enforcing should not be done, as it happened in the case of Christianity, Islam. Also enforcing is useless as Krishna gave all little independence, so if it is given by god himself we should not enforce anybody, for this reason I feel pity for European people, when they were forcibly Christianized.
But Europeans did have Vedic Civilization, there were Vaishanvas in Greece, and they had a lot vedic and scared text in libraries, which was burned down.
you can see here.
But I think majority of the people were Vegetarian in Ancient Europe, (it is totally based on speculation and research papers not authoritative statement like Srila Prabhupada, so it may or may not be true, mostly I may be wrong.)
By the way I just saw you praising Adolf Hitler whats about that? I was shocked I thought you were a devotee why do you praise such a person?????
You need to check the videos in the following link to get a clear few of Hitler:
whatever it may be no one has the authority to kill others, which Adolf Hitler did, so in spite of his genius resurrection of Germany, he became a sinful person buy killing jews.
You are taken by lies, please awaken sweet soul>>>>>>>>>>>>
Another point>>>> From the following conversation we see that Greeks before Christ came were on the whole demigod worshippers (Less intelligent according to BG). Like Socrates the message of Jesus (who is on a higher level than Socrates according to Prabhupada) is to elevate those less intelligent persons of Europe who had totally fallen from Vedic standards to a higher level of personalism by worship of the Supreme Lord:
Hayagriva: You once mentioned that Greeks, the ancient Greeks were chased out of India where… They were ksatriyas chased out of India by Parasara Muni, something like that. But Socrates was confronted with a society that on one hand included what were called Sophists–these were more or less mental speculators; they were paid money to philosophize or to speculate–and humanists, who said, “Man is the measure of all things.” They…, no belief in God or any higher force; nothing beside man. AND WITH THE DEMIGOD WORSHIPERS, THE GREEK PANTHEON OF GODS WERE VERY MUCH LIKE THE DEMIGODS DESCRIBED IN THE VEDIC LITERATURES, LIKE ZEUS WAS LIKE INDRA, AND ATHENA WAS LIKE SARASVATI. THEY RETAINED…, THE GREEKS RETAINED THEIR WORSHIP OF THE DEMIGODS, BUT THERE IS NO MENTION OF A SUPREME GOD under whom everyone else served, and Socrates, on…, neglected the worship of these demigods. He felt that there was no use in worshiping the demigods, and he stressed meditation on the self, on the highest good which resides in the heart, which must correspond to the Paramatma.
Prabhupada: YES.
Prabhupada: YES. That’s a fact. That is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita: kamais tais tair hrta-jnanah tyajante anya-devatah. They worship other demigods, being too much lusty. Because the demigod is worshiped for some material benefit. So they have been described as hrta-jnanah. Hrta-jnanah means one who has lost his intelligence. Actually it is so. Suppose by worshiping a demigod, Sarasvati, the goddess of learning, so you get the opportunity of being a, becoming a very nice scholar. But how long you shall remain scholar? As soon as the body is finished, your whole scholarship is finished. Then you have to accept another body, and you have to act according to that body. So how you have…, this scholarship will help you? But if you worship God, as Krsna says, that janma karma ca me divyam yo janati tattvatah… To worship God means to know God, actually what is God, more perfect–how He is managing, how material nature is working under Him. People cannot even imagine that God can be person, but here is everything person. Mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram: “Under My supervision the material nature is working.” So these impersonalists or less intelligent persons, they cannot understand that how a person can dictate the wonderful activities of the material nature; therefore they remain impersonalist. But actually, person. That is the understanding of Bhagavad-gita. God is person.
thank you post the date and venue of this conversation or is it from book
Discussions with Hayagriva dasa Philosophy Discussions
less intelligent people worship demigod, Very true, but in society all the people can’t be intelligent right, only the intelligent ones would worship Godhead Krishna/Ram, so the person who are less intelligent they have to honor ,respect, worship and should do yajna to various demigods by following different regulations, as demi gods are the agents working under Godhead Krishna and suppliers of various necessities like rain, sun etc . So always at any point of time, not all the people will be highly intelligent, infact only a small portion will be intelligent, so for the less intelligent people demigod worship is must, so If someone destructs the deity of demigod, it is highly sinful and even Godhead Krishna would be angry as demigods work under Krishna, so Godhead Krishna won’t tolerate his servants being disrespected. So it is at this point where jews did mistake by breaking the deities, even Christ won’t pleased, as he himself is very good servant of Godhead Krishna, Christ would never allow another servant (demi god) to be disrespected, also jews did a huge mistake by killing Europeans for conversion, again it would never please Jesus, as they just disobeyed his orders of not to kill, so killing Europeans to convert them, is not going to please Christ.
jews had good intention of bringing Christ message, but they did not know to get these message in peaceful manner to Europeans. Otherwise Srila Prabhupada himself said Christianity is also Vaishanvism.
“jews had good intention of bringing Christ message, but they did not know to get these message in peaceful manner to Europeans.”
Mr Manoj Tiwary, as from your name I can see that you are from India, So you might not be aware of who the JEWS are, what they have done,
and let me assure you this, JEWS never had any good intention for anyone in the history of this world, they will never do, expect to their fellow jews, they have do not have the least idea about Spirituality or anything about God, Do you even know the fact Srila Prabhupada was poisoned by the jews, I know it might be too much for you to digest and grasp all about jews, and for this same reason I engaged in a serious argument with MUKUNDA DASA, as Jews brought Christianity in Europe, to gain political power, nothing else, since jews were such backwards in spirituality Jesus teachings cannot be applied to other people like Indians, Europeans, Chinese, it is exclusively for jews.
Do you own research, I would recommend you to see
1. The Greatest Story never told
2. Europe the last battle
3. The hellstrom
4. Communist by the back door
etc and many other related documentaries, it might take at-least 4-6 months to get a clear picture
and one important fact forget everything you learned about Hitler in Hollywood movies, by the Hollywood is owned by jews ,you just said your doing Phd am I right, so I guess you must be historian, then this ride is going to life changing one. remember this world is controlled by Agents of Kali not representative of GOD.
Mr Tiwary you were absolutely right about destruction of demigods temple, made a very nice and perfect point,
[“even Christ won’t pleased, as he himself is very good servant of Godhead Krishna, Christ would never allow another servant (demi god) to be disrespected, also jews did a huge mistake by killing Europeans for conversion, again it would never please Jesus, as they just disobeyed his orders of not to kill, so killing Europeans to convert them, is not going to please Christ.”]
Yeah MUKUNDA DASA this is the point I am trying to make, in society of Jews they don’t have any demigods, they blindly just believe in impersonal god. So when jews were enlightened atleast to an extent by Jesus, jews were not aware of presence of different demigods, but that doesn’t make jews more advanced than European Aryans who were worshiping demigods, so the jews(early Christians) without knowing what is what they should not have converted Europeans by force or destroyed temples or burnt their library or killed anyone, this is where I am asking you to think why would have Jesus entrusted his mission on jews, this makes him dependable on jews, also we know very well how they manipulate Srila Prabhupada’s teaching, so even if Jews were entrusted to preach message of Christ, isn’t it obvious they are going to manipulate(which they did , Adolf Hitler says so and accuses St.paul of it), so (((they))) going to introduce the ‘time’ factor into it, which would deteriorate in the course of time.
Jesus was powerful personality, atleast being a bible student I know that, so If Jesus wanted to preach to Europeans, no (((Demons))) could have stopped him.
also ask yourself would Jesus allow burning of people in stake??
For this same reason I conclude Jesus message was for Jews alone.
But when Srila Prabhupada said it is universal, it is the basic Rules such as Not to kill.
Even Muhammad was a messanger of God, same as Christ, still their message can be applied only locally, cannot be applied to all the people through out the world.
For example deity worship is strictly forbidden in Christianity and Islam and Islam has sharia law, so these things can only be applied to Jews, from these very example you should understand.
Please think about it, Srila Prabhupada many times mentioned place and circumstances.
so even though Hindu’s in India or Europeans may worship demigod deities, they are by default better advanced than jews, so these demigod worshipers just have to be redirected to Supreme God Krishna, that’s it.
Just think about the points I made.
The Jews also, they sacrifice animal in the synagogue. I have read one book, Lord Jesus Christ, when he was a young boy he was very much shocked when he saw that animal-killing is going on in the synagogue. THEREFORE HE DIFFERENTIATED FROM THE JEWS AND HE STARTED HIS OWN RELIGION, CHRISTIAN RELIGION. Is it not a fact? Am I right? Why… He was also a Jew. Why he deviated? Why he deviated from the Jews? Because when he saw in his young age that animals are being killed in the synagogue, he differed, “No, no, this is horrible. This should be stopped.”
Therefore, his first commandment is “Thou shall not kill.” Am I wrong or right? Eh? That was his first impression, that people should stop killing. So who is Christian? Everyone is violating this first commandment, what to speak of other commandments. Everyone. So it is very difficult to find a real Christian. But if you violate the commandments of Christ, then what kind of Christian you are? This is our question. Who will answer this?
So this is the problem. Animal-killing is not within the category of human civilization. When a man becomes civilized, he knows how to produce food. He can till the ground. He can produce food grains. He can produce fruits and flowers and so many things.
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Lecture 1.16.21 Hawaii, January 17, 1974
Prabhupada: Yes. That must be, therefore the scriptures must be transcendental. Nonsense scripture, and people become nonsense. So except Vedic literature, all nonsense scripture. They are not scripture. Manufactured. This Bible was manufactured by the saint, this saint, that, according to their imagination. It was not spoken by Lord Jesus Christ. What was spoken by Jesus Christ, that they ignore: “Thou shalt not kill.” They kill. Nobody is following Christian principle; neither Bible is perfect. But that, if we say, we will be shot. (laughter)
Morning Walk
At Cheviot Hills Golf Course
May 13, 1973, Los Angeles
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
The Gospel of St. Matthew 6:9-13
This is above Europeans???
“Even Muhammad was a messanger of God, same as Christ, still their message can be applied only locally, cannot be applied to all the people through out the world.”
I already completely refuted this point. YOU ARE VERY STUBBORN, IS IT NOT???
Goal posts…. LOL
YOU HAVE GOT VERY GOOD EXAMPLE OF LORD JESUS CHRIST, A GREAT SAINT, OR SADHU ALSO. HE WAS, OF COURSE, MORE THAN SADHU. Now, just see his behavior, how much tolerant he was. He was being crucified and he was praying God, “O Lord, forgive these people, what they are doing.” That, this is the significance of sadhu. Titiksavah karunikah. For their personal sake, they’re always very tolerant, but they are very kind to all people, all living entities, very kind. IN SPITE OF THEIR ALL DISADVANTAGES, THEY TRY TO GIVE SOMETHING, REAL KNOWLEDGE, TO THE PEOPLE IN GENERAL. (NOT ONLY JEWS) Karunikah. And suhrdah sarva-dehinam. AND A SADHU IS NOT A FRIEND OF A PARTICULAR CLASS, (LIKE JEWS) PARTICULAR COMMUNITY (LIKE JEWS) OR PARTICULAR COUNTR (LIKE ISRAEL) . NO. A SADHU, A SAINT, IS HE WHO IS FRIEND OF ALL, (EVEN GENTILES >>>> LOL) NOT ONLY OF HUMAN BEING, EVEN OF ANIMALS AND LESS THAN ANIMALS. THESE ARE THE QUALIFICATION OF SADHU. AJATA-SATRAVAH.
Prabhupada: Hm. Krisht, Krisht. Christ means Krisht, Krisht. Krishta is vulgar expression of Krsna. No, from his teaching, we can understand he is representative of God.
Prabhupada: YES.
Hari-sauri: I was reading some of his instructions, what he was giving to his original disciples. And he gave them examples, that “The birds, they are not worrying about their food. God is supplying. So you should not worry for your food. You should simply go out and preach.”
Prabhupada: He said like that?
Hari-sauri: Yes. He said, “So what should you worry if you go out and preach? Do you think that God will not give to you?”
Prabhupada: Yes.
Hari-sauri: “He is giving to the birds.”
Prabhupada: Yes. That is, our mission.
Hari-sauri: Yes. And he told them, “You should not worry for your food, for your clothing, for somewhere to stay. If you preach then God will look after all those things.”
Prabhupada: Yes. That’s a fact.
Room Conversation
February 3, 1977, Bhubaneshwar
“so even though Hindu’s in India or Europeans may worship demigod deities, they are by default better advanced than jews, so these demigod worshipers just have to be redirected to Supreme God Krishna, that’s it.”
So the history is the entire Europe was following Vedic Culture, but jews destroyed everything by using Christianity as a tool, resulting in DARK AGES, or else the entire Europe was vedic culture, But since jews in catholic church has been lying for 2000 years that ancient Europeans had many gods and they were barbarians , the fact is Europeans had vedic culture, they honored many demi gods as they are the suppliers of many basic necessities such as sunlight, rain etc also ancient Europeans were completely aware of Krishna being the Supreme god.
jews one and only technique is to lie.
Infact my Phd thesis based on the ancient European Culture which is same as the Vedic culture, until the coming of Christianity.
as the Europeans were following vedic culture , they had more spiritual knowledge than jews, so jews were not able to convince them, so jews burned all their vedas, scared text which was preserved for thousands of years in library, that was the main motive behind burning of Library in Alexandria and other places.
even the most knowledgeable members who were aware of vedas were killed, to pray personally in home was also strictly prohibited.
but jews in Christianity have been lying to us that those who know vedas were witchcrafts and deserved to burned in stake.
Europeans even had Ayurveda literature which was burned by the jews(christians), by claiming it as heathen book, blackmagic.
many scholarly pandits were beaten by christian mob and burned in stake.
meat eating was never ever a part of Vedic culture, never among the high class only some low caste people would eat meat that too very rarely, that too not cow, only lower animals like chicken, goat, fish.
but from archeological evidence we know in ancient Europe there was no meat eating at all, as agriculture was practiced vigorously through out Europe, since the climatic condition in northern Europe did not receive sufficient sunlight so new scientific techniques were developed. Europe was the highest exporter of many crops before Christianity, in-spite of bad weather condition.
Also in a recently made research study it showed that Europeans were genetically very similary to highers caste Brahmins, in India.
So I suspect animal sacrifice was popular among jews, so when they introduced Christianity they might have introduced meat eating too. But it is just my guess.
But there many research papers and scientific studies proving the fact Europeans were pure vegetarians.
Spoken 5000 years ago from Srimad Bhagavatam, describes many European people:
abhira-sumbha yavanah khasadayah
ye ‘nye ca papa yad-apasrayasrayah
sudhyanti tasmai prabhavisnave namah
kirata–a province of old Bharata; huna–part of Germany and Russia; andhra–a province of southern India; pulinda–the Greeks; pulkasah–another province; abhira–part of old Sind; sumbhah–another province; yavanah–the Turks; khasa-adayah–the Mongolian province; ye–even those; anye–others; ca–also; papah–addicted to sinful acts; yat–whose; apasraya-asrayah–having taken shelter of the devotees of the Lord; sudhyanti–at once purified; tasmai–unto Him; prabhavisnave–unto the powerful Visnu; namah–my respectful obeisances.
Kirata, Huna, Andhra, Pulinda, Pulkasa, Abhira, Sumbha, Yavana, members of the Khasa races and even others addicted to sinful acts can be purified by taking shelter of the devotees of the Lord, due to His being the supreme power. I beg to offer my respectful obeisances unto Him.
Kirata: A province of old Bharata-varsa mentioned in the Bhisma-parva of Mahabharata. Generally the Kiratas are known as the aboriginal tribes of India, and in modern days the Santal Parganas in Bihar and Chota Nagpur might comprise the old province named Kirata.
Huna: The area of East Germany and part of Russia is known as the province of the Hunas. Accordingly, sometimes a kind of hill tribe is known as the Hunas.
Andhra: A province in southern India mentioned in the Bhisma-parva of Mahabharata. It is still extant under the same name.
Pulinda: It is mentioned in the Mahabharata (Adi-parva 174.38), viz., the inhabitants of the province of the name Pulinda. This country was conquered by Bhimasena and Sahadeva. The Greeks are known as Pulindas, and it is mentioned in the Vana-parva of Mahabharata that the non-Vedic race of this part of the world would rule over the world. This Pulinda province was also one of the provinces of Bharata, and the inhabitants were classified amongst the ksatriya kings. But later on, due to their giving up the brahminical culture, they were mentioned as mlecchas (just as those who are not followers of the Islamic culture are called kafirs and those who are not followers of the Christian culture are called heathens).
Abhira: This name also appears in the Mahabharata, both in the Sabha-parva and Bhisma-parva. It is mentioned that this province was situated on the River Sarasvati in Sind. The modern Sind province formerly extended on the other side of the Arabian Sea, and all the inhabitants of that province were known as the Abhiras. They were under the domination of Maharaja Yudhisthira, and according to the statements of Markandeya the mlecchas of this part of the world would also rule over Bharata. Later on this proved to be true, as in the case of the Pulindas. On behalf of the Pulindas, Alexander the Great conquered India, and on behalf of the Abhiras, Muhammad Ghori conquered India. These Abhiras were also formerly ksatriyas within the brahminical culture, but they gave up the connection. The ksatriyas who were afraid of Parasurama and had hidden themselves in the Caucasian hilly regions later on became known as the Abhiras, and the place they inhabited was known as Abhiradesa.
Sumbhas or Kankas: The inhabitants of the Kanka province of old Bharata, mentioned in the Mahabharata.
Yavanas: Yavana was the name of one of the sons of Maharaja Yayati who was given the part of the world known as Turkey to rule. Therefore the Turks are Yavanas due to being descendants of Maharaja Yavana. The Yavanas were therefore ksatriyas, and later on, by giving up the brahminical culture, they became mleccha-yavanas. Descriptions of the Yavanas are in the Mahabharata (Adi-parva 85.34). Another prince called Turvasu was also known as Yavana, and his country was conquered by Sahadeva, one of the Pandavas. The western Yavana joined with Duryodhana in the Battle of Kuruksetra under the pressure of Karna. It is also foretold that these Yavanas also would conquer India, and it proved to be true.
Khasa: The inhabitants of the Khasadesa are mentioned in the Mahabharata (Drona-parva). Those who have a stunted growth of hair on the upper lip are generally called Khasas. As such, the Khasa are the Mongolians, the Chinese and others who are so designated.
The above-mentioned historical names are different nations of the world. Even those who are constantly engaged in sinful acts are all corrigible to the standard of perfect human beings if they take shelter of the devotees of the Lord. Jesus Christ and Muhammad, two powerful devotees of the Lord, have done tremendous service on behalf of the Lord on the surface of the globe. And from the version of Srila Sukadeva Gosvami it appears that instead of running a godless civilization in the present context of the world situation, if the leadership of world affairs is entrusted to the devotees of the Lord, for which a worldwide organization under the name and style of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness has already been started, then by the grace of the Almighty Lord there can be a thorough change of heart in human beings all over the world because the devotees of the Lord are able authorities to effect such a change by purifying the dust-worn minds of the people in general.
Prabhupada: Yes. That must be, therefore the scriptures must be transcendental. Nonsense scripture, and people become nonsense. So except Vedic literature, all nonsense scripture. They are not scripture. Manufactured. This Bible was manufactured by the saint, this saint, that, according to their imagination. It was not spoken by Lord Jesus Christ. What was spoken by Jesus Christ, that they ignore: “Thou shalt not kill.” They kill. Nobody is following Christian principle; neither Bible is perfect. But that, if we say, we will be shot. (laughter)
Morning Walk
At Cheviot Hills Golf Course
May 13, 1973, Los Angeles
This is great, this quote puts all arguments to an end.
Adolf Hitler too said the same now we see Jay Israel & co manipulating Srila Prabhupada writings.
So Adolf Hitler says
” The decisive falsification of Jesus’s doctrine was the work of St. Paul. He gave himself to this work with subtlety and for purposes of personal exploitation. ”
you see whatever Jay Israel is doing now, his ancestors(paul or Saul) did that a long before.
It makes 100% sense,
Debate is finished ,
thank you very much for getting this transcendental quotes, I am a follower for quite a time, I never came across this conversation.
No problem. Hare Krishna. So debated closed. THANK YOU LOL!!!
All Glories to the real Vedic teachings Of Lord Jesus Christ!!! Which prepared the way for the Coming of SWAMI JESUS PRABHUPADA!!!!
Jesus spoke of a Counselor that would come after him, that person is Srila Prabhupada. [See full article here]
Holy Bible, John 14:16-18:
“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ANOTHER Counselor to be with you for ever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.”
Holy Bible, John 14:26:
“But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”
Holy Bible, John 15:26:
“When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me.”
Holy Bible, John 16:12-15:
“I have yet many things to tell you, but you can’t bear them now. However when he, the Spirit of truth, has come, he will guide you into all truth, for he will not speak from himself; but whatever he hears, he will speak. He will declare to you things that are coming. He will glorify me, for he will take from what is mine, and will declare it to you. All things whatever the Father has are mine; therefore I said that he takes of mine, and will declare it to you.”
I am obliged to your good daughter for awarding me a good degree as
SWAMI JESUS which is actually a great honour for me. Some time the Lord speaks through innocent child and I take this honour as sent by Lord Jesus through an innocent child free from all formalities of the current society.
I am obliged to your good daughter for awarding me a good degree as SWAMI JESUS which is actually a great honour for me. Some time the Lord speaks through innocent child and I take this honour as sent by Lord Jesus through an innocent child free from all formalities of the current society. Lord Jesus preached the message of God and I have taken up the same mission, and it would be a good luck for me if I can follow the foot prints of Lord Jesus who preached the message of God in spite of all persecution. Lord Jesus is a living example how one has to suffer in this material world simply for the matter of preaching the message of God. In Bhagavatam also there is another example like Lord Jesus. He is Prahlada Maharaja a boy of five years old but because he was a great devotee of God and preaching the message of God among his little class mates, his atheist father tried to kill him. So the atheist class of men are always inimical to the devotees of God even though such devotee happens to be the atheist’s son like Prahlada.
[Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Sally. New York, 19 November, 1965]
come on guys really, I am neither hindu, Christian or anything. I am just a agnostic
But still using the simple formula
“anything which is given by jews is poisonous”
I told these very long ago(just go up and see my comment),
But it worked your GURU also said the same and Adolf Hitler told the same.
Our number one duty is to first be Racial consciousnesses, kick out the KIKES then come to religion. NO PLACE FOR KIKES IN WESTERN WORLD, DEPORT THEM TO DESERT.
Adolf Hitler should be our messiah
just before this post you have posted Swami Prabhupada’s quotes saying that “Nonsense scripture, and people become nonsense. So except Vedic literature, all nonsense scripture.”
And still you are quoting nonsense words from the ((( nonsense Scripture))), which means you are a complete nonsense.
even after knowing it as nonsense that too declared by Swami Prabhupada, if you still quoting from this nonsense you must be a (((nonsense))).
are you a shill or what for promoting the Abrahamic desert death cult and their filth (((nonsense scripture)))???
Anyone who promotes any of the ((( Abrahamic Filth))) is not doing any good to Western world rather the opposite of it.
You are taken by lies, please awaken sweet soul>>>>>>>>>>>>
Okay I am totally bewildered,I had a entire Subject dedicated for WW2 in bachelors degree, now Srila Prabhupada says something opposite, I am locked, I have no other option other than trusting him, I believe his words are irrefutable.
I will look various documentaries mentioned by Linus Pauling, but always I thought about the fact how come Adolf Hitler, the man who painted beautiful picture of Christ with mother Mary can commit such atrocious thing. Also My professors always strictly forbidden to refer David Irving book’s, the moment some one mentions that, He goes complete nuts, and starts behaves like a madman, to add insult to the injury My PHD guiding professor was a jew. Something is seriously rigged.
Yes please watch the videos in this link>>>>
Oy vey GOY listen to your (((professor))).
Adolf Hitler was a madman.
poor Jooos were killed by masturbating machine, feel pity to Joos goy
watch Swindler’s list and become dumb.
Pay your taxes be a good slave goyim.
I just ROFL ed when I heard you say Phd, damm I am just in the first year, I know better history than you.
No My research work deals with Greek, Indus valley and other ancient civilizations.
I know about WW2 but not in depth,
I came to know about David Irving book as another Phd research scholar was working on something related to ww2, but the same professor who is guiding me also guides him, during which I saw he lost his temper , when he heard David Irving name, his face really turned red. At that moment I thought this professor has something personal against David Irving, then after looking up in internet I came to know that david irving was holocaust denier and my Professor is jewish.
I would suggest that we should be merciful to Sinead & kyle, Sinead is a mother of a child, still without any fear, she exposes them, she clearly acknowledges the fact that she and her child cannot go safe in a street because of the same reason, but still that doesn’t stop exposing them,
She was banned for twitter, youtube and other platform much before like 9-10 months before.
Sinead and Kyle are vegetarian too.
So these two are literally having the heart of warrior, doing the job of Kshatriya.
I don’t much about Charles Guliani, but I heard that he was bible student for some 30 years, but he too saw the same which Adolf Hitler saw–> Falsification of doctrines, so he came to the conclusion that he should not believe in anything, he also thinks Adolf Hitler was zionist agent. He is really a poor soul, but a intelligent one, he was just betrayed by Christianity due to the falsification of teachings. But as far I researched I did not find any solid evidence to frame them as Shill.
They have made some great video THAT IS SURE!!! I will be adding another one of theirs to my blog soon. But the blaspheming of Jesus brings one to the level of the jews. SIMPLE.
Charles Guliani he is the worst of them.
I was just watching your debate with Brian Ruhe on authenticity of his Buddha teaching, and now from our recent debate which it is very clear that (((demons))) do change the words of transcendental authorities like Srila Prabhupada, Jesus Christ, Muhammad and Lord Buddha.
Adolf Hitler sensed the same and he said that in his table talks.
Now It is left to us to preserve the authentic words of Srila Prabhupada.
But you really did a great job in debate, you directly said that his speculative ideas are bullshit,
Which is right, Srila Prabhupada used to say once you come into preaching life you should speak the truth as it is, even if it is not palatable to the listeners, you just did that.
Thank you prabhu. Krishna will preserve Prabhupada’s books through his sincere instruments.
You have taken the right view of the importance of my books. BOOKS WILL ALWAYS REMAIN. That was the view of my Guru Maharaja, and I also have taken it. Therefore I started my movement with my books. And we shall be able to maintain everything with the sales of the books. The temples will be maintained by the book sales, and IF THERE ARE NO MORE TEMPLES, THEN THE BOOKS SHALL REMAIN.
(S.P.Letter to: Hamsaduta:New Delhi 8 November, 1973)
Thanks Mr linus Pauling for bringing this Podcast , but the podcast is quite lengthy,
Mukunda Dasa Prabhu made no compromise to Brian Ruhe, spoke the truth as it is.
Very informative podcast.
Brian Ruhe himself says ” this is 99% correct and authentic”
He does not have the confidence to say it is 100% authentic.
It doesn’t matter if the milk is 99% pure, if 1% of poison is added to the milk, then the entire milk is poisonous.
“Ok so no souls in Europe were attracted to the living example of the pure devotee Jesus Christ? None of the EUROPEAN PEOPLE HAD ANY ATTACHMENT OR LOVE FOR THE PURE DEVOTEE jESUS cHRIST?”
Before raising question , please study the history , don’t buy the (((offical))) narrative given by the (((church))).
sorry, If was rude, My intention is not be rude or disrespect you. I am just trying to make you understand.
so the answer to your question
““Ok so no souls in Europe were attracted to the living example of the pure devotee Jesus Christ? None of the EUROPEAN PEOPLE HAD ANY ATTACHMENT OR LOVE FOR THE PURE DEVOTEE jESUS cHRIST?”
The answer is YES!!!
Prabhupāda : Perhaps in the history, for the FIRST TIME in the history, they’re getting some information of SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE.
Devotees: Jaya.
Prabhupāda: OTHERWISE THERE WAS NO SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE. They do not know. That’s a fact.
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.9.6
Māyāpur, February 26, 1977
Now I will explain you why?
Lord Jesus Christ has nothing to do with the made up bogus religion and nonsense scripture which the JEWS brought into Europe,
JEWS saw Lord Jesus Christ teaching not for helping Europeans rather, They used it to obtain material profit and obtain political power , the result of this is reflected in all the massacres and wars which was brought upon European People, before CENTRAL BANK was established, (((their))) main income and treasury was the (((VATICAN))), Since right from the beginning (((they))) used Christ’s words for material purpose, there is no presence of any spirituality here right from the beginning.
Now another thing, you know very well, as the time progress people would become less pious, their knowledge will be reduced, their grasping capacity to understand anything spiritual would be reduced.
” In this age, memory will be reduced, duration of life will be reduced, people’s merciful tendency will be reduced, strength of the body will be reduced. In this way everything will be reduced.” – Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 2.9.4-8
Tokyo, April 23, 1972
So it is not difficult to understand that the ancient people(pre Christianization) of western world, would have much better capacity to receive anything spiritual compared to the people of 1960s and 1970s era.
(Now please don’t give the ((( official narrative))), that ancient people were Barbarians, that’s a lie ,
Propagated by the (((Church))) same like German were the bad guys of WW2,
they(ancient people) were highly civilized people, after all they are the descendants of Kshatriya family)
but on the contrary, the people of 1960s and 1970s era received it well , but in case of ancient people we find so much violence, why????? what is the reason?????
The reason is , it was really nothing about spirituality, it was 10000000% material purpose, that’s reason why we find so much violence, and JEWS were behind this.
So the only instance when we receive any real knowledge about the Greatness of Jesus Christ is when Swami Srila Prabhupada speaks about him.
So again the answer to your question is BIG YES.
Because no one can realize from the nonsense scripture written by the JEWS,
“Prabhupada: Yes. That must be, therefore the scriptures must be transcendental. Nonsense scripture, and people become nonsense. So except Vedic literature, all nonsense scripture. They are not scripture. Manufactured. This Bible was manufactured by the saint, this saint, that, according to their imagination. It was not spoken by Lord Jesus Christ. What was spoken by Jesus Christ, that they ignore: “Thou shalt not kill.” They kill. Nobody is following Christian principle; neither Bible is perfect. But that, if we say, we will be shot. (laughter)
Morning Walk
At Cheviot Hills Golf Course
May 13, 1973, Los Angeles”
Don’t be made at me or get offended ,it is hard truth.
Europeans resorted to various material engagements like invention, motor cars, etc it is because of Christianity, because it had absolutely no spirituality in it, as it was brought into Europe with the intention of MONEY MAKING.
“wonderfully explained MR kumara, also I would like to add one more point, here
The white guilt which we face today, is caused by Christianity,
As now we know for a fact it was the JEWS behind Christianity, (((they))) brought it to Europe with the intention of making money and to gain political hegemony,
similarly in (((christian ))) – European colonization, the Europeans nor the colonized people actually benefited from it, it was the JEWs who were the actual benefactors,
for example
(((who))) profited from Opium Trade
(((who))) profited from East India Company
(((who))) profited from Kohinoor Diamond
(((who))) profited from Gold Rush in Australia
(((who))) profited from the Diamond mines in South Africa
and list goes very big
and our Christianized Europeans ancestors and (((Their))) Christianity were tools for (((them))) for all these exploitation of the locals and destruction of their culture,
As it was in the program of Christianity to expand same like communism, not for helping people, but for material benefits , So where ever there was (((christian)))-European colony established, hundreds of missionaries were imported from Europe/western world, not for any spiritual purpose, [as you (MR kumara) rightly pointed out it is impossible to have anything spiritual if the starting point namely the scripture is NONSENSE] but just by using religion as cover for destruction of locals culture and weaken their morals( ofcourse many missionaries would have carried out their work, with the idea that they are actually doing something good, but on the contrary to it , they were spreading (((their))) JEW WORLD ORDER religion unconsciously )
Now many of you may laugh what culture would the south Africans may be having, No your wrong, they too had some culture, according to their capacity, just like bird builds its house called nest according to its capacity. similarly they too had one, but it was destroyed, but after destruction at-least some genuine substitute must be provided not some bogus JEW WORLD ORDER RELIGION.
Now when it comes question of whom blame for all these atrocities, it is We current modern day Europeans are blamed for it, but what caused it in the first place, JEWS and the religion which (((they))) brought and forced on us.
And Mr kumara you also made a wonderful point about how the Ancient European people sensed that, it is bogus and died bravely ,valiantly resisting it.
Those people(ancient Europe) who resisted (((Christianity))) yesterday were same as Germans of WW2 today
Those people(ancient Europe) who were character assassinated as barbarians, bad guys yesterday were same as Germans of WW2 today
The people of Ancient Europe who resisted (((Christianity))) yesterday were same as Germans of WW2 who resisted Bolshevism today
” Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew” – Adolf Hitler
“Originally, Christianity was merely an incarnation of Bolshevism the destroyer.” – Adolf Hitler
“What Bolshevism is achieving to-day on the materialist and technical level, Christianity had achieved on the metaphysical level. ” – Adolf Hitler
Now like Mr kumara said, Jesus Christ has absolutely nothing to with this religion which was mentally concocted by the JEWS for subjugating the Europeans first then by using Europeans as tools to subjugate whole world, (colonialism).
Also Mr kumara made great point by bringing up the instruction given to them(regarding sexual activities incest) ,which was not instructed to the whole world (as the whole world is not incest like (((They))) are).
So finally the decline in the west can essentially attributed to (((them))), and (((their))) tool called (((Christianity))).
And you’re a vegone is it not? Keep exposing the jews while supporting their communist agenda 21, NOW THAT’s RETARDED!
On 31/07/2019 19:56, Kyle Hunt wrote: wrote:
> You’re retarded.
> On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 2:44 PM Mukunda dasa
> According To Vegans Prabhupada Was a Mass Cow Killer Dealing In Blood Milk
He(kyle hunt) is a shill, confirmed.
“And you’re a vegone is it not? Keep exposing the jews while supporting their communist agenda 21, NOW THAT’s RETARDED!”
No I am neither a vegan nor meat eater,
I was just explaining to you about the bogus concocted religion which was brought into Europe by the JEWS, which resulted in the death of millions of our people, I know you too belong to the Anglo Saxon tribe , I belong to Celtic Irish, but I am aware that these are gross bodily concepts, but JEWS were completely responsible in massacre of our ancestors, which has been forgotten and history has been written by (((them))) and (((their))) official narrative without any justice.
My one and only request and obligation to you is, When you speak about WW2, Adolf Hitler, Swami AC Bhaktivedanata srila Prabhupada, please don’t say these phrase
“it is because of (((Christianity))) we were somewhat pious before coming of Srila Prabhupada”
” NSDAP was a (((christian))) movement”
Because these are lies and complete nonsense propagated by a Zionist shill called Dennis wise, who at the right time after gaining trust from his viewers indoctrinates people with these nonsense idea,
Just go and search ” Mit brennender Sorge ”
search “Mit brennender Sorge ”
And by the it is proved beyond a shadow of Doubt that Adolf Hitler’s table talk was authentic.
“Prabhupāda : Perhaps in the history, for the FIRST TIME in the history, they’re getting some information of SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE.
Devotees: Jaya.
Prabhupāda: OTHERWISE THERE WAS NO SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE. They do not know. That’s a fact.
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.9.6
Māyāpur, February 26, 1977”
Prabhupada: Yes. That must be, therefore the scriptures must be transcendental. Nonsense scripture, and people become nonsense. So except Vedic literature, all nonsense scripture. They are not scripture. Manufactured.
Kyle is a dick and doesn’t understand esoteric knowledge but he is no shill I will say that for him. Infighting is a big problem in the Aryan resistance and we need to keep it to a minimum by not attacking people trying to get out the same message in their own way. We can’t seek control of others that isn’t the Tao. Once we get a good foothold in a resistance then we can put together literature by our best minds to teach people and get everyone on the same page until then we need to try and work together the best we can and just share resources with people and then them catch up in however long it takes them to understand things. I see incorrect knowledge being passed even here but fighting with people won’t help them learn. I have linked my website and I have a video archive for anyone that wants to find the missing pieces to things they don’t understand that took me years to research and vet for accuracy. Look at the information for yourself then discuss things openly with our brothers and sisters and help them understand what they are having trouble with. 12,000 blessings
Good video. That’s always been a red flag for me, and you see this with a lot of these pro-white people. Renegade Tribune. Thulean Perspective. Etc. They’re all anti-Christs.
Hmm, after all, Jewsus wanted to kill people, by his own words. So you can throw the “thou shall not kill ” to garbage, just like the rest of your fascination with Jewsus.
Jewsus was a Jewish Supremacist.
There are outrageous statements in the Old Testament where it is said Gentiles are supposed to lick the dust of (((their))) feet, now Jesus never condemned OT rather he upheld it and he completely embraced it.
and OT asks to kill infants, rape women in front of their husband and a lot more horrendous things, again Jewsus never condemned any of it, rather he embraced it.
So You keep propagating the crap death cult called cucktianity , I hope you will also lick the dust of (((their))) feet just like you Jewsus expected you to do.
I believe Adolf Hitler was the greatest Christian in the modern world other than Prabhupada. Hitler’s table talks are a questionable source of information. For arguments sake say i accept them. Does Hitler denounce Jesus Christ in these talks? Hitler denounces pseudo Christianity which is a form of Jesus envy. He never denounces real Christianity as taught by Jesus Christ, this is the point!!! How could he as he was a disciple of Jesus Christ in the truest sense of the word. Hitler’s knowledge came from Vedic [Aryan] sources. Hitler accepted Jesus as an Aryan, and yes he Jesus The Christ (Or Jiva of the Krishna) was a Pure Aryan, a man above time as is Prabhupada. Hitler was a man against time. This is the correct vision. This is my last AND CLEAR comment on this. Hope you can understand. If you hate on Jesus and those sincere souls who worship Jesus then you are on the level of the JEWS!!! VERY CLEAR!!!!
My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice…. And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people…. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited.
-Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on 12 April 1922
I am very glad to learn that Lord Jesus Christ has approved our activities. Perhaps you have marked it in my preaching work that I love Lord Jesus Christ as good as Krishna; because He rendered the greatest service to Krishna according to time circumstances and society in which He appreared. Similarly Hajrat Mohammed and Lord Buddha also rendered greatest service to the human society according to circumstances. So work with more enthusiasm and we are sure to be successful in our great mission.
[Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Kirtanananda San Francisco 7 April, 1967]
I am obliged to your good daughter for awarding me a good degree as SWAMI JESUS which is actually a great honour for me. Some time the Lord speaks through innocent child and I take this honour as sent by Lord Jesus through an innocent child free from all formalities of the current society. Lord Jesus preached the message of God and I have taken up the same mission, and it would be a good luck for me if I can follow the foot prints of Lord Jesus who preached the message of God in spite of all persecution. Lord Jesus is a living example how one has to suffer in this material world simply for the matter of preaching the message of God. In Bhagavatam also there is another example like Lord Jesus. He is Prahlada Maharaja a boy of five years old but because he was a great devotee of God and preaching the message of God among his little class mates, his atheist father tried to kill him. So the atheist class of men are always inimical to the devotees of God even though such devotee happens to be the atheist’s son like Prahlada.
[Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Sally. New York, 19 November, 1965]
Thanks for taking your time and replying.
you still didn’t answer my original question.
“do you really believe that you know more about NSDAP and Adolf Hitler than all his personal servitors, close associates, people who were with him till the very end, people who take care of him, the people who Adolf Hitler trusted ??? ”
You said this
> “For arguments sake say i accept them.”
Since for argument’s sake you accepted it, PLEASE address these statements.
“Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure.” ~ Adolf Hitler
“The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. ” ~ Adolf Hitler
“Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. ” ~ Adolf Hitler
“The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity.” ~ Adolf Hitler
“Bolshevism practises a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them. In the ancient world,” ~ Adolf Hitler
“The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity. ” ~ Adolf Hitler
“Christianity is a prototype of Bolshevism: the mobilisation by the Jew of the masses of slaves with the object of undermining society.” ~ Adolf Hitler
” Christianity was merely an incarnation of Bolshevism the destroyer. ” ~ Adolf Hitler
Please don’t bring in Richard Carrier’s work to prove that Table talks were haox, the reason why Richard Carrier wanted to prove it as hoax because Richard Carrier believed in Holohoax and he was HARDCORE Atheist, from Hitler’s table talk Carrier came to the false conclusion that Hitler was an Atheist, so Richard Carrier wanted to prove only a religious man can carry out the genocide(HOLOHOAX), overall Richard Carrier’s work is to slander Hitler, But people like yourself being unaware of this fact you bring in his work into the argument.
I hope you will answer my ORIGINAL QUESTION and address all those statements from Table talks, since you accepted them for argument’s sake.
You say…
“I am sorry to say, Jesus was not Aryan, He was circumcised which is a jewish Procedure which is to be carried out to all the newborns on their 8th day, in which world the act of circumcision is the practice of Aryan family???????
You yourself made a big series of video explaining the negative effects of circumcision, didn’t you? ”
This shows your hellish mentality. It is not shared by Prabhupada nor Hitler. I have no interest in discussing further. Your mentality towards Jesus is hellish or rather jewish. Hare Krishna. I have better more important work to do rather than discussing with someone who thinks he knows what is Aryan but is actually totally ignorant of the subject matter. Neither are you humble to learn so please go away and be happy in the feeling you “defeated me”.
>”. I have better more important work to do rather than discussing with someone who thinks he knows what is Aryan but is actually totally ignorant of the subject matter”
I atleast know what is not Aryan,
Circumcsion is not Aryan
Usury is not Aryan
Pimping is not Aryan
Expecting gentiles to lick the dust of (((their))) feet is not Aryan
Infant killing is not Aryan
Ravishing other man’s wife is not Aryan
Treating a gentile woman as dog but fellow jews as “CHILDREN” is definitely Not Aryan
Pedophilia is not Aryan
Selling (((poison))) to Gentiles is not aryan.
Destroying scared sites of gentiles is not aryan.
I can go on and on,
These flith are present in (((bible))),
(((Christianity))) was not Aryan
And the ((( jesus ))) who endorsed all these is not aryan.
Now go to the corner of your room and cry.
Christ was an Aryan, and St. Paul used his doctrine to mobilise the criminal underworld and thus organise a proto-Bolsevism.
-Hitler [Table-Talk, p. 143]
There is a reason none of you big-mouthed Christians on here will ever call into Charles’ show or into the Atheist Experience – because you would get absolutely destroyed and you freaking know it. Go ahead and do it, try to proof me wrong, I could need some good laughs.
Exactly the very fabric of National Socialism was based on Christianity, every single component in National Socialism was based on Christianity.
First of all these two LETTER from Pope
written during the Third Reich completely destroy all the anti-Christian talks about Third Reich and PROVES that Third Reich was 100%, Christian led by a devout Catholic Adolf Hitler.
I would be very glad to accept your views as I also badly want Hitler to be a devout Christian, as I myself a protestant.
But Your claim “He always condemned the false representation of it.”
is totally shattered by this passage in Mein Kampf
Because Hitler regrets the VERY ADVENT of Christianity, He goes on to call Christianity as a SPIRITUAL TERROR.
When comes to being a NS or Christian. I will never give up my religion, Sorry I am no more an NS since I found out this.
I am quite sure that Hitler’s attitude towards Christianity is the reason why Germany lost the war in spite of being the Good Guys.
And who gave the right to Adolf Hitler and NSDAP to criticize the Old Testament.
Those Old Testament quotes are not much different than some passages from the Vedas. The NSDAP folks failed to see the identity theft. That the Old Testament struggles were actually perpetuated by white Aryans against the savages from evil bloodlines and that explains the harsh manners. The Canaanites that were supposed to be destroyed were actually the predecessors of modern day Jews. While the true Israelites were Aryans.
But I don’t believe the outcome of the war has nothing to do with being or not being believer in a right way. Otherwise we could conclude Abel was not a believer in a right way and God allowed Cain to kill him as punishment. Or that priests during the French revolution and Russian Bolshevik revolution were somehow not good Christians either and God wanted to punish them allowing Jews to kill them. Or that Jesus was not a good believer as he got killed as well. It does not make sense. Good people simply always get “punished” by the cosmos for some reason in this Kali Yuga or End Times we live.
Do you think Bolsheviks and the Allies were somehow “better Christians” as God allowed them to win? And their victory is now leading everyone down the drain. The good God, if it’s somewhere, does not interfere in this world and things go as they go up until some unknown threshold is exceeded.
Hitler won… as he did what he needed to do…. he protected the west for the MAN TO COME!!!
Plus, Prabhupada, the man to come predicted by Hitler as Mukunda reminds us in his response to you, was also “killed” by the jews in addition to those you mentioned…
Renegade tribute censors comments . Therefore cannot be trusted . Simple comments linking faith in Christ to valiant works showed by Thomas Stonewall Jackson. They censor anything related to Christ. Christ showed the way to unite the races against the serpent seed . Renegade obviously want to divide the races like in the prisons of america