You can know this world is now managed by the Jew Demon Man Eaters.

Raksasa are called man-eaters, more than tigers. They, for their self-satisfaction, they can eat, I mean to say, even, even their own sons. You see? They are called raksasas. No shame. “My sense gratification should be satisfied. Never mind. You go to hell.” So this is the age. So we, we create a machine that everyone comes and becomes smashed in that machine, and my sense satisfaction is there. Although I’ll never be happy by that sense satisfaction. This is going on. You can know this world is now managed by the raksasas. Raksasa. They don’t mind what is happening. They are prepared to sacrifice everything for fulfilling their whimsical nonsense. They are called raksasa. Raksasim asurim caiva prakrtim mohinim sritah. Why they are? Now, they are very much enamored by this material beauty. Not beauty. The material civilization.

[Srila Prabhupada from a Bhagavad-gita Lecture 9.11-14, New York, November 27, 1966]


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Srimad-Bhagavatam was compiled about five thousand years ago, yet government men are referred to as Raksasas, or carnivorous demons

TRANSLATION: Government men are always like carnivorous demons called Raksasas [man-eaters]. Sometimes these government men turn against the conditioned soul and take away all his accumulated wealth. Being bereft of his life’s reserved wealth, the conditioned soul loses all enthusiasm. Indeed, it is as though he loses his life.

PURPORT: The word raja-kula-raksasa is very significant. Srimad-Bhagavatam was compiled about five thousand years ago, yet government men are referred to as Raksasas, or carnivorous demons. If government men are opposed to a person, that person will be bereft of all his riches, which he has accumulated with great care over a long period of time. Actually no one wants to pay income taxes–even government men themselves try to avoid these taxes–but at unfavorable times income taxes are exacted forcibly, and the taxpayers become very morose.

[Srila Prabhupada from Srimad Bhagavatam 5.14.16]


Author: Mukunda dasa

I desire to fully surrender my life and soul to Srila Prabhupada. Then I can become instrumental in assisting him with his mission of delivering all the conditioned souls to the shelter of Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai and Sri Sri Radha Krishna.


  1. Hare Krsna, Mukunda Dasa
    Is this not the extend of the Pandava’s and the Kaurava’s ?
    Just asking .
    jay Srila Prabhupada .

      1. in mahabharat when bhim was poisioned he fell into river and went to nagloka where raptilians used to live. but later they found bhim mother was kunti and raptilians had some relation with kunti. so he blessed bhim by offerering him the power of 10000 elephants. so raptilians may be good as well. they are also living entity struggling with 3 modes of nature. some are good some are bad. in vedic text there are several mention of demons helping humans.like maya danav helped arjuna in building his palace in indraprast. in south india there is a temple where they worship a raptilian like entity. they called them nagas , so its ot surprising there may be good ones and bad ones also.

  2. Makunda,
    Trust you’re well and it’s been a long time!
    It would be nice to know who this rabbiT is, but the ‘reptilians’ are not physical until they get inside you, as energetic beings; not unlike being possessed and they use Jews as RV vessels of sorts.

    They are dualistic meaning both good and bad; I believe the ‘reptilian’ side of God’s model where we currently reside is about them too sorting the ‘wheat from the chaff’ as is done to us as well.

    Here’s a page with a rather detailed work up on the mystery of the “8”/H; it’s one of the, if not THE most important symbols in Qabala as Pi over Pi.
    (This is why I chuckle when NotZis use the “88” in their unawareness.

    Also, why the Nazis are predominantly Jewish with a few Italians their blood brothers from a distant past. You may recall I can ID them due to have several Jewish ex’s; what started as a page on a Jewish Canadian NotZi used to shut down free speech has evolved into an entire page of Jewish ‘leaders’ of this false dialectic.


    A local NotZi a**hole was used to get free speech shut down in Florida and evidence has been found he too is Jewish; he certainly is Italian, but his mum claims he’s Jewish as well.
    “Handsome Truth” is his name and if you search BitChu for
    “Handsome Truth exposed” a ton of evidence on this shill will present.

  3. Here’s a page with an antique Masonic apron stamp that appears to be for witches as it clearly states ‘serpents’, aka demons or what you might call raksasas, can be used to kill.
    (It also has “reptilian” scrolls one of which was dated ~2000 years old from a Syrian synagogue that needs more eyeballs, hint, hint.)

    In Hindu mythology there seems to be a tight connection of Raksasa, [a type of naga?] to serpents.

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