THERE IS A LIGHT – Michael Cassidy / Average Soul

“There is a Light” w/m J. Armstrong & M. Cassidy

There is a light coming down from the face

Of the beautiful Lord far beyond outer space

So radiant and bright, shining perfectly clear

Descending in glory; removing all fear

Once in the night I did wander in pain

Praying for sunrise to see Him again

Then from great height came a vision of grace

Pure causeless mercy from a transcendent place

There is a light coming down from the face

Of the beautiful Lord far beyond outer space

Oh grant me my sight; let me stand in the rain

Of your rainbow of love, the eternal refrain

Om namo bhagavate Vasudevaya

©2000 Mangalananda Publishing



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Author: Mukunda dasa

I desire to fully surrender my life and soul to Srila Prabhupada. Then I can become instrumental in assisting him with his mission of delivering all the conditioned souls to the shelter of Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai and Sri Sri Radha Krishna.

5 Replies to “THERE IS A LIGHT – Michael Cassidy / Average Soul

  1. the song, together with the pictures….increases love for Krishna more and more :))

  2. Please check out Dr.Shiva and his videos. You can find it on Rumble. I believe he is the man to come. He is the inventor of the e-mail and he is running for U.S. presidency. He is the only U.S. presidential candidate who speaks out against Zionism very strongly. You can visit and which are his websites to learn more about his movement and get educated.

  3. Check out Dr.Shiva and his videos on Rumble. He is the inventor of the e-mail and he is running for the U.S presidency. He is the only U.S. presidential candidate that speaks out against Zionism vehemently. You can also visit his websites and and get educated and learn about the swarm and how the few elites control 8 billion people. I believe he is the man to come.

  4. Did Srila Prabhupada come to preach in the West because people there are descended from Aryans, or was it merely for the plain reason that the rest of the world emulates the West and believes that what the West does is the best? It is clear from Swami A.C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada’s following exchange that Swami Prabhupada preached in the west for the latter reason.

    From: Morning Walk, Date: Sept. 19, 1972, Location: Los Angeles
    Svarūpa Dāmodara: The Westerners in general think that whatever they do is the best.
    Prabhupāda: Eh?
    Svarūpa Dāmodara: The Westerners.
    Prabhupāda: Ah.
    Svarūpa Dāmodara: In all fields they think that whatever they do is the best.

    Prabhupāda: Yes because the whole world approves.
    Svarūpa Dāmodara: Yes.
    Prabhupāda: Now skyscraper buildings was began from America now everyone is imitating.
    Svarūpa Dāmodara: Yes.
    Prabhupāda: The flyways the highways, the sky everything. America developed the hippies they are imitating also [indistinct]. In India they are also imitating even in the very aristocratic families I’ve seen hippies cut out of one of the most rich and aristocratic families in Bombay.
    Their sons and daughters became hippies. In Nairobi I have seen that Damji he has a small mansion he is imitating hippies. When there was war, First World War, some of the High Court judges were talking about the war. They were talking friendly one English judge asked Mr Mukherjee, Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee, “Well Mr Mukherjee the Germans are getting powerful if they come what you will do?”
    He said, “Yes Sir, we will do like this, so we will welcome.” He asked, “why?” “Because you have taught us like this. Anything European must be good. The Germans are Europeans. You have taught nothing better than this and anything European is first-class. So Germans and Europeans we shall welcome.” [break]
    My movement from this angle of vision that, “these things we rejected we threw it away and how is that this Bhaktivedanta Svāmī is preaching and European and Americans are accepting?” They are appreciating only this point, not the philosophy. In every paper they discuss like that, “How is it? We rejected such kind of things that there is no necessity, it is useless throw it and now it is being accepted! By the people whom we think [indistinct].”
    That is their surprise. Here people are gradually appreciating higher subjects. Just like yesterday the lawyer came he was very much appreciative.

    Another thing to note is that white nationalists take tremendous satisfaction in the fact that their forefathers made scientific and technological advances.

    However, Swami A.C. Bhaktivenda Srila Prabhupada’s ruling and conclusions on all those inventions stated that they are time wasters and demonic pursuits because most of them attempt to provide remedies for bodily inconveniences. In order to prevent perspiration, devices like electric fans were created; nevertheless, this is only a short-term fix; the true cure is to leave this material body, which is the source of perspiration. Krishna Consciousness When compared to the so-called scientific inventions made by Westerners, consciousness is a superior technology because the solutions provided by Westerners, while scientific, are usually only temporary adjustments rather than true solutions.

    My point is that a person cannot be a follower of Swami Srila Prabhupada and a white nationalist at the same time because Swami Srila Prabhupada called the central tenet of white supremacists—that they are superior to others because their ancestors invented all technologies—gets destroyed. Therefore, it is not possible to be a follower of Swami Srila Prabhupada and a white nationalist or supremacist.

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