In this video i will discuss the fundamental reason behind the culture distorters obsession with the white race. I shall also look at how this is part of a great fight for supremacy over the earth between the forces of divine and demoniac.


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Author: Mukunda dasa

I desire to fully surrender my life and soul to Srila Prabhupada. Then I can become instrumental in assisting him with his mission of delivering all the conditioned souls to the shelter of Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai and Sri Sri Radha Krishna.


  1. It makes sense, no doubt it, what you are saying, Mukunda Prabhu. The Jews elite group controls the money and the Governments all over the world. So, how they will be destroyed and by who in order to continue the Aryan race who are following Sanatana Dharma ? Keep up the good work. Jai Srila Prabhupada. OM TAT SAT.

  2. Hi Mukunda

    Hope you keeping well, so sorry to hear of the passing of Indira and have not been in touch since, not sure even if this comment will go through as you can expect there are blockages in the libraries. This site has the big red banner on it. How I think Prabhupada opened my eyes to this type of thing today is that globally the caste system is still in place, but very perverted, many the goods we receive and luxury foods are produced by darker skinned people, people on plantations and in sweatshops, women and children, we use their land , labour and lives so the white culture is in control but in an evil way. I will also try to send you this comment via email.

    1. Hare Krishna Patrick, long time no hear. How are you keeping? Where are you now? How is Steve? What about your children?

      It is not white culture, white culture was based on the morals of Christianity and paganism. Now we have a jewish culture. They are in control of all the governments, media, banks cooperation’s etc. You should watch Europa the Last Battle. Send me your address and i can send you the DVD. Or you can watch it here on my site: https://truth.prabhupada.org.uk/europa-the-last-battle-the-full-documentary-2017

      Love Mukunda dasa.

    2. Hi Mukunda
      Who is Indira who passed away?
      I am told that after this birth I dont have any more birth as astrologers say I have mukti yoga. How will I participate in 10000 Year Satya yuga predicted by Chaitanya mahaprabhu?

      Kind regards
      Utsav Hegde

    1. Prabhupada: Yes. Saktyavesa avatara, somebody empowered by Him, not Krsna Himself. Just like Christ. Christ is also empowered incarnation. Saktyavesa avatara. Mohammed is also. Anyone who is preaching about God is empowered incarnation. Krsna-sakti vina nahi krsna nama-pracara. That is there in the Caitanya-caritamrta.

      Morning Walk March 11, 1975, London

  3. From: Lecture BG 02.11, March 04, 1966, New York
    Prabhupāda: Just like at Vṛndāvana, at Vṛndāvana, that is practical. Now here I am sitting, New York, a very great, the world’s greatest city, so magnificent city, but my heart is always hankering after that Vṛndāvana.

    Woman: Yes.

    Prabhupāda: Yes. I am not happy here.

    Woman: Yes, I know.

    Prabhupāda: I shall be very happy to return to my Vṛndāvana, that sacred place. “But then why you are . . .?” Now, because it is my duty. I have brought some message for you people. Because I am ordered by superior, my spiritual master, that “Whatever you have learned, you should go to the Western country, and you must distribute this knowledge.” So in spite of all my difficulties, all my inconveniences, I am here because I am in duty. I, I . . . that is my personal convenience: if I go and sit down at Vṛndāvana, I shall be very comfortable there, and I’ll be . . . I’ll have no anxiety, nothing of the sort. You see? But I have taken all the risk in the old age because I am in duty bound. I am in duty bound. So I have to execute my duty in spite of all my inconveniences. That is the idea.

  4. Europeans are descendant of Isrealites, not Kshatryas from India. Aryans(relatives of Isrealites) went to India, not the other way around. Brahman-Sarasvati from vedas and Abraham and Sarah in Bible share the same roots.

    Whether you eat meat or not is not very important:

    King James Bible Matthew 15:11
    “Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.”

    That’a what Jesus said. Carnivore dies has been great healer for many chronically ill. Why would God allow such healing if it was morally wrong? Nature has hierarchy, not equality.

    Also Karl Wolff said:

    Wolff: “Our Christian churches, long ago, started teaching that these (Jews) are the people of our bible, that in effect we owe our faith and culture to Jews. This is nonsense, and something Marin Luther and others us warned about. The Ahnenerbe was in a roundabout way showing the area of Palestine, Persia, India, and parts of North Africa were concentrations of our people. Our ancestors colonized wherever they settled, building great things, only one race on earth has demonstrated the ability to do these things. So it would only make sense that if God created a special people to be a light to the world, it would be a people who had the ability to explore, heal, invent, and build. No other peoples has shown all of these traits, except for one, and on such a grand stage. I firmly believe the areas of the world now populated by darker skinned Arabs were in fact, home to our people before many moved north into today’s Europe.”

    Did Hitler believe this too?

    Wolff: “In a way, Yes. In Europe as a general rule it has always been held that the bible was our book, and only our book. It did not belong to any other people; the Creator gave each race a way to honor him. Our peoples became too complacent regarding this and started sharing our faith and beliefs with others, believing this was what the Bible wanted. The Führer was Catholic, and took it as a fact God’s people were European, and no other. The Jew being an imposter who was stealing our identity and making it his own. The Führer was religious, that is why he did not drink or smoke, and believed he was sent by the Creator to heal Germany and raise up our people.”

    — 1981 interview with SS-Obergruppenführer and General of the Waffen-SS, Karl Wolff

  5. ⬆️
    fuk diü detritus of walmartia: u only wish someone were obsessed with u. wogs begin at calais lack proper vascular skin,
    u r burdened with loathsome pale opaque glabrous stinky nonveg hide .
    stinko trash– catholic = jew hardcore
    aversion to proper vegetarian life. Fi$h is Animal– do not be jealous that u cannot swim– beloved chick hen Bird is animal. Rooster is nature’s alarm clock. u lack jan concept. catholic is jew.
    stinko trash– catholic = jew hardcore
    aversion to veg.
    newsflash learn english- meat definition refer to cheeses legume nuts
    – – only fragrant Gandhara is Aryan.
    newsflash – fuehrer hitler despise christian.
    and sweet himmler darvesh keep copy of veberable Gita shastra on his person.

    breaking: gun invention– credit goes to beloved GodSon of Beloved Bharat— Afghanistan. Yes.

    u (e)roTrash r not even full 5 tattva jeev.
    ur ilk (warsaw shetl escapee)DARE abduct brahmin of Kashmir Punjab , ? two brother nations, brahmin were coerced into imparting gyan to u proven uneducable dyslexic of sliced white kleenex bread- u ppl really like yr negro chinese tschandal close at hand, like attract like.

    Also-/ u do not understand concept of hierarchy at all: u r a retard conquered by mind shackle of deuteronomy- yr ppl r all hags nags fags .

    — ycuk- u ppl r max 5000 yr removed from negro: source– maker of the 20th century whose name u r unworthy of

    Gandharan peoples are countless millions of light years separated from u white black both trash alike.
    77 iq white🗑️jew 🗑️christian 🗑️trash as reported in major newspaper of the western world northern hemispherr.

    darling schopenhauer laud Gandharan rosy Gold hue.

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