My Message To Hitler Hating Hare Krishnas

Prabhupada on Hitler….

He was a good man… therefore I don’t believe that
he killed so many Jews in concentration camps.

So he’s advertised very adversely, but if it
is a true fact, then how he could have this
human consideration that he did not
throw the nuclear weapon?


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He was gentleman. But these people are not
gentlemen. He knew it perfectly well. He
said that “I can smash the whole world,
but I do not use that weapon.”

So these English people, they were very expert in making propaganda.
They killed Hitler by propaganda. I don’t think Hitler was so bad man.

Hitler fought very valiantly and thus displayed
the qualities of a ksatriya warrior

The song has been owned by Blink 1488, here:

This is the original by Blink 182

So funny how the original video shows a white male been totally cucked by his woman, with her going off and becoming a lesbian, totally Jewish poison. But the 1488 version really owns the song and kicks out the jew poison and transforms the song into a really inspiring WAKE UP CALL!!!



Author: Mukunda dasa

I desire to fully surrender my life and soul to Srila Prabhupada. Then I can become instrumental in assisting him with his mission of delivering all the conditioned souls to the shelter of Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai and Sri Sri Radha Krishna.

24 Replies to “My Message To Hitler Hating Hare Krishnas

  1. Mukunda – your dancing is the best part!!! What fun! But seriously, if everyone in the material world is a demon, does that mean Prabhupada was/is a demon.

    1. Hare Krishna Jeanice. It is said in Bhagavad-gita ” One who performs his duty without attachment, surrendering the results unto the Supreme God, is not affected by sinful action, as the lotus leaf is untouched by water.” Lord Krishna Bhagavad-gita 5.10.

      So when a pure devotee of God comes to this world he is in the world but not part of it, just like the lotus flower is in the water but untouched by it. Another example is the free person who goes to the prison to educate the prisoners there. He is not a prisoner like them. He is free to come and go as he desires. He is not bound by the laws of the prison house. So even though some prisoners may take him to be like them as another prisoner that is not the correct understanding. He is completely above the laws of the prison and he is only there to educate he is not there as a lawbreaker. I hope this helps. Hare Krishna. Jaya Prabhupada.

  2. Things are so confusing in this material world that a profane and pasu would never know how to separate garlic from shellfish. This kali yuga age is soon to end. The devas are near.

  3. Hare Krsna if everyone is a demon then that includes yourself,don’t take this the wrong way prabhu but why not move on from Hitler give the homeless prasad or something give out prabhupadas original books,I know a lot of devotees who are good souls

  4. My first thought after reading Srila Prabhupada’s comments is that
    There is a major error in Srila Prabhupada’s statement.
    As we all know, the reason Hitler did not use the nuclear weapon is
    because the United States developed it first. Germany failed to
    develop the nuclear bomb, and that is why Hitler did not use a nuclear weapon….not because he was a gentleman…But it’s also clear why Prabhupada would support Hitler, because he attacked Britain. Britain raped India for 4 centuries, stealing all it’s gold and wealth leaving India impovrished.
    But Srila Prabhupada was right about the “demon and the demi-god” being in the same person in Kali Yuga… In Satya Yuga, the demons were on different planets, in Dwarpa Yuga, they were in different countries, in Tertha Yuga, the demon and the demigods were in different families, but in Kali Yuga, the demon and the demigod is in the same person…

  5. My first thought after reading Srila Prabhupada’s comments is that
    There is a major error in Srila Prabhupada’s statement.
    As we all know, the reason Hitler did not use the nuclear weapon is
    because the United States developed it first. Germany failed to
    develop the nuclear bomb, and that is why Hitler did not use a nuclear weapon….not because he was a gentleman…But it’s also clear why Prabhupada would support Hitler, because he attacked Britain. Britain raped India for 4 centuries, stealing all it’s gold and wealth leaving India impovrished.
    But Srila Prabhupada was right about the “demon and the demi-god” being in the same person in Kali Yuga… In Satya Yuga, the demons were on different planets, in Dwarpa Yuga, they were in different countries, in Tertha Yuga, the demon and the demigods were in different families, but in Kali Yuga, the demon and the demigod is in the same person…

  6. Hitler, Lord and Deva is/was an incarnation of Vishnu! Vishnu so loved, and Srila Prabhupad and you with Krishna and Arjuna fight at Ragnarok finishing the Battle of Kurushektra! Jai!

    Seeing Timms again today is wonderful! Thank you both again!

  7. The stupid comments here makes me feel sad. Hitler was a deva, according to Prabhupada and the vedic astrology . I study it and I know. Hitler had sun in eight house, he was a deva. Wake up. Dont be stupid go study first. Sad that so called “vedic ” spiritualists are indeed jews.

  8. There is a guarantee that those who insist the Great Divine Ones have made a mistake, or said or have done something wrong , are on their way to helliem or are already there, and their own thoughts convict them.

  9. Hi, I would like to know how and why Hare Krishna support hitler and the killing of so many people in such a brutal way? What did these people do to deserve it?

      1. The Holocaust denying video doesn’t explain why there is such hatred towards the Jews from Hare Krishnas ? It’s very sad, I thought hate krishnas was a peaceful religion

  10. Hi, The conspiracy video doesn’t explain your hate towards the Jews? Very sad, I thought Hare Krishna was a peaceful religion.

  11. It is painfull to accept that the proof that we have bein deeply corrupted with the demonic mentality is that we are living here, in this materal world. And we must be lucid on that point, in order to be able to simply start knowing ourself.
    Thank you, Mukunda dasa to dare to say so directly.
    Yes, Srila Prabhupada is our personal Divine Grace. All glories to the pure devote!

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